Welcome to the ROOZ street setup.
Club ID 1066294
There are 7 classes:
(H) Hyper Street - 600pp - sports soft
(B) Back Street - 550pp - sports medium
(S) Super Street - 500pp - sports hard
(J) Jump Street - 500pp - sport hard (1999 or older only)
(R) Ramsey Street - 400pp - comfort soft
(C) Classic Street - 400pp - comfort soft (1979 or older only)
(L) Learners Street - 350pp - comfort hard
Tuning is open and the only restriction on cars is that they must be road cars (no concepts)
(NOS is allowed)
Instead of points, drivers earn rep.
30 rep for a win, 15 for second and then 1 less for the next positions (14-3rd, 13-4th etc)
(Events under the this umbrella may use their own scoring systems, however rep will still be earned as listed above and penalties must remain)
A driver will be locked in to their car and no other driver can use the same exact car. (each driver may have 7 cars. Your garage of 7 cars must be able to cover the 7 classes
If a driver is not happy with their car choice, they may unlock it and lock in a new car. At first a driver can have 2 swaps but they may have an extra swap for every 50 races completed. If the car swapped out has won at least 1 race, it is retired from future use.
Each win a driver records will reduce the pp of that car in ALL classes by 5pp.
Once a driver records 10 wins in a car, the car is retired from use and the driver can pick a new car at the normal pp.
If a driver in a lower division has a certain amount of wins in a car, they may choose to retire it early.
Division 1a - 10 wins (forced retirement)
Division 1b - 8 wins
Division 2 - 6 wins
(Division is calculated by what division you were in in the most recent or current Sunday Series. If you won the most recent championship, your division will be 1 higher)
Any ROOZ member can setup an event/series on any night to run in street setup and have their rep updated here. (minimum 6 drivers)
Here is an alphabetical list of all taken cars for easier reference when selecting a car:
Drivers may also select a retired car from the below list but you must start at the PP that it was retired at: (must have less than 10 wins)
All tracks are now available at 10 mins length
(any tracks with weather should be set to changeability 1)
Rooms should be setup with no penalties, light damage, normal wear, prohibit all aids bar abs.
Hopefully this umbrella will ensure diverse grids on differing skill levels.
Current Events are in the community events section.
All results from events:
Last edited: Sep 20, 2017