Season 17: No Halo's Here!!

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by Anon666, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Server04 is up with new track Kyalami.
    Will do Server03 - locked later on this arvo/evening
    Godzilla likes this.
  2. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Well done @andyo450 on another win to add to the fast growing collection, looking forward to the day I can challenge properly, awesome to have the benchmark to chase.

    Very well done @jlynn777 on stealing what I though would have been a fairly sealed 2nd place. Just couldn't find the grove on the hard tires, a bit strange as had no issues earlier on in prac but nowhere near on the pace in the race even though track grip was better. Considering my last two races before this I'm not to upset with p3, still a podium and another most consistent as well.

    Had a little bit of contact with @Bogor half way through which did some front wing damage, just an unfortunate place to catch someone in to that last chicane. Overall a good first visit to this track though :)
    c4rLo5, andyo450, marty and 2 others like this.
  3. andyo450

    andyo450 Team Driver Super ROOZ

    I had a decent race. I know Zolder fairly well which was a pretty big advantage.

    Qually was a bit messy. My laptimes were decent but I made the same mistake in either t1,2 or 3 every lap which was annoying.

    I thought I was gonna get a drive-through at the start. My car moved when I went to 1st gear. Luckily I got away with it. I got a nice start again and was able to get about a 1 sec buffer to Godzilla pretty quickly.
    I was lapping low 1:30s for about the first 8 or so laps then I found a second out of nowhere. Not much else happened.

    Well done @jlynn777 on second place. Awesome job to make up that much time on gz. Well done on third place @Godzilla.

    Next up is a track I don't know in the slightest so that should be fun.

    Yea nah.
    Although Race 2 at Zandvoort was pretty fun.
  4. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    WD @jlynn777 great result for you and TTB ;) Top 5 spots are interesting!
    jlynn777, c4rLo5 and Godzilla like this.
  5. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Those consistency points sure do help :)
    Rolz likes this.
  6. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Just gonna chime in here and say I like the new points system. Have been following the rounds loosely and I feel the current standings are a better representation of the gaps in the field.
  7. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    yeah the battle for 2nd really is going to be anyone in the top 5 (after andy) :thumbsup:
    tezpez85 likes this.
  8. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Sorry guys, some last minute work has come up so i won't be able to race tonight. Hopefully I can make the last round next week. Have a good one all!
  9. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

  10. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Server 04 has imola1972 up, will do race distance in a few days
  11. jlynn777

    jlynn777 Team Driver

    I had a shocker and the world has now re balanced itself out :p
    Just didn't feel comfortable with my setup and kept loosing the rear on corner entry. Sorry for hitting you in the second sprint @TheStig13 I had a half spin there and dropped it down 2 gears when I re-joined, lit up the rears and speared in your direction :oops:
    Highlights were having a movie style car chase scene when I drove under @Godzilla doing a full 360 in the air in the first sprint attempt :cool: And also leading 1 lap of the second sprint before @Parkour devoured me :roflmao:
    That second sprint was the first time I've retired :cry: I was just so frustrated with the car/myself, had half spun 2 or 3 times, had some steering damage and I went to pit but ended up getting stuck in a wall just outside of the pit entry so there was no point resetting :thumbsdown:
    Didn't see what happened in that second sprint but well done @Parkour keeping @andyo450 behind!
    That second place in the championship is a nail biter! :eek:
  12. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    WD to @andyo450 and @Parkour for the wins!

    Q1 - My track PB to qualify 3rd so would be tough to be disappointed with that effort
    R1 - Disastrous start... again... me and starts in this car suck... all the way to 7th, but then actually had fun coming back... was glad to actually catch up to @tezpez85, @Parkour and @Godzilla they were having some ding-dong battles for 2nd... some too close to call incidents with a few laps to go between tez, godz and me... I am sorry for the final spin there tez that really popped ur race...
    R2 - was good fun, didn't have top speed like some of the other guys, but still had fun! Stole 3rd thanks to hardware issue Godz had... bad luck mate, hope u have that now sorted.

