GT Sport Season 9 Division 2

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    There may be protests so I will leave the place calculations for now.
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Welcome @Lukie Dale
    I've put you into div 2 as a reserve but you are likely to get a drive as a few guys have been missing lately
    LE_bananajosh and Noxrai like this.
  3. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    In at the deep end with a wet Red Bull Ring as his introduction.
    Lukie Dale and Russell like this.
  4. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Round results. Congratulations @NAACS, @TKM23, @Noxrai for the podiums. A well done to moozer for victory in race two.

  5. Bluemoon

    Bluemoon Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I'm glad that the final results are not affected by me being taken out. I was amazed to close up to fubbles being so far behind.
    Also amazed by the drafting FL in race one :p
    emmo46 and Noxrai like this.
  6. Noxrai

    Noxrai Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    After 2 very ordinary races beforehand I probably had my best race of the season coming out of no where for this first race at bluemoon. I was feeling absolutely rekt from an exhausting weekend and wasn't expecting much from this race.
    Qualified 2nd last but was happy I wasn't too far off the pace. Race start and ended up last for a couple laps just getting a feel of things. Me and gtking by lap 4 had almost lost touch of the group in front of us. Then the big group in front of me all had a horrible exit onto the final straight and a gap opened up for me perfectly to squeeze on by. Managed to catch up with I think it was macneil and fubbles who were fighting hard for 3rd place and I had moon on my back the whole way.

    A little bit of grit and luck I found myself at the front and hoped that the cars behind me started fighting between themselves and not me.

    I managed to build just over a second gap on them and I did all I could to keep that gap till the end. As the race got near the end my wheels were shot and moon was gaining on me every lap. Very stressful but in the end I managed to hold on for 3rd. Now do it again for another race.

    Race 2 and my fortunes continued as I picked my way through the pack. Ended up working with Tkm who had the better speed to try and catch moozer as I didn't want to slow him down and get caught by naacs who was on the hunt behind us.
    We managed to catch moozer and I decided to show my hand and get past Tkm. I could get 2nd hear or even 1st if I place my car in the right spot for the next few laps. But it all unfortunately came undone when Tkm outbraked himself and ran me into the barrier on the final corner. He graciously let me back past but this was enough to let moozer off the hook and naacs got in amongst us. Naacs tkm fought hard to get the upper hand while I was doing just enough to stay in their slip stream. The final lap came and I got a great run and we went three wide into the first corner. Tkm defended well and my line was going to be way too short to lunge in there without hitting anyone so i had to back out. It was pretty much over from there. I came home just behind Tkm in 4th. An absolutely thrilling and nerve wracking two races for me. Really happy I could finally mix it with the fastest in div 2.

    Congrats to naacs on the overall victory and to tkm for his strong 2nd. A big hand to moozer for having a cracking 2nd race.
    Jamie, NAACS, Xtr3meNZer and 4 others like this.
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Round 4: Red Bull Ring Wet - 26 laps - 17:30 Rain - 17/11

    WELCOME to Season 9!! Thanks to Selby Acoustics
    As always please take 2 mins to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night......If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    ROOM OPEN : Most room captains will 'try' to have rooms open by about 7:50 AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.
    QUALIFYING : 8:20 AEDT for 10 mins. Once 10 mins has been reached, finish the lap you are on and park up off track. THE PITS ARE CLOSED DURING QUALIFYING
    RACE START TIME : 8:30 AEDT (once qualifying has finished)

    LAG ISSUES / ROOM RESTARTS : This is up to the room host. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I always look at 1 or 2 starts if required due to DSC, but as it gets later everyone needs to be aware of getting things going. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....
    SIGHT ISSUES: Ensure that you can see everyone on track. After qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again. It can also be done pre-qualifying to save time if there is no chance of latecomers.

    FALSE START CHECK : Please note that the start type is Grid Start with False Start Check
    Please practice this so you know what to expect. Simply, you hold the brakes on until the lights go from all lit, to none lit

    TURN 1 LAP 1 : This has the potential to ruin someones night if we don't use our heads! Should be everyone's goal to get through the first phase with ZERO contact. Give room and run in your 'lane' till you have space to run the normal race line. If your unassisted tap causes someone to spin, you need to redress.

    WET ROUND : With the track being very wet, please be more cautious than usual with overtaking/defending. Patience is your friend.

    TRACK LIMITS : As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage.
    Be aware when cutting and exiting T1 & 2. Crossing the white line on the right hand side prior to T5 is allowed. Also be aware of the exit of T7-8 and cutting of T8.

    CONTACT : Is to be avoided at all times..... If you rear end someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Side by side 'rubbing' is racing, within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room.
    If you bump someone and they end up off track or teleport back to the corner entry, you must wait for them to rejoin and get back up to speed.
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers. Contact will possibly end up with bigger hits in the wet, so watch those braking points!

    TYRES : Racing Inters/Wets ONLY (Inters recommended)

    PIT ENTRY : Drivers MUST make an attempt to use the pit entry / exit lines.
    PIT EXIT : Please use the pit exit lane and be aware of cars approaching down the straight.

    BLUE FLAGS : Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    STEWARDS GROUP AND RACE PROTESTS : This season the stewards will be will be @Hatfield @JonoStan96 @Viperzed & @emmo46. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let us know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. We will ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captain to make any decision.

    SAVE YOUR REPLAY : If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    PARTY CHAT : With the new party chat feature able to hold up to 16 participants, each division will have an open party chat for those that wish to use it. We recommend this especially to new drivers as they may ask questions about how the night is run or to clarify anything they are not confident on.

    FINAL NOTE: Could all drivers please confirm their attendance for this Sunday by 'liking' this post in your division. If you are unable to attend, please post in reply as much in your division. This way we can figure out our reserves or if the room can start early in advance.
  8. ScottPye20

    ScottPye20 Rookie Gold Member

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    Why does it say that I have 7 round points when the combined points shows 12? I don't understand how you've calculated the points because to me, they don't make any sense. I should be above macneil as he came 8th twice.

    Edit: I worked it out. You've gotta be kidding. You base the points off the combined time? That's not fair.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
  9. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Points are worked out by awarding normal points for race one and 1/2 for race 2. The overall place for the round is based on your combined points. Where there is a tie the driver who finished higher in race 1 will be given the higher overall place. Points are then awarded for the round based on those positions and then bonus point(s) applied.
    Easyprey007 and Xtr3meNZer like this.
  10. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    It's the same for everyone, so it is fair. It has been fair since before GT Sport was released.


    1. treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination.
    Cyberstig1 and Xtr3meNZer like this.
  11. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

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    Sarcasm is "a sharp, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt". Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although sarcasm is not necessarily ironic. Most noticeable in spoken word, sarcasm is mainly distinguished by the inflection with which it is spoken and is largely context-dependent. Wikipedia
    Cyberstig1 and Apex_64 like this.
  12. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Enzo gets wet
    Noxrai likes this.
  13. Noxrai

    Noxrai Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Well guys, looks like this will be my final season of Sunday night races. I've had to pull the pin due to my new work schedule getting in the way, unfortunately. (Super early Monday starts won't mix very well with my truck driving duties). I still have a couple weeks before they put me onto the schedule. So I'm going to try and finish out the rest of the season if it works out. I'm hoping I can get my wheel back before seasons end too. It would be nice to finish on a high and with my baby back. Maybe even fight naacs for a 1st if I'm on my game.

    I'm quite sad about this to be honest, as it's become one of my favorite rituals every Sunday night. It's something I looked forward to every week. I've had so many great races and battles with a lot of you guys here at raceonoz. I will miss them a lot. I really appreciated how everything is organised to make it easy for someone like me to race.

    So far I think Friday nights will be the most likely candidate to get my racing fix in the future. (The missus has given it the ok, so that's one hurdle down ;)). I do have an idea for a championship of my own making but I’m unsure if I could handle the extra time needed to manage it and keep it going and if it will clash with anything else.

    I will definitely lurk around the forums and keep an eye out for anything I can enter when I know I will be free. It may give me a chance to try out other racing games too.
  14. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    Do you plan to be working super early Monday's for the rest of your life? Probably not, so we'll see you when you come back. Looking forward to the Friday night community events! Maybe just FIA practice lobbies so don't have to think too much about the format?
    Noxrai and Max Gassit like this.
  15. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I don't mind helping out to sort out a series with you (I probably wouldn't be able to race it on Fridays but can still help with set up)
    Xtr3meNZer, Noxrai and Max Gassit like this.
  16. Noxrai

    Noxrai Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Yes you are right. It shouldn't be forever. I'll see you next time I'm made redundant at work haha.
    FIA practice lobbies is not a bad idea actually. I have never entered an FIA race and was thinking about that as an option for my Friday nights. It's goin in my thinking pile.
    Wonder how many people would show up for a practice session?

    That would be much appreciated Hatfield. I'll send you a PM and you can go over what I have worked out so far for the series. See if its worth putting on a show for. Ursine's idea intrigues me too. I could become the FIA practice go to guy lol.
    Hatfield likes this.
  17. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

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    :laugh: Always look on the bright side of life :whistling:
  18. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    NB @Matthyus : Likie_Dee did a 1:47.253 on his final lap.
    Hatfield, Matthyus and Easyprey007 like this.
  19. Noxrai

    Noxrai Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Gifted is one word that can describe my result.

    Quali went pretty well. Was close to getting 3rd on the grid but last couple laps moozer pipped me by a smidge and then on the last lap macneil beat me by .008 seconds. Quite disheartening lol. Down to 5th on the grid but very close times all around me.

    I had a dream start. Ended up going around the outside of moozer and macneil into the first corner. Had a good exit and suddenly I was in 3rd place!

    The rest of the race was a bit of a blur, but I know me and macneil pushed each other to the limit. Bumper to bumper for 3/4 of the race. Very respectful and clean. We changed positions few times too. Neither of us were able to break away though. We also had bananajosh ready to pounce on us if one us made any mistakes.

    Gtking and naacs pulled away at a blistering pace and were long gone. But a 3rd or 4th could be in the cards tonight if I stayed mistake free.

    But in a shamamanalon story plot twist naacs pitted and put on the wrong tires. Absolutely devastating for him. Funny as f to me I'm sorry to say. This is an absolute gift.

    Back to Macneil and me. Macneil blinked first and went into the pits. I stayed out a little longer and just managed to squeeze in 19 laps with my fuel hitting 0 coming into the pits. Phew. Close. I decided to risk wasting time and put on some new wheels. I may lose a position or two but I will be able to come home very strong.

    Coming out of the pits and I managed to stay just in front of bananajosh. Macneil had unfortunately made a mistake just behind Josh which let me off the hook.

    I was in an incredible position and all I had to do was stay focused and bring the car home.

    I came home strong and secured an underserved and gifted 2nd. Very happy with the result and I feel very sorry for naacs who really should have had my podium spot.

    Congrats to gtking on a very strong 1st place and to bananajosh for his great 3rd
  20. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    After watching three of my grand daughters at Phissy yesterday where two of them won their age division and the other took a second place I was keen to do the Hughes family proud by doing my best last night, wasn't to be.
    I don't know what has gone wrong with my performances, I started the season well but that may be due to the fact that this is my go to car for GTSport Gr4 races and I used it in Vardz's series so had close to 7000 km under my belt. I also was doing about 7 race distance practices before the first two races and was really in a groove and performing way above my usual ability. Round three I put down to just not racing well as I had qualified third and just lost out in the battles I was in. This round though I didn't practice much as each time I did I was getting worse. I am just not happy with this car in the wet and last night showed that as I qualified 10th. I did manage to climb to 5th early but I didn't have enough pace to stay there and under pressure I cracked and missed my braking point for a corner which cost me three places. From there I was just able to keep pace with the guy ahead and behind and bring it home in 9th. The only upside is that I finished one place higher than I started, that's gotta be good, right??