ASSETTO CORSA Season 10: Ahh, Porsche It! (Get up on this...911)

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by Anon666, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    thats sounding ok, but possible extend the lap gain slightly as there will be probably 2-3 that would jump onto the test server to test... I would wait for feedback from my esteemed racing colleagues on their thoughts :)
  2. David Brister

    David Brister Team Driver

    That i think was my best race yet since joining Raconoz. i have driven the track very often in a range of cars over the years, a couple of small tips, thank you, had me running pretty consistent pace with a 98.04% there were 10 other drivers with slightly lower consistency. My goal was to not be lapped, figured i was 9-10sec off the pace if i was on good lap, but i fell short by 3/4 of a lap, but still really happy with my race, managed to reach 25th place before pitting on lap 11, Drift was just up the road and the gap would open and close, but couldnt catch up. Finishing 28th and and qualifying 31st from 32 im really stoked with. So nice not to finish last for a change, i worked hard and was sweating my arse off drving that thing.

    Loving the big fields, cheers guys cya on track!!!
    skywalker, Spidey_11, Anon666 and 5 others like this.
  3. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    They say when in Rome do as the Romans do. So when in Belgium you should drink beer, eat chocolate and be merry! Bah us Aussies and Kiwis never do that sort of stuff right? We'd rather just tear around their best racetrack in 30+ angry Porsches! Yeeeaaahhh!

    Now last week at Barge-alona I have to admit I was definitely the angriest component of my Porsche. The early laps were not good to me. After being biffed, barged, bounced and bingled into the shape of a Beetle, my face took on more than one shade of red. In fact I may have even said a word or two over Discord about my disapproval (something @Anon666 picked up on God bless his kindly heart :). But the fact is my race hadn't been ended and I still had decent pace even with the damage. Getting fired up kinda worked too and I raced pretty well until the server had it's hissy fit and played ping-pong with us all. So in the end not a bad result finishing 12th.

    Now, back to Spa-Francorchamps (BTW would love to hear @Cherno 's eurospeak of that - you need an umbrella when he says Barcelona). I love the scale of the track and that car seemed to suit it really well. A really enjoyable combination I reckon. The trouble is I think I was sightseeing a bit too much and I stuffed up my qualifying. The combination of lower grip, forgetting my qualy fuel calculations due to the server reset (schoolboy error on my part - no blame on QC) and looking at the scenery brought me undone. I ran out of fuel on my 2nd fast lap and then made a couple of errors on my next one before I ran out of time to get another one in. Botched!. So 3 secs off my PB slotted me into 20th. Wonderful.

    Just before the start @spita84 's car was removed from the grid in front of me (bad luck mate) which gave me more room ahead. I got a good getaway so I made use of the extra space Spita had left and moved up a spot or two. I fully expected compressed carnage at T1, followed by high speed carnage at Eau Rouge, then some 4 wide carnage up Kemmel Straight followed by some lingering carnage at Les Combes. Clearly I'm no Nostradarmis so never ask me for Lotto numbers. Somehow we all got through T1 cleanly and although after that there were a few incidents, you wouldn't call it carnage (if you would then please submit your evidence in writing to PO Box Youarewrong, Notinterested, NFI, 4321). Well done all.

    Going through Eau Rouge I had a decent run while some others around me were baulked. Heading up the straight I had to back off to avoid contact but managed to get to the inside and still had enough speed to get another spot or two. By the end of lap 2 I was in 14th spot - yay who needs qualifying? Now all I had to do was stay cool, stay focused and minimise mistakes for another 17 laps!

    As I pushed my pit-stop as late as possible I felt the tyres dropping off badly. I tried to keep it as smooth as Belgian chocolate but all I managed was Cadbury Dairy Milk - at least it wasn't Rocky Road! I avoided leaving strips of licorice around the track which might have sent me into the Stix, but it certainly was no Picnic. Finally on lap 13 I said to myself "have a break, have a ... pit-stop!" Snap! Now some of you Smarties might say I should have grabbed some Aero while I was there but when you are refueling the last thing you need is bubbles of nothing! The new tyres definitely gave me a Boost though.

    After the Kit-stop... er I mean Pit-stop I had space around me so it was a case of keeping consistent and hoping to make up some spots if others made mistakes. I had a couple of moments with some back-markers but it worked out Ok and I came home to finish.. erm 12th again. Quite happy with that :).

    Now where'd I put my packet of Jaffas...
  4. tezpez85

    tezpez85 Professional Gold Member

    Damn! Chocolate bar pun game is strong
    krunch likes this.
  5. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Yeah, not sure I got any of it but I am hungry...
    krunch and Rolz like this.
  6. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hah love your work Krunch!

    Really good to be back after missing last week. So after that and being away pre-season was feeling behind the 8 ball so put in a good effort to get familiar with driving and tuning the car this week. Good thing too as even with ballast there was some flaming pace out there.

    Loved the big grid but had a pretty stuttery start to the race (maybe need to review some graphics settings) and took a while to come up to pace. Not sure if it was nerves or input lag while the grid was still condensed. Meanwhile lost a pos to Shaun, had Rotor breathing down my neck, and the prospect of catching Ed seemed distant. But, finding my groove after the stop managed to relieve the pressure from Rotor and to my surprise started catching the seemingly unstoppable Ed. Delighted to keep it together for a final lap pass.

    Top class all round, and rad there was a live audience! Thanks to those that graciously made way for the leaders incident free.

    Results tables coming soon....
  7. Peter Wise

    Peter Wise Professional

    PSN ID
    copperj32. Steam: copperj32
    A few pics from the start of Race 2 at Spa (Got bored at work yesterday)
    32 cars waiting for the lights
    Lights Out
    ED40T Leading into Eau Rouge
    krunch, David Brister, KoAStR and 5 others like this.
  8. R0T0R-AU86

    R0T0R-AU86 Team Driver

    PSN ID

    Well - I am thinking next week I might live stream from my Oculus if there is enough interest! :)
    Spidey_11, AOCleaner74 and Anon666 like this.
  9. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    If you start from the back... maybe :roflmao:
    Mael, Spidey_11 and The_Spectre like this.
  10. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Spidey's race highlights :)
    David Brister, bbhrt, krunch and 4 others like this.
  11. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Nice work Spidey! Hey what's the name of the app ur running that has the time differences between cars?
  12. Cherno

    Cherno Team Driver Gold Member

    I'd do it for you mate but I'm scared I'd bite my bloddy tounge off with all those s's!
    krunch likes this.
  13. Cherno

    Cherno Team Driver Gold Member

    Awesome vid Spidey.
    You should post it up on Reddit to r/simracing and r/assettocorsa if your after some more viewers. Might even get a few new recruits for the league too.
    David Brister, Rolz and Spidey_11 like this.
  14. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    I think that ones called realtime.
  15. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Cherno I'd love to use it to get new ppl to the site. Never thought of those sites, plus I'm not a member so will definitely look into it this week :)
    Cherno likes this.
  16. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Hi Spidey I can't seem to find it... when u can next time can u confirm name please? :)

  17. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Ye that's it called realtime it's a kunos app so you just need to turn it on from the side menu

    Unless you mean the bar across the bottom which is also a kunos app but you use F9 I think to toggle that one. Think it's referred to as race splits.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
    Rolz likes this.
  18. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Peter Wise and Anon666 like this.
  19. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  20. AlphaCharlie77

    AlphaCharlie77 New Recruit

    Still finding my feet and slowly becoming more confident racing around others but having a blast! Very impressed with how well organised the league is and the level of competition and respect across the board.
    Thanks guys, see you at Silverstone!
    ed40t, Spidey_11, The_Spectre and 2 others like this.