Season 11 - Division 1

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

    PSN ID
    I agree with @apex2691 to the extent that the way protests and the rules are administered at this point is quite outdated.

    There are exceptionally important administrative rules in relation to government so as to provide legitimacy of process. These come by the way of oversight and important protections. There are exceptionally important reasons for the separation between executive, legislative and judicial arms of government.

    Right now is not the best time for me to embark upon a critique of the system, but I would like to stress that just because ROOZ might be among the best league racing regulators in existence, it does not mean that improvements cannot be made.

    GT Sport comes out soon and we should not be racing under regulations written for use in 2011 for GT5.

    I'd like to stress that I accept the penalty handed to me. I was in the wrong, and I deserve to receive a time penalty.

    But the process with which the penalty was administered could be a lot better. The process of stewarding should be representative of a mature sporting regulator that deserves authority not through its power, but through its respect of process and due administration.

    My final point is far and beyond my most important: When @Zharvs92 says to take things up with the mods, that is inherently dangerous language. Holders of power (for examples sake, the government) would love you to take everything up with them, so that there is no residue of public dissent. It is quite simply, suppression of rational discourse and critique, and its very dangerous if a powerholder is corrupt. Thank goodness the admin team at ROOZ are not corrupt, because if they were, you would not be reading this message right now. Powerholders would love you to bring complaints to them privately, so that they can sweep it under the rug quietly. That is not how change is brought about. I have been banned from a league racing site before to suppress dissent. I didn't like how it was being run, and the stewards and other powerholders were corrupt. When I was banned, it absolutely crushed me. I poured my heart and soul into the betterment of the site, and I was disowned. ROOZ means so much to me and my life and that's why I care. That's why I pour my heart and soul in my posts. That's why I want to make sure it's the fairest and best place to race in Australia.

    I'm getting exceptionally far away from the subject matter with this, but I cannot really highlight the issue any other way; Lon Fuller's 8 principles on the internal morality of the law are a great starting point. Don't worry about that if you're not interested.

    I'd like to call for public oversight when it comes to the stewarding/protest system, so that all drivers may be aware of the sorts of incidents that warrant penalties, and the due process that will result if they breach the rules. Anything can happen behind closed doors.

    Regardless, I don't think there's a crisis here by any means and I'm looking forward to cap off what I think has been a great season in a spectacular car! Viva ROOZ!
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  3. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Well, here we are at the final League round for 2016 !
    Good luck to all those drivers who are fighting it out for a championship against some very good drivers.


    PIT EXIT / ENTRY : Please obey the entry line for the pits. The EXIT line however, is fine to cut as it is quite tight to follow all the way out and there is a risk of someone dropping a wheel and spinning back onto the track. Please be mindful when exiting the pits to give-way to traffic going through T1
    TRACK LIMITS : All the tarmac is fine to use here. The main places that come to mind are the loop, and the points of the circuit where the shorter track hairpins are.
    DRIVING STANDARDS : Be patient and remember it's better to give up a spot and continue the fight, then make contact defending, have it all turn pear shaped, and have to fight your way back after avoidable contact.
    CONTACT : If you push someone offline for your advantage, you will be expected to redress, and give the position back. Again, use your heads and give room where needed............Don't use other cars as a brake ! If you are mid /back of the pack, remember to brake earlier to avoid contact.
    RETURNING TO TRACK : If you do happen to go off track, please use your heads when returning. Stay offline until you are back up to race speed so you don't compromise other drivers.
    BLUE FLAGS : A reminder that if you are about to be lapped, its is good racing etiquette to move to the side where possible to let the leaders through.
    PROTESTS : As always, if you feel you have reason to protest, save your replay, and then contact the room captains and the mod team, Myself or emmo46.....DO NOT blow up in the chat room, or on the forum.
    RAGE QUITTING : A reminder that if you rage quit the room, you will receive 0 points, not be able to use it as your drop round and it wont count as a round of your 4 needed to be eligible for the PAGNIAN prize. If you have to stop, park up in the pits and let the race run down without leaving so it doesn't glitch the other drivers.
    SWERVING : A reminder that swerving to try to stop another driver gaining the draft is NOT permitted. You may change your line once, and that's it. ;)

    Anything i have missed let me know
  4. holdenman05

    holdenman05 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    ata boy
  5. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    @Crunch long post, but not a bad read at all :thumbsup:

    just to clarify, by take it up with the mods. i mean have a discussion with all involed and include a mod. its just not a good look to newcomers if we air all this on the public space.

    i agree with what you have said, just wanted to clarify my statement mate. cheers
    Crunch likes this.
  6. natmanscoop

    natmanscoop Professional Gold Member

    Just to clarify track limits @Hatfield are you saying "ok" to all 4 wheels off kerbs where there's tarmac outside normal track limits?
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    correct. There really isn't anywhere to do this and gain a massive advantage anyway
  8. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

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    Hey thanks for the congrats everyone... I came in sort of not sure if I was really wanting to put in the effort like last season as my great friend apex was not there to push me along and get better results with good track practising but hopefully he be back soon..anyway I did put some effort into fuji and then alot for monaco ..I still need more experience but and practise because warrior makes u drive and focus so hard to try and stay with his pace because he is 100% the whole race and no mistakes..he is great to race against and too I have gotten to enjoy racing everyone this season as I now am understanding how hard it is to win a race in div 1 .... any way, crunch don't really know u as well as other rooz members but wow u are a very intelligent person from reading your post ..its amazing how smart and well educated some of are on line playing this amazing game ,its so different to race some one then u see them type to then when u hear them talk ...anyway well much respect crunch please to meet u much respect .and also to div 1 men I have had a good much respect racing all of yous this season as it has been such a high level of competition and everyone has raced together very fair and clean and it has been a real eye opener how we can all race together .. thanks for your time see u next I don't check what I wrote so I hope it makes since..

