Season 13 - Division 2

Discussion in 'PCLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

    My race was one of those that could of been.

    My qualifying lap was terrible and started in 12th (which became 11th after prodigy DSC)
    Rolling start after a few headaches in the first start and we where underway.
    I was slowly coming through the field with some great battles on the way pitted end of lap 7 with a cracking in lap only to spin half way through my out lap got going and came around to a few cars in pit with Gary exiting pits as I came around turn 1. We ran down the hill side by side and I thought this is going to be interesting but Gary lifted and let me through.
    I pushed on hard only to spin at turn 1 got going again and pushed hard. I was making ground on the cars up front but had another moment.
    With about 5 laps to go I was having a great battle with natman with Winchester just Infront we traded places a couple of times then natman had a moment and so did I clipping his back end sending me off then sparky closed in and Winchester and natman both had trouble at the right hander onto the back straight but got going just Infront of us. The last half of the last lap was very scrappy but nobody really caused too much trouble for anyone.
    I finished in 6th 29sec off the leaders. I think I would of been in with a real chance if it wasn't for my spins. But to finish first first you must finish.
    Great fun congratulations turbo on the win and DJ and Brent on the podiums (good points for our team gents).
    Catch you on track
    garyw61 and dj2ca like this.
  2. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Last edited: Nov 29, 2020
    ckj33, Anthonyb, Dazza and 4 others like this.
  3. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    So fun. Stressful, but fun.
    garyw61, Anthonyb and dj2ca like this.
  4. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Agree 100%
    disturboed, garyw61 and Anthonyb like this.
  5. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Welp, that was a pretty rubbish round. Did manage to grab pole though.

    Got a good start and led away, but by lap 3 DJ & Sparky made their way through and I couldn't keep up with them. Really struggling for pace I dropped further and further behind, eventually dropping down he order and finishing in about 9th spot.

    2nd race started ok, but got beat up a fair bit and was back toward the rear of grid by half way through first lap. Was making some ground, but by lap 9 or so I just got disconnected.

    Oh well, thank goodness for drop rounds.
    dj2ca and Anthonyb like this.
  6. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Yeah that sucks mate, I saw you disconnect and heart sank. It's one thing to do badly because of our own driving or whatnot but a DSC is a really unfair way to go.
  7. Dazza

    Dazza Rookie Gold Member

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    Well another sprint round completed
    Race 1 was fun got out in front due to Turbos bad luck was holding 1st until i started to watch the mirror to much with Dj chasing me down. But great win there Dj
    Race 2 were do I start :( had the pace, just not the skill to keep it up with the front runners
    Great thing to come from it both races Fastest laps :ninja:
    Cant wait for next race Monza
    Thanks guys :thumbsup:
  8. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Once again I don't remember much lol. I managed to get through the pack in race 1 and began chasing Sparky down, I had a half spin coming out of T1 and thought I had lost him, only to find that when I was facing the right way again Sparky wasn't. Bad luck there mate, you had very decent pace. He chased me down again only to get some aero wash and another moment, allowing me to drive to the finish line.

    Race 2 seemed pretty messy for a lot of people. I was pushed wide into the pit lane at one point but managed to gather it up ok. Coming through the 12/13 complex I had a run on Gaz but backed out of it knowing he might come across my nose, we had some contact and he came off second best. Sorry about that mate. Was slapped around a fair bit for the remainder of the race so I thought it best to just yield in the end.

    Thanks for reaching racing guys
    disturboed, garyw61 and Dazza like this.
  9. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

  10. Dazza

    Dazza Rookie Gold Member

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    What a night, My first pole and Win for the season :)
    I got thru corner 1 clean and just put my nose down as I know all the cars behind me where quicker in a straight line with draft. So I needed to make all my corners clean and fast, No about 90% of them were but I didnt look in the mirror and pressed on
    The only car I saw was Antbark having a bad night something I remember well :laugh:
    But a big congrats to Disturboed and Gazza for there podiums and Antbark for the fastest Lap
    Big thank you to everyone else, We will see you in China for the 12hr :ninja:
  11. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Solid result this week, Q5 and finished P2.

    Drove reasonably consistent all race, only made a few minor errors and track run offs which luckily didn't cost me positions. Was able to move up the order due to others mistakes at various points, and led for a number of laps when Sparky jumped into the pits. I didn't have a nice luxurious buffer to the guys behind me though so I opted to not take tyres which was risky but I didn't pit unti 3 laps from the end. By this stage Sparky had built up an insurmountable lead (he had gobs of pace I didn't right from the start).

    Was able to fend off a few challenges such as Prodigy and Gary and DJ at different points, knowing when to let them past if need be and when to grab the spot back.