    Last race of the season next week! Probably the closest (and most ppl) we've had a battle for 2/3 positions since I've joined... was it the new points setup or just close racing... will see next season if that continues :thumbsup:

    That reminds me I should start some votes again for S18
    Parkour, Godzilla, tezpez85 and 3 others like this.
  13. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Oh that was you! For some reason I thought it was Godzilla. Like I said, no wakkas, obviously not intentional.

    R1: Decent start, in the first 9 or so laps I could take a tenth / lose a tenth per lap against @Andy. The remaining laps were horrendous. I didn't do a race sim and the rear left did not cope well after the first 8-9 laps, twitches everywhere. This drew me back to the chasers and eventually got tagged due to my cars erratic behaviour. @Rolz, @Parkour, and @Godzilla were much faster in the closing stages anyhoo. 'Grats to cyborg Andy.

    R2: Tried stiffening the rollbars and going for a slightly more locked diff. Helped in terms of car stability, but on the lap where I took back a position from I think @Rolz after turn 1, I was off line and got onto the throttle on the kerb, hit a wobble and into the wall it was. Good stuff by @Parkour to hold off a charging @Andy
  14. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    oh no Godz got ya first... I just seemed to be part of the 1-2 combo to finish you off :(
    Godzilla and tezpez85 like this.
  15. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    andyo450 and Rolz like this.
  16. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Yeah, I was the one that gave you the initial tap there @tezpez85 , I went for the power at about the same moment as it looked like you lost some traction coming off the inside curb, sorry about that, does not feel good to take a place that way at all. Didn't realize @Rolz got in on the action of beating you up also :)

    Felt like an uphill battle from quali onward for me due to some hardware issues creeping in that I didnt have through the week. Throttle pedal wasn't working fully and missing some top speed for it, ended up well off my pb and further back then I wanted as the Ferrari launches well, unless you have Rolz's Ferrari :) Managed to make up some places at the start and keep it fairly consistent but lack of top speed was hurting as my aero was set very low so couldn't really make time in the corners. A few laps before nudging tez I managed to shift from 2nd back to first while going for 3rd, that did wonders for my engine as well. Happy to make it through all that and get 2nd somehow, some really hard and close racing for most of that one.

    Race two started well and everything felt better then race one, no damage helps and seemed like the throttle decided to play ball as I was hitting the limiter as intended at the end of the straight now. Didnt think I would catch Rolz but he gifted me a place with a small off at T2. Sadly with a few laps to go my Rift sensor disconnected and I lost the screen for about 5 seconds, luckily happened on the straight and I managed to slow it down and not hit anything. When I got the screen back I saw Rolz's Ferrari flying past. Annoying but just happy to finish that one and dont think it cost me for the round placing in the end.

    Well done to @andyo450 and yet another win, one more and its another clean sweep.
    Great work @Parkour to hold andy off there in race two, certainly no easy thing to do.
    andyo450, Parkour, Rolz and 2 others like this.
  17. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    Sorry guys for not racing but as I had only 1 round where I didnt blow a gearbox, I had little motivation to learn another track for a race I most likely wont finish. No idea why as I like the cars and had no issues with them in the past but seemed like I have a modern McLaren setup for Mark Webber. ;)

    The missed gears are so random that I dont know how I can avoid it other then switching to sequential but I prefer a shifter and didnt want to relearn the car with paddles now. I probably will skip the next round too but will try make the next season.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
  18. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    How do you have the start and end set up for your clutch in the AC settings? Mine starts at 10 and finishes st 35 or there abouts, gives roughly the same travel and a quick bite point as most race clutches. If your travel is too long you may be shifting faster then pushing the clutch so it’s grinding away...
    c4rLo5 likes this.
  19. jlynn777

    jlynn777 Team Driver

    Maaaaaayte, I could do 2 seasons in this car and you would still be faster than me with your first go. Put the paddles on and race me ;)
    c4rLo5 likes this.
  20. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Man, seems weird. I have none of these gearbox issues everyone's talking about... I have a TH8A shifter and works just fine. Anyone else having dramas?