ACC RaceOnOz ACC [PC] Season 4 - Round 8 Enduro Suzuka!

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by krunch, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    RaceOnOz Monday Night ACC League Season 4 - GT Challenge
    Admin team: @Flamebadger, @SteveDrivingSlowly, @nanlatt, @Rolz, @krunch

    Round 8 - ENDURO - Suzuka 2019
    30th November 2020 at 8:15pm
    (AEDT - click for time zone info)

    We recommend completely uninstalling custom painted skins from your ACC folders to avoid the excessive join lag issue.
    • Avoiding High Risk Moves... Take 2 - We just thought we'd repeat what we said last week. Over the past several rounds there have been a few incidents of high risk GT3/GT4 passing attempts that have resulted in cars becoming three-wide approaching critical corners. Unsurprisingly they have not generally ended well. Any three-wide situation means that the inside and outside cars cannot see each other and the central car has very limited options. On a long straight this can work, however approaching corners it is a bad idea. No car can reasonably anticipate the moves of the other cars and more often than not a collision occurs. We ask all drivers to avoid these sorts of high risk moves.

    • Wacky Wednesday League Practice - Every Wednesday night we host a semi-closed practice evening ahead of the upcoming Season 4 championship round. These are very informal and chilled out practice sessions where you can come in and try out set-ups, chat and have some fun racing without worrying about your championship points (this is separate to the 24/7 practice server which is always available). Importantly you can practice close racing moves with far less pressure and less consequence than Monday nights and we particularly encourage those newer to sim racing to join in. There are often excellent tips from some of our top pro drivers too. More info in the Wacky Wednesday League Practice thread.
    • Lap 1 accidents - some drivers have expressed frustration at the number of lap 1 accidents that are occurring. Although that frustration is understandable there is evidence that things are improving. It is not realistic to completely eliminate such incidents but everyone seems to have the right attitude so we may not be too far away from cleaner opening laps. Note that being too cautious is almost as bad as not cautious enough and it can be a fine line. Doing more race practice (ie joining us on Wacky Wednesdays) is one of the best ways to improve close racing skills.

      So when in a tight pack (such as on the opening lap):
      • Expect cars to be much closer to you and varying in speed due to all the others around so try to leave a tad more space.
      • Assume there are cars in your blind spots and and on the other side of visible cars until the pack spreads out more.
      • In braking zones you must brake SIGNIFICANTLY earlier than you would in general racing.
      • Avoid sudden direction changes unless you are sure you are well clear.
      • If on a straight section don't drift - stay straight.
      • Approach each situation with caution but execute your driving with intelligence.
      • If you need to redress in this tight pack situation keep going until you can move out of the traffic safely before slowing down
    • Qualifying format - We will continue with the split qualifying format:
      • Qualifying sessions are 20 minutes long and split into two 10 minute segments.
      • Segment 1 is exclusively for GT4's.
      • Segment 2 is exclusively for GT3's.
      • The first race will start at approximately 9:20pm AEDT.
    Drivers who's qualifying segment is not active MUST NOT exit the pits during that time. GT3 drivers may only cross the pit exit line when the time remaining ticks down to 10 minutes or less. At this point GT4 drivers can complete the lap they are on but then MUST move off track and immediately teleport back to pits. GT4 drivers who start a lap after the 10 minutes remaining mark, and GT3 drivers who cross the pit exit line before the 10 minutes remaining mark will be subject to the following penalties:​
      • 1st offence: driver will be teleported back to pits and warned (momentary DSQ).
      • 2nd offence: driver will be disqualified from the qualifying session.
      • 3rd offence: driver will be disqualified from the entire round (including any previous race).
    NOTE: GT3 drivers on their first outlap must take extra care not to impede GT4 drivers on their final flying lap. Penalties may apply.​
    • Discord voice chat rules and etiquette:
      • if you intend to chat you MUST use push-to-talk. No-none wants to hear your gear clicks, heavy breathing or barking dog in the background.
      • non-excessive chat and banter is OK in Practice sessions.
      • There should be minimal chat in Qualifying sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
      • There should be minimal chat in Race sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
      • If you become frustrated or angry at yourself or another driver DO NOT PUSH YOUR TALK BUTTON. Keep it private!
      • ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. There's no place for that stuff at Rooz!
      • Please wait until ALL drivers have completed the final lap of a race before discussing your race.
      • Admins may speak at any time in any session for obvious reasons.
    • Optional use of indicators - Should drivers wish to use indicators to assist with managing lapped traffic, they are to be used as they are used on the road - i.e. you should indicate which way you are going - if you indicate left, you go left. REMEMBER TO TURN THEM OFF AGAIN.
    • All drivers should read the Rooz Etiquette guide and Rules & Regs linked below before the start of Round 1.
    • Enjoy the battles with others and yourself :)

