GT-Sport [Completed] ROOZ vs PRP vs SRL multi-group challenge

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by Hatfield, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Boy that required some patience lol

    @xlxy90 and @Captain_Risky_21 clearly put in a lot more practice than I did but wheel users had a huge advantage going over the mountain which was hard to overcome. Stuck it on P3 with a PB lap only to be taken out at T1 by someone who I assume couldn't see me. Disappointed that my internet issued had plagued me again. Fought my way back into the top 3 and went about chasing Risky until he made a mistake. Had a battle with him that I assume he didn't even see lol before lap traffic completely ruined my flow and sent me back to no man's land for a solid P3 finish.

    Thanks to everyone for giving this a shot and ultimately strengthining ties in the community!
    Hatfield and xlxy90 like this.
  2. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    5 laps before qually lol. Almost died when myself and xl slowed for a form finish and saw you in the results 4 seconds behind.

    For everyone else you were just erratically moving on the front straight, and when you got fastest lap we realised that you were still lapping on your end but nobody could see you lol.
  3. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I know a few could see me, When Dean was a lapped car I specifically remember punting him into the wall at forest elbow lol.

    Where did you honestly think I was when I got FL?
  4. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

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    It looked like you were still glitching on the start finish line, Risky first spotted it when we were half way up Mountain Straight. We weren't sure how long it had been there. Once you complained about blue flags, we had a rough idea on where you were as we had started lapping cars about a lap or two earlier.
    CaptainRisky21 likes this.
  5. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Does anyone have room B results please?
  6. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  7. Tristan Jones

    Tristan Jones Team Driver Gold Member

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    Well done all, good to see some comradeship between groups.

    Had some very tight racing at Dragon Trail, but missed the second race - which is a pity, with the many hours in this car I have done at this track I could have gone well. Never mind, on to the last race. I didn't do a lot of practise here, though have seem some km at this track and in this car - just not at the same time. Was a bit dissapointed to see some racers being a bit pushy - not giving racing room, blatently getting run into the wall and off track anytime there was some close racing just starting. Makes me appreciate what we have here at Rooz. I mentioned to Dynamite that BOP was still on, though him and murph insisted there was no difference anyway. I tried a few times, but they said they had clearance to use it. Clean start for most of us, couple of jump starts, had a nightmare at quarry on lap 1 though - I left plenty of room and others got pushy - i was turned around as were a few others - glad to see we got a restart. Only one jump start this time, and quarry was better. @holdenman05 was held up in traffic so I gave him some room - but then Whizz capitalised on the clean air and moved up beside me - so I couldn't get over for the cutting, and after all the shoving previously I just let him slip by, rather than try and defend. Clean pass, just wish I had made it a bit harder for him!

    Mozza got a good run out of the elbow, and got past me on the straight - didn't give an inch round the corner, and contact sent me flying off track. After giving plenty of room and staying as wide as i dared - was disappointed that the only time I saw good racing was when I conceded position. While I'm still relatively new at this - I don't get this problem in Rooz races, though admittedly do see a share of it in Sports mode.

    So all that happened before the end of lap one. I got back on track and stuck with it - though being last with a gap of 10 seconds or so in front dosn't feel promising. Turns out I caught warrior after a while on lap 3, almost tried a pass on conrod but stayed back just in case, after coming unstuck last time I didn't want to do the same to someone else. He ran himself off the road, and I passed - though next lap I came unstuck at quarry againm and realised why I was having a hard time - my brakes were set on +5, after I had been practising on -2. I caught him again by lap 9, got a good exit from hells corner and dragged him up mountain straight. He stayed on my tail for a while, but by the end of lap 13 was a munite behind. I had been catching Mozza slowly, and he must have made a mistake on the last lap, as I thought I might be able to overtake if only I had one more lap - not to be though, second last it is for me.