Season 19 - Tatuus FA01

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by Rolz, May 4, 2019.

  1. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Welcome Welcome!!
    This season we will be running the Tatuus FA01

    Skins - TBA

    As always the Raceonoz servers will be up for practice and once teams have been sorted, convo's will be started.
    This season will run as per last season in most respects, including running multiple compounds and a full reverse grid for sprint rounds.

    For those new to our fine forum, please read the Code of Conduct and Racers Guide, both good reads and worth a second look if it's been a while.

    The plan will be to have the rooms open from 8.30pm AEST and to start qualifying at 9pm. There will be 10-15 minutes of qualifying depending on the length of the track, and then into the race, usually around 45 minutes. We will be running 1 room again this season so tracks are again being considered that can cater for 30 drivers.

    There will be enough slots and rooms available for practice during the week. There will still be an individual and team championship as per previous seasons.

    We usually have a prize draw at the end of the season. Please go to the sponsorship section for more info.

    Compulsory pit stops and tire change for normal and enduro rounds only.

    SEASON 19:

    6/5 - Round 1
    13/5 - Round 2
    20/5 - Round 3
    27/5 - Round 4
    3/6 - Round 5
    10/6 - Round 6
    17/6 - Round 7

    Round 1: 6/5/19
    Normal Round - Chang International
    Fuel and Tyres - Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for a 45min race, will put up soon

    Round 2: 13/5/19
    Sprint Round - MoSport
    Fuel and Tyres - No Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for 2x 22min race, will put up soon

    Round 3: 20/5/19
    Normal Round - Barcelona GP
    Fuel and Tyres - Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for a 45min race, will put up soon

    Round 4: 27/5/19
    Normal Round - Spa
    Fuel and Tyres - Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for a 90min race, will put up soon (Enduro Round!)

    Round 5: 3/6/19

    Sprint Round - Sentul International
    Fuel and Tyres - No Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for 2x 22min race, will put up soon

    Round 6: 10/6/19
    Normal Round - Imola
    Fuel and Tyres - Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for a 45min race, will put up soon

    Round 7: 17/6/19
    Normal Round - Laguna Seca
    Fuel and Tyres - No Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for a 2x22min race, will put up soon

    STRACKER Server -

    The points system will be managed by our masters of charts, and will be posted within the ladder section at the top of the website, and updated weekly. The points will be distributed as per position table included with championship ladder.

    This season will also see us using a bonus point system with Fastest Lap (FL) and Most Consistent (MC) for each room gaining an extra point. ie Win+MC+FL=Win +2 points for the round. MC will be as per simresults, with highest gross MC across both sprint races used for determining overall MC.

    There is a provision for a drop round this season. Every driver will have their worst performance dropped from their overall championship total.

    The sprint round this season will see a full qual and practise session for the first race, and a 10min qual only for race 2. The points will be distributed to each driver for both races to come up with placings for the entire round. REVERSE GRID RACE 2 - HALF POINTS! Where 2 drivers finish on the same points, the driver who finishes in a higher place over the 2 races will be given the higher placing. Where this is the same, the driver with the fastest lap over the 2 races will finish in the higher position for the round. FL and MC bonus points will be given to the driver(s) with the best result over the 2 races.

    Ballast System is not in effect this season.

    Teams Championship not in effect this season.

    Voice chat
    This season we will be using DISCORD so get the app and keep an eye out for the instant invites if you haven't been in the Raceonoz server yet. The permalink is still working:

    Skins (Liveries):
    If you wish to run your own skin, great. We would love to see the teams running their own skins again this season. Please get them to us ASAP.

    Drivers Registered so far.

    @cameron beller
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2019
    jlynn777 likes this.
  2. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Hey, last round is on my birthday :)
  3. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Ok server04 is up for just a short 5 lap race... will do a few laps to determine race distance... should have that done tonight...
  4. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Server05 has race distance - 26 laps forced pit between laps 1-25
    Don't forget to change compounds too this race
    Godzilla likes this.
  5. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hey great job putting this altogether @Rolz love your work mate :thumbsup: sorry I am behind the eight ball on the teams, will have it sorted with the results today/tomorrow.
    Rolz likes this.
  6. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Throwback to season 1 with this car - hope to see it create more great racing. :thumbsup:
    jlynn777 and Rolz like this.
  7. jlynn777

    jlynn777 Team Driver

    Nice skin haha!
    KoAStR likes this.
  8. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

  9. Mael

    Mael Professional

    I'll put my hand up for that one Jason, watched the replay of our contact and I certainly drifted towards your side. Bit of a loss of concentration as it certainly was not intentional. Can also confirm walls are harder than a Tatuus which ultimately ended my race.

    Until then was a very good race :)
    jasondull1986 and krunch like this.
  10. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Pretty disappointed I missed this one, have wanted to race the Tatuus for ages. How was the ping tonight?
  11. Bogor

    Bogor Team Driver

    I had a pretty crap race.
    Was doing well for the first 2 laps until I spun on turn 1 and took out Cameron, sorry for that mate.
    Then 6 laps in crew chief tells me I have 2 laps of fuel left. Turns out I forgot to put in the 18 laps of fuel I was hoping to do on the mediums when working out how much fuel I needed for 8 laps on the softs. Pitted and changed to softs and put in enough fuel to finish the race. It's a shame the softs would not last that long. In hindsight I should have done a quick fuel top up then pitted again later to swap tyres. Nursed the tyres home.
    Well done to Andy, Tez and PB. I like how Andy did not do a qual lap and started at the back of the grid, then slowly ate us all up to finish 1st. Well done mate, I envy your driving skills. :)
    andyo450 and tezpez85 like this.
  12. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Server04 put up for
    Round 2: 13/5/19
    Sprint Round - MoSport
    Fuel and Tyres - No Forced Pit.
    Laps enough for 2x 22min race, will put up soon
  13. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Qualli was good, but the race was one to forget unfortunately, riddled with costly mistakes and punted @c4rLo5 when I thought I saw a gap which closed very quickly - sorry mate. Was good racing up til that point. Congratulations to @Andy for walking it in from the rear of the grid. Well done to @pb1 on third and @c4rLo5 for getting back to finishing right behind him.
    andyo450 and c4rLo5 like this.
  14. jlynn777