    • Feedback from previous rounds has been very positive overall but has highlighted a few important things. We accept that GT3's will aggressively pass GT4's at times - multiclass is challenging for both classes - however there is a limit to what is acceptable.

      No matter how difficult it seems for GT3 drivers it is unquestionably more difficult for GT4's. Let us be clear here - GT3 cars have no superior 'rank' to GT4 cars. Blue flag rules apply only because of the speed differential. GT4's have the same 'rights' to the track as GT3's and must not be hustled out of the way. Even a very aware GT4 driver can miss spotting fast moving GT3's especially if battle packs are involved.

      On the flip-side GT4's must make sure their movements are predictable when GT3's are in their vicinity. They should also make good use of their mirrors, the realtime display, the trackmap, the radar, the spotter and glancing to ensure awareness (the Crew Chief app is also excellent).

      We do understand that incidents will occasionally occur however it is the careless or repetitive incidents that are unacceptable and will incur warnings or penalties.

      So in summary:
      • GT4's do not have to come off the racing line to let a GT3 through. It is up to the GT3 to find a CLEAN way to pass (hint - straights are best).
      • GT4's have to brake for corners earlier than GT3's but this is not an invitation TO DIVE BOMB TO THE APEX forcing the GT4 to delay their turn in. Please use care and respect.
      • GT4's may choose to give way to a GT3 early but must be clear in conveying that intention (eg. move off the racing line well before a corner).
      • GT4's must also use care and respect when GT3 drivers are trying to pass
      • All drivers are encouraged to report other drivers who repeatedly flout these rules and guidelines. A report does not need to be a protest and can be done via direct message to an admin on the forum or Discord.

    Server Name:
    " 01 ROOZ [AUS:AEDT] RACE SERVER S4 R8 100mins of Suzuka 2019"
    • The race server will be available to join from approximately 7:45pm AEDT and will kick over to official practice at 8:15pm
    • The server has a locked entry list and will only allow those who have signed up for the season to join it.
    • Qualifying and Practice sessions are open for joining but race sessions are locked.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz"
    • PASSWORD: season4

    Server Name:
    " 01 ROOZ [AUS:AEDT] PRAC SERVER S4 R8 100mins of Suzuka 2019"
    • The practice server is available now.
    • The server has a locked entry list and will only allow those who have signed up for the season to join it.
    • All sessions are open for joining.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz".
    • All conditions are set to match those that will be used for the race server.
    • PASSWORD: season4

    This round is an ENDURO:
    • 1 x 100 min race.
    • 1 Mandatory pitstop for tyres.
    • 97 minute pit window.
    • Fuel optional
    • Fuel fill time is now fixed at 25 seconds
    • Fuel and tyre combined stop fixed at 30 seconds
    • 20 min qualifying session split into two 10 minute segments.
      • Segment 1 is exclusively for GT4's.
      • Segment 2 is exclusively for GT3's.
    • Full formation lap with UI gizmo and car ghosting on. Getting too far out of position can result in being auto-sent to the pits for the start. Even just slightly speeding as the lights go green can result in a stop/go penalty.
    • Server time scale multiplier is set at 4x for this round.
      • Official Practice, 45 mins (in game Saturday 8pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Qualifying, 20 mins (in game Sunday 11am) - OPEN for joining
      • Race, 100 mins (in game Sunday 8pm) - LOCKED no joