ACC Season 2 driver debrief

Discussion in 'APLOZ Past Seasons' started by Xtr3meNZer, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Hey all,

    Thought I would create a thread for a debrief of your race, if you so feel you want to. I generally like to on the Sunday night races within my division chat - I couldn't see anything up for this, so please share below, if you are wanting to.

    Obviously if there is a problem, a protest or the likes, please don't turn this thread into an argument about that - protests are to be dealt with through the normal channels. Please also can we keep from personal or derogatory remarks - this is just about debriefing your own race, giving a different perspective on how it went :)
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    Sham_16, garyw61 and seowster like this.
  2. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Last night race 1 in the AM room went OK for myself. After pushing and really getting my lap times down, I managed to qualify 3rd on the grid. I was stoked, and hoping I would be able to capitalize on that throughout the race. Lap 1 went without major incident, I did see someone on the map go off, but unsure who that was as was too far back.

    About lap 3 or 4 coming into the downhill esses, The car started to slide, tried to correct and it snapped the other way, throwing me off track. Unfortunately the train of cars was right there, so rejoining safely put me back in last place. So putting that behind me, carried on through and stuck to my strategy and pushed through back up the field. Managed to get up to about 4th or 5th (can't remember exactly, I was behind Incey though), and I made another mistake before my last pit stop. I planned on not having the damage repaired as I was still hitting 41's on the lap times, and less fuel as I didn't use as much - but alas the pit options never showed up when I entered the pits, so luckily I had set my 2nd pitstop requirements before the race - but due to damage, this cost me an extra 15 or so seconds repair.

    Ended up in 6th, which I don't think was too bad coming from last near the beginning. Quite a good first race! Rather enjoyable, and clean from what I could see.

    Thanks all, catch you on the track soon I'm sure!
  3. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Great idea! But before any gets into it I want to lay a few rules out first. But I’m about to drive to work so it will be in an hour
    FoulMinion and Xtr3meNZer like this.
  4. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Just let me know and I'll adjust the OP for you
  5. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    What A Night!!!! I was a bit flustered after the confusion around start time and I was late home from work. so I only just enough time to reinstall the server, have dinner etc and then remembered I hadn't anyone from the 2nd server how to do a restart if the server disconnects!

    Finally got in the race seat to see just about everyone had been practicing for an hour already! some of the times were bloody quick and I was a bit worried I was a bit underdone. Was good to finally turn the mic off and put the race face on!

    PB & Pole from first lap in qualifying. Holy :):):):) I couldn't believe it when that time showed up! I quickly forgot about everything that had happened. Well done to @Vik Chan & @Slambobagan, for blokes that haven't spent much time in ACC you are bloody fast.

    The race start for me was good. I got a jump on the pack and made is easily through the first couple corners, then looked at the map to see yellow dots flying everywhere at turn 2/3. I wish I could've been in the grandstand at turn 2 to see the carnage going on there or at least had my replay save so i could watch it! The rest of the race was quiet. I just maintained a gap and made sure I hit my marks. Thank you to the lap traffic, everyone was courteous and got out of the way.

    Congrats to Bounty & Brenticles on the Podium!
    Can't wait for the GT4 next week
  6. autech91

    autech91 Professional

    Interesting race from my seat. I went out and quali and set a banker of 40.7, 2nd hot lap put the hammer down and was on for a really good time around 39.7, I got a bit hungry for the sausage into the 2nd to last corner and it bit me hard, I almost saved it but ended up in the wall. I returned to pits and went out straight away but just couldn't manage to get on a good lap again in the 2nd half, not sure if my tyres were old or whatever I need to look into that more.

    As a result started mid pack, was taking it easy into turn 1 trying to get through safely but somehow got caught tween a beemer and an Audi, the Audi has tapped my right rear and fired me into the wall. I watched the reply from my angle and it was just one of those lap 1 racing incidents unfortunately, looked like he caught a bump from behind which put him into a really crap spot on the outside of me. It happens and as they say "that's racing". Looked like a few others got involved turn 1 as I was dodging cars when I rejoined.
    Had a 90deg right hand down for my return lap to the pits to repair the car and change tyres so was super slow, had over 40 seconds damage so by the time I came out I was running in 7th but a lap down in 19th or 20th overall.
    I was weary of pushing to overtake the cars in front as I was a lap down so I sat behind my homie Kart and settled into a good rhythm, thankfully he pitted as Nigegunz was catching me super fast for position in the latter stages of the stint, once clear I hammered it to try and gap him and he hit the pits.
    From then on just focused on making no mistakes of my own and managed to salvage a 13th which I think wasn't too bad considering how far behind I was. Well done to those that finished ahead and kept it clean for the race, goes to show that even if you have a shocker like I did in lap 1 you can still get a goodish result if you race your own race and stay mistake free.
    Bring on Suzuka
    garyw61, UrsineSaturn9, incey and 5 others like this.
  7. Adam Parsons

    Adam Parsons Rookie

    PSN ID
    From reading the few blogs already posted, I can certainly agree it was a good night of racing, for me personally I was relatively happy with here I qualified, it meant that I wasn't going to get in anyone's way and that I could sit back and watch from behind, turns out it didn't happen that way due to the carnage that occurred mid pack, god knows how I slipped through with out damage but closing my eyes worked for the better.
    It was then we were a Green BMW train, Gazza, Minion and myself cycling around (green is nice) keeping out of trouble, I did catch up to Minion there for a bit but keeping my distance as I know where I sit in the food order of BHR.
    1st pit stop was on the marks, could't of been happier, 2nd stint cruised around without fault, 2nd pit stop, different story, over shot the box (Ron Jeremy style) and had to select reverse, took a bit longer than I wanted, anyway to come away with a 10th place was a really good outcome and far exceeded my expectations, left foot and leg are sore today due to not being familiar with the new load cell pedal.
    Overall, awesome racing, clean and respectful, well done to the podium racers, looking forward to Suzuka in a fortnight and GT4's next week, after downloading the season pack this morning, I think I have already spent 2 hours driving them while at the same time being paid to do it. Living the dream.
  8. FoulMinion

    FoulMinion Rookie

    PSN ID
    What an opening race for the season! From my perspective in the pro server:
    Qualifying went well enough. I didn't set the world on fire, but managed to qualify with a time about a tenth off my previous PB. Just enough for p10 with lots of other drivers on similar laps around me which promised to make it an interesting start in a tight midfield pack. Turns out, I was not wrong in expecting that.

    I took the race start extremely easy. Early lift into T2 ("T1" is that kink on the straight), very cautious, early braking points, and narrow/wide lines through the first few corners. When carnage kicked off in T3, I had enough distance to see it coming, as well as take evasive action that wasn't too abrupt for those breathing down my neck. Somehow made it through without a scratch — absolutely no contact! (Big props to Vik for slamming on the brakes as he got spun; you kept the track clear enough for others to get around you. Well done in that undoubtedly very frustrating moment!)
    The rest of the race was comparatively uneventful. I kept trucking. Eventually TY caught up after my first stop, but he couldn't find a pass on me. Wisely, he chose to go for the undercut. That was the last I saw of him. :p
    My third stint was all about maintaining the gap behind while trying (in vain) to close the gap ahead to TY. Nothing much happened... not a bad thing at all when you find yourself a fair few spots further up the field than where you started.

    In summary, collecting only 1 second of damage (one unlucky touch as a lapped driver tried to unlap himself on the outside of Sunset) over the entire duration of the race was a welcome, stark contrast to how I fared in all test races leading up to the event.
    I, for one, did not miss having a close up view of a wall this time around.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    garyw61, UrsineSaturn9, incey and 6 others like this.
  9. Vik Chan

    Vik Chan Rookie

    PSN ID
    I don’t even know where to start but I’ll try to keep it short and brief lol
    I will just start with that it was a disaster first race for me in ACC and still bummed I didn’t get to do any proper racing as i knew i had the pace to give JJ_Penguin a good race :( Congrats on the race win JJ and also the podium finishers.
    I’m not too sure what happened at the first sequence of corners but it was pretty much over for me in the second kink. I was being cautious into the first corner leaving room on the inside as i saw an Audi coming in and also had a car on the outside of me as well so made sure i left room and it all was ok till the next kink before turn 3. I went over the ripple a little more than i usually would trying to avoid the Audi cutting across on me and that was all she wrote lol. Got spun around then hit on all angles and my car was totally wrecked. Pit crew said it was going to take 90mins to fix it but wouldn’t start on it when i had stopped in my pit box. Maybe its because the race is shorter hahahaha I eventually pressed options and returned returned to garage and it let me race on after serving 1min so that’s good to know if that ever happens again. Im still not exactly sure what happened as I haven’t seen the replay and this is just my recollection. I’m sorry to those that got caught up in the mess and I’m not blaming anyone as i think it was just a racing incident but if it was my fault l sincerely apologize. Certainly not how i wanted my first race to go. It was quite lonely being a lap down though at least i think i got fastest lap in the race lol
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
  10. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Oh man - 90 minutes repair!! wow... that sucks mate. Sorry your first race went so poorly considering the blistering pace you were setting - hopefully next race will turn out better for you!
    garyw61 and Vik Chan like this.
  11. incey

