I can be back up host, just let me know what I need to do. My connection is pretty solid. FTTC NBN with Ethernet to playstation.
I'll join in if you need me to make up the numbers to race
Try PC Case Gear, they have systems from mild to wild lol eg https://www.pccasegear.com/products/40275/pccg-master-1080-gaming-system...
Yeah I reckon I need to get back into it, life has been a bit busy but im sure I can make time for next season. When, what where? Lol
crisis averted lol, had to go into steam,big picture mode, controller options and disable all controller support then restart steam. back to normal...
Hi guys, I haven't touched the sim rig in a few months and thought it would be great to turn some bathurst laps before the big race on sunday. So i...