    MINT_GTR Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hey guys :)

    Keen to race in the finale tonight... see you guys soon :thumbsup:
  10. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 7 Results
    Pole position: @Crunch
    emmo46, MINT_GTR and warrior2167 like this.
  11. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Well that's it for me, no point continuing to add grey hairs when you're handicapped with no fix.

    Like I said in the room it's been a truly wonderful 3 years of GT6 thanks to ROOZ, and hopefully when GTS arrives we can get back to the racing that made ROOZ Div 1 a bloodbath like it was in 2014. But with this half second input lag destroying any consistency, pace and confidence I had with this wonderful car, it's a sad way to end.

    Well done Warrior on the win and the title.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
  12. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    That's another season done and dusted. First of all, congratulations to @warrior2167 on yet another championship and @B-Spec Bob for finishing runner-up. Honorable mentions to @Crunch and @lets_party-1611 for some great performances towards the end of the season. :thumbsup:

    For me there has been more disappointment than success, I'm afraid. It's hard for me to admit, but four straight seasons in the premier division has really started to wear me down. I was starting to overdrive the car, causing mistakes that I thought were eradicated seasons ago. As a result, I haven't enjoyed the racing as much as I used to.

    So I'm planning to leave my race count in GT6 at a nice round 50. Call it a sabbatical or retirement, I'm done with Sunday League racing for the foreseeable future.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
  13. Adronaught

    Adronaught Team Driver

    PSN ID
    "So I'm planning to leave my race count in GT6 at a nice round 50. Call it a sabbatical or retirement, I'm done with Sunday League racing for the foreseeable future.[/QUOTE]"

    I hope you'll still be about socially Bryan. I've really enjoyed trying to keep up with you in practice rooms, and the chit chat and banter...have a good rest mate!
    REVO_Bryan and Crunch like this.
  14. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

    PSN ID
    Quali: 1st

    I put in the practice time and knew I was capable of a good qualifying, but was disheartened again when Warrior took pole by around 5 tenths from my best time. Then the stars aligned on my second last run, and it was incredible. Everything just worked out and I got a 2:21.4 to improve by 7 tenths. It was quite insane. I didn't even do a final lap after that happened, as I needed to park up and meditate on it a bit.

    Race: 3rd

    On the outside into t1, but I managed to hold onto the lead. I monitored the split to Warrior behind and it deviated from 1 second to 1.6 seconds over a few laps.

    I then spun on some corner - I forget which, and it was a complete 360 and I managed to somehow keep going in first place with obviously a half second gap now. I thought that was insane too.

    I then landed the jump incorrectly or something as the car veered to the left and I lost three positions. It happened in practice once but it really was a bit stupid, as I wasn't turning the wheel on landing. It had something to do with the pitch of the car on takeoff. I think the gap was a few seconds now to first, but I felt I could still win with some luck. The luck didn't come, but I managed to pass Mint on the main straight, and pitted on lap 9 while the entire field were doing the undercut for some reason.

    Second stint was catching Bob who I wasn't concerned about at all, but he pinned me on lap 16 I believe in the ridiculously fast final section, so I couldn't do anything about that. I haven't looked over the replay yet but that was dubious. It doesn't make much difference to me though because we both know my pace was better and I don't need the position.

    As a season review, I can be very pleased with my efforts.

    Thanks for the 1B championship victory.

    I said on the outset of the season that 'judging from the entrants, my goal this season is 4th overall.'

    From my calculations, I tie with Bryan before drop-round, and then pip him by 3 points after drop-round. I didn't want to say as such at the beginning of the season, but I knew 'judging from the entrants' that Bryan was always my main contender and I backed myself to come out on top, so I'm most pleased with the result. Bryan, you've been a great competitor and I wish you well on your sabbatical, even if my calculations are incorrect, haha.

    The track and car combo was good this season; I'm not sure whether it was the lack of pit stops or not. I can't lie with emotions though and it was an awesome season.

    Special thanks to Warrior and Bob for being great superiors, and thanks to Apex and Party for just being chill dudes.

    I'll definitely be here next season hopefully improving on 4th place.

  15. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  16. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    bmx_mtb_boy likes this.
  17. bmx_mtb_boy

    bmx_mtb_boy Team Driver

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    Somehow made 10th despite being miles off the pace and qualified last again. Didn't help that I spun @N64TheStig007 on the first corner. Stopped to readdress the position only for him to spin off the next corner. My fault in that. Definitely been a character building season. At least I finally got my first fastest lap in a sunday league at Bathurst so that's one thing to be happy about.
  18. B-Spec Bob

    B-Spec Bob Team Driver

    PSN ID
    What will you do with all that free time? Pump it into titts?
    incey likes this.
  19. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    he is signed up to the JGTC series I am running on Sunday's and F1 on Thursdays too
    REVO_Bryan likes this.
  20. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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