    Well done to @Dazza on the victory and @garyw61 for rounding out the podium with me. Commiserations to @Anthonyb and @dj2ca for their bad luck.

    Final round next week, lez go!
    garyw61, Dazza, dj2ca and 1 other person like this.
  12. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Dazza, Anthonyb and garyw61 like this.
  13. natmanscoop

    natmanscoop Professional Gold Member

    Missed the start by about 5 secs putting fuel into the strategy, D'oh! Not to worry, an enduro at one of my most detested circuits is hardly disappointing to miss out on. :p

    Congrats on the championship @disturboed it was well deserved. :thumbsup:
    Thanks to the room captains too for keeping the show rolling. :thumbsup:
    stucar17, garyw61 and Anthonyb like this.
  14. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Wow, what a season that was. Immensely enjoyable, some fantastic racing and great battles. Thankyou everybody that joined in. Being able to take the Div 2 championship is very satisfying, especially against such quality comptetition. Funnily enough, my only other championship win was in the other Caterham. Go figure.

    As for the last race, well it was a sorely disappointing result for me, especially after I 100% believe I had the best qualifying session of my season to grab pole position and better my PB by a full 4 tenths.

    Got a great start and led the pack away, Brenticles was right behind, and I managed to pull a small but effective gap which slowly extended to about 3 seconds, but he was always right there if i had a little wobble. I was feeling comfortable and was settling in to run the the car dry on fuel before pitting, even adjusting my strategy to lower the refuel amount as I wasn't using as much. All was good 18 laps in.

    Then, it started. My brake pedal started to flicker a little. Not much wasn't that noticeable, push on. Then it started getting a bit more and actually enough to affect the acceleration and handling of the car. I started loosing lap time and Brenticles closed in. The issue caused me to go very deep into one of the hairpins and Brenticles got past me into the lead. I followed him for a short while content to sit behind and try and apply a bit of pressure rather than make any risky moves, when he ran slightly wide on the exit of final turn compromising his straight line speed which allowed me back through. I pulled the gap out again to just over 2 seconds, but then disaster as the brake issue hit again this time as I was hitting the apex to the first hairpin. The effect of having the brakes half on while under full acceleration caused me to understeer badly, and I couldn't quite keep it off the grass and I spun across the track face first into the wall. Then it wouldn't reverse properly as the brakes were stuck and it just sat there wheelspinning. I got back facing the right way eventually, but now down in 4th spot 15 seconds behind Brenticles. And it never got any better from there.

    This was about lap 22 or so. The brakes were going bananas and my tyre wear started going through the roof. It was certainly a handful to keep on line. I was loosing around 2-3 seconds a lap in lap time based on what I had been doing. I pitted maybe 2 laps earlier than I planned to see if I could get some sort of undercut as I was trying to manage the brake pedal and stop it sticking. It didn't really work, as even on 4 fresh new tyres, I was still 2 seconds a lap slower than I was at the start of the race. I started to slowly drop away, and eventually into the clutches of Anth who passed me with only a lap or two remaining as he closed down a 20 second deficit. So I finished in 5th.

    Well done to eventual winner Gary, and also sparky and brenticles on the podium. So bummed I couldn't be up there, cause that was a cracking race going on up front in that second stint.
  15. Bounty05

    Bounty05 Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  16. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

    garyw61 and Bounty05 like this.
  17. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Congratulations to all our PCARS drivers for yet another successful season of racing, sponsored by
    Selby Acoustics

    Div 1 it was Downshift taking the championship with TT1309 in 2nd and Stu170773 in 3rd, just 16 points in it.
    Div 2 Disturboed was a 20 point winner over Sparkygod in second and Brenticles in second.
    Div 3 Tuddy was the champion from Fatmix in 2nd and Micmansour in 3rd just 3 points behind
    Div 4 saw an amazing championship fight that was determined on the last night. Andy was the champion by 1 point over new member Bertie1035, with RockyNZ in third just 15 points behind.

    As always, i have to thank all our room hosts, captains and those who helped with replays and recording results. HUGE thanks to bounty for doing our point scores again, even when he wasnt racing in our series.

    Thanks to AD2mny, Gazza and AYKAY for their help in the stewards group.

    As the last season for what has been a crazy 2020, we must also thank our sponsors who have been great again this year.
    PAGNIAN, The Gamesmen, SELBY ACOUSTICS,, Sportility, Medomonen Racig Community

    Finally, we wish all our drivers and supporters and streamers a great xmas and new year. Hopefully 2021 isnt quite as crazy, and we see you all back, new members as well, for some great racing on whatever platform you enjoy the most !
  18. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

  19. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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