ACC Assetto Corsa Competizione - General Discussion

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Beau_Albert, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

    PSN ID
    iRacing: Beau Albert
    My thoughts on Assetto Corsa Competizione and where i think it fits into the SimRacing Genre and why it's a welcome change from what many recent games have been all about :)
  2. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Nice review! Good feedback from someone who know's their simracing stuff :thumbsup:
    Bring on Build 2 when I can properly try it out in VR instead of trying a few laps on my rig side monitor :roflmao:
    Beau_Albert likes this.
  3. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

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    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Sweet! someone created a thread :thumbsup:.
    For people who want to know more about Assetto Corsa Competizione I think this thread will be great. See the below images for info regarding the early access and the roadmap.

    Also if you wanted to see any of the early access (racing, menu's, options available etc.) come check out my stream tonight between 8p-9p Sydney time on twitch. Get on the chat and let me know what (limited) features you want to see.

    KoAStR likes this.
  4. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  5. PaulCox

    PaulCox Team Driver

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    How come you have to wait 2 months before each car and track comes out...Game and early reviews look fantastic but why not just finish the game and release more content...its like they ran out of money to build it so need people to buy it to finance each track build. And as there is 6 bulids does this mean the full version wont be avaliable for another year or more
  6. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I think it's a good thing. It's how AC was released also.

    They get cash flowing in early, while those who are eagre and accepting of it being beta get to make a saving on the purchase price of the full game. Alot more than just content will be going in between builds, hence the 2 month schedule. Full version will be available Q1 of 2019, but you'll save 40% by purchasing it now and have a pretty polished beta to play with in the mean time with steam taking care of updating your game automatically.

    Here's what steam and the devs have to say about the EA program which is quite common place across steam titles.

    There's a bit more of a generic early access blurb here:
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
    Spidey_11 likes this.
  7. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    only really every 4 or so weeks we get an updated build... next month we get VR support (YAY!) then the month after that will be multiplayer...
    I think it's great you have 2 solid months of feedback from the fanatics before MP comes out and it really goes wild.
    so far feedback has been pretty positive with a few bad eggs having a gripe about something...
    the did the same thing with AC and I think it worked out quite well. :)
    PaulCox, Spidey_11 and Bogor like this.
  8. PaulCox

    PaulCox Team Driver

    PSN ID
    All fair points, as im still saving for my pc im only on console at the moment which is probably where i get my attitude about a game being released before its complete, If gt sport or pcars 2 came out like that would have been a failure on the console. and heads would have been rolling.....i have to remember this isnt a game...its a SIM
    Woody and Rolz like this.
  9. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    If it was ready then it wouldn't need early access :D This just gives people that want a try to test out some of it early and also help out the devs as more testers if they want to. Your getting a discount on the final retail release and getting to try some of it early, they could have just waited til next year and then do a full release. This would likely have more bugs as a few will be picked up in early access. Also all you would get is the odd screen and teaser video.
    Bogor and KoAStR like this.
  10. PaulCox

    PaulCox Team Driver

    PSN ID
    i agree but how many time u gona run the nurburgring over the next 2 months in the same above i agreed with all points pointed out and conceeded . But if the first 3 releases are anything to go by then its 10 months to release the next 5 tracks and 5 cars. So to get the content of the first AC what do we wait the next 6 years for the full game?...sorry sim

    not arguing either here but had to reply to the quote. as stated i dont even have a pc but u saw that
  11. jasondull1986

    jasondull1986 Professional

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    I'm confused the releases on the road map graphic are monthly so should only be a month for each car and track. Did that change? Guess no mention of the final release date.
    Rolz and PaulCox like this.
  12. PaulCox

    PaulCox Team Driver

    PSN ID
    my mistake i was looking left to right
    jasondull1986 likes this.
  13. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    Honestly I have ran more laps there then I ever thought I would, its kind of more fun then I thought it would be. The cool thing also about this method of forcing everyone to one combo is that once you get a new car you will be able to see how they differ as I expect them to yet produce much the same performance which is the best part of gt3 racing. All the cars are quite different but they all end up much the same lap time potential wise. Sure BOP can be a bit hit an miss at times even in the real series but if the gap between 2 cars is .3 per lap its considered quite large.

    I really never drove gt3 cars all that much in AC but even in AC during a league season I pretty much just ran that car over the last year or so. Add to it dynamic weather and a nice end selection of machinery while everyone will get to know all tracks reasonably well. Everyone can pick their preferred car and with a ratings system that looks quite promising it will probably be quite fun in pickup server racing and league stuff.

    I expect I will run some servers once they are up and especially once its fully released, you can have a league series and if you want some casual practice it shouldn't be too hard to find that combo in decent fields number wise and strength wise in the pickup servers.

    If we have a decent enough presence in terms of ROOZ ACC practice servers with good standard of racing we should get some good numbers. I heard they are aiming at 60 car grids in ACC so anywhere near that in local league races will be more then they get for most blancpain sprint rounds. These only get 20-24 cars with the endures getting 60+ I think most rounds.
    jlynn777, Spidey_11 and KoAStR like this.
  14. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    I have got a little interested in ACC and with my current rim playing up shifter wise I wanted a formula rim which is much like what they use for gt3 cars. I managed to find a very good deal on this puppy :D I wanted some more buttons and dials to work all the in car settings for these and other modern race cars in other sims.

    My current rim is a momo mod30 with accuforce button box but only has 8 buttons with no rotary dials and paddles. Good for older cars but all modern race cars tend to be running a formula type wheel with stacks of buttons and switches. I think I may also have fixed my other rim with replacing the ribbon cable but I thought I had it fixed a few times already as It was missing gear clicks in a very annoying way.
  15. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Nice @marty on the wheel and the thought piece above. Where do you manage to grab the wheel from? a store? Also what wheel system are you using?
  16. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    I was looking at formula rims for DD bases (I have the accuforce v2) managed to find this one on Ebay from a guy in WA. I was looking for fully made sim formula rims or a DIY option using pretty much the hardware in the rim I bought which would have cost nearly 2x the price + shipping.

    The beauty of many sim wheels is all you really need is to get a quick release to fit your base and if the wheel connects directly to USB you can pretty much use any rim without needing to deal with base compatibility for the buttons. The bad part is in Australia there aren't too many suppliers of the higher end sim hardware and getting stuff sent in means your paying a big chunk of the total cost for shipping these days. And the hardware itself is rarely what you would call cheap so getting anything local is a big plus.
    Spidey_11 likes this.
  17. marty

    marty AC Server Legend

    Here is a short race with AI in just medium rain., it can get way heavier and this is just default wet setup. Mid race I wanted to flash tbe lights but found the pit limiter instead. :D

    The AI are currently too slow into t1 which makes not slamming them into it quite hard when you cant see them before the brake point lol. This level of wetness and my fairly slow pace relying a fair but on the ABS and TC is quite driveable if you slow enough and pick out a reference point somehow.

    There is no dynamic changing weather as yet but it gets wetter in a session, it cant stop/start raining or change rain severity so no track drying in effect. Temperature does change during a session and it is quite noticeable running into or out of night as the temps change up. Running slicks in light rain is fun and so these changeable conditions will give options for wets and slicks, but too wet on slicks and your just a passenger.

    Comparing to Pcars 2 wet driving there is no real similarity other then visuals IMHO. Its already more rewarding in ACC and you dont get puddles mid corner forming a swimming pool like pc2, where you need to ride a kerb to get above the water on most tracks as even wets cant make it around at walking speed. Any real track would be red flagged like that and they have a simple physics effect for puddles thats massively over used I think. Storm in ACC is borderline red flag conditions and without traffic isnt entirely impossible but close.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
    Peter Wise and Spidey_11 like this.
  18. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

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  19. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Build 2 is here!
    I'm going to be jumping on from 8pm and checking out the new content. If you're interested come by my stream and say hi.
    I could probably use some pointers also as it'll be my first run around Misano....
    8pm tonight till about 10pm.
    Rolz likes this.
  20. Rolz

    Rolz ACC Nutter Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Get ur menu wheel/game pad controls sorted before u stream as that is the most frustrating part of the VR build :roflmao:
    Spidey_11 likes this.