    jlynn777 Team Driver

    Sounds like most of us had a shocker! Went for hards for the start and came out of T1 backwards (think @Mael and I did the same thing). Managed to catch up to the back of the pack after a while but then I lost it at T1 again on lap 6 and bent my steering. Not realising my tyres app was bluffing to me about the mediums only lasting 8 laps during prac, I soldiered on sticking with my plan to pit lap 20 ish...until I saw everyone on the mediums pitting over half jumped in the pits but the repair took forever and was a long way back after that.
    Being such a great car and track I was fuming I that I barely got to race anyone - thanks to my incompetence.
    Can that just be a practice round? ;)
    krunch, andyo450 and tezpez85 like this.
  15. c4rLo5

    c4rLo5 Team Driver Gold Member

    All good @tezpez85 , didn't have the pace to keep up with you anyway but it was fun regardless. I think it would have been boring for @andyo450 if he actually qualified :alien: Congrats on the win again. Bad luck @Mael after a great quali time. Looking forward to this season, should be a fun car to have some closer racing.
    jlynn777, andyo450 and tezpez85 like this.
  16. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Well done Andy on last to first, and Tez - even with mistakes you still fought back to take 2nd. Nice job PB on your first podium.
    I was certainly lucky with that race.
    I hadn't realised it was the night for round 1 until I checked the forum to see if there was a fun run (oops)...

    I then had to scramble to download the track in time which of course wasn't terribly quick from good ol' RaceDept...

    I made it into the server in time to do 1 prac lap. I've never seen that track before so I used qualy as prac and expected to start at the back - which I did apart from Andy who'd not done a qual lap presumably to spice up his race :). I then quickly setup a pit strat after hearing a few comments about tyre life. I decided I'd see if the mediums could do 19 or 20 laps and then do softs to the finish.

    It worked. The mediums got a bit angry at me by about lap 15...
    ...but they held in there till I pitted on lap 19. The new softs were fun and I punched out a few PB's before I took the edge off them.

    So guess who led the race for 5 laps! yay I'll take that stat :sneaky:. That was thanks to my long first stint and lucky avoidance of trouble which saw me pit later than anyone else haha! Lucky for me the Tatuus has a nice default setup and is quite forgiving so my lack of practice didn't bite too hard. Same with the track which at least had good visibility for all corners so it wasn't too hard to learn (didn't master it though).

    Now with a guaranteed top 10 finish (as long as you finished) I was very happy to end up 5th. The fact that I was 5th by T2 on the first lap doesn't mean it was all flowers and girly winks though! I had some cool battles with Cameron and Andy and there seemed to be plenty of other battles going on throughout the race which really bodes well for this season in this car I think.

    That race marked the first league race with my new Fanatec setup. Moving from the trusty old G27 after nearly a decade to the Elite Wheel and Elite pedals with load cell brake is like night and day! Love these things. Maybe I'll get a direct drive wheel and hydraulic pedals in another 10 years time ;)

    Hope to see everyone on the server this week.
    Peter Wise, Rolz, jlynn777 and 4 others like this.
  17. pb1

    pb1 Rookie

    The fact that I got most consistent... I think y'all need to have a long hard look at yourselves ;). Great race, but possibly because of where I finished. At one point was looking at second, thanks @tezpez85, but I'm not racing you nor @andyo450.. I had a mad brake foot cramp about 10 from the end that I had to manage to the chequered flag and @carlos-pt was steadily reeling me in, but I remembered the Mind Head mantra

    @Mael did I make contact with you in T1 off the start? I didn't get any contact, but you spun right in front of me. If there was a tap it never registered for me, but sorry if so.
  18. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Haha nice write ups. :laugh: yeew @krunch glad you're enjoying the new fanatec CSL kit it's nice kit hey! so smooth and quiet compared to the logitech. :thumbsup:

    I won't bother with the teams championship this season on account of numbers being a bit low to make it worthwhile..... so on that note will hold off until next week to post results as I'm pretty sure y'all know where you stand after 1 race :roflmao: but by all means set up team chats to share setups etc.
    krunch and andyo450 like this.
  19. andyo450

    andyo450 Team Driver Super ROOZ

    Thats a fun little track. I havent driven that one before. Its pretty easy to learn so I got up to speed pretty quickly apart from t6.

    I got sidetracked during qually and had about 1 min left when i got back.

    I made a few errors early on but got into the groove after a few laps. Had some good battles with a few guys. The slipstream was pretty strong in this car which spices things up. That and the brakes being on a bit of a knife edge made the battles good fun.
    Tez made a bit of an error that dropped him behind pb and c4rLo5 so I made a bit of ground on those three while they were battling. After the pitstops i came out second but Tez made a small error on his outlap which let me past. I managed to build a tiny gap while his tyres came up to temp then it was a matter of trying to keep him out of slipstream range.

    Wd @tezpez85 on 2nd and @pb1 on your first podium. Nice work.
    It should be a nice close season in this car, looking forward to it.
    tezpez85, Rolz and jlynn777 like this.
  20. jasondull1986

    jasondull1986 Professional

    PSN ID
    All good mate was a shame after making it through turn 1 side by side was a good battle. It through you into the wall pretty bad.