    incey World Champion

    PSN ID
    When I joined what I thought was the 'AM server' party chat I was advised that pracitce was under way and qually was starting shortly. I got stuck into it as I thought I had missed a message about the race being brought forward 30 min, not hard to do with all the chat about starting time needing to be earlier. Anyway I got up to pace, then cracked on in qually and got pipped for pole by my teammate in the dying minutes of qually. Awesome thinks me. Just about to start the race and the server resets for the actual practice. Really took the wind out of the momentum and I struggled to not drink a bunch of beers. Did lots of laps in practice not realising that i was wearing out my qually tyres and was 3/4s of a second off the first qually time after all was done. No worries still in the top half, 7 or 8 from memory. Race starts and got a great run down the inside to pick up a spot before the kink, the first sausage sent a car flying into another one and when aza spun off at the esses i was third. woot. raced fairly conservatively but managed lots of close pb's in mid 41s. my pitstops were atrocious as usual and i lost a bunch of ime in the pits. still finshed 4th with two teammates on the podium so very happy with that. did the whole race without going off (caught a few slides though) and got a bunch of laptimes that were near practice pbs so all good race night 1, or should i say 1.5 after the false start.
    there is a bit to learn about pit strategies and tyre pressures but i will really have to focus on hitting the box this fortnight as that was my biggest time waster last night. I just kept prodding at it and never really nailed it.
  12. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Had a good first race. Qualified 9th out of 12 so not setting any records, but survived the first lap, kept it clean, hit the pit box each stop and came home in 3rd. Forgot to put more fuel in after qually so first stint was very short, but actually gave me a good undercut so all worked out in the end after fumbling around to change my fuel addition for the final pit stop (the mental maths sucked though). Grabbed the race results to below

    AM room.
  13. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    That was me that came off at the esses gifting you third lol. I was gutted as I was in a good position... ah well!
  14. incey

    incey World Champion

    PSN ID
    you both did on different laps

    aza might have gifted me 4th and nzer 3rd by sliding off at the same spot. quite nice of them
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2020
    Xtr3meNZer likes this.
  15. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Good job @JJ_Penguin and to the others that have helped you get this up and running.... Big job, and i hope that everyone sticks around and helps the ACC community grow. Am sure there is still heaps to learn, and maybe with the PS5 about to land there will be continuing upgrades to help with some of the bugs....

    Onto the elephant in the room !
    I was asked to have a look at the first lap, first 3 corners incident from the race last week. It was at the stewards group, however i believe there were no 'official' protests....
    For anyone who has been here a while, you would be sick of me saying 'driving standards are the basis of our WHOLE community'. After looking at the incidents (about 8 of them) all in the first few corners, i have no doubt that there was no intention to take anyone out, it looks like there are about 4 incidents where drivers are reacting to whats happening in front.

    What i would say to everyone, is that it appeared that drivers were taking a 'race' line in traffic, with not a lot of awareness of who or what was going on around them. So from that race please lets re-enforce the following.
    - If there is an incident, redress if you feel you have caused it !
    - Make sure you stay in your 'lane' until the grid shakes out in the first few corners
    - Make sure you have your proximity indicators ON
    - If something does happen, dont whinge and moan about it, if you feel you have been hard done by then protest !
    - FINALLY, if you feel you want driving standards to be looked at, then do it the right way through the stewards group and the processes we have in place to deal with it.

    ACC is a lot less forgiving than the other platforms, so please keep that in mind on the first lap especially.
    ( penguin - feel free to copy and paste this into which ever thread you see fit !)
    Max Gassit, garyw61, jamie_t and 4 others like this.
  16. incey

    incey World Champion

    PSN ID
    I don't have the replay of the first few laps, can you share it for learning value?
  17. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Yep will do
  18. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

  19. Vik Chan

    Vik Chan Rookie

    PSN ID
    Cheers JJ_Pengiun for the replay. Finally get to see what happened lol I guess my recollection wasn’t far off. Oh how badly I wished I could redo that start after i sat in the pit for what felt like forever. Most people probably would have raged quit hahahaha
  20. incey

    incey World Champion

    PSN ID
    ahhh, i was thinking the AM server start was the focus. whew. AM boys turn 1 ftw. :D:D:D
    Xtr3meNZer and UrsineSaturn9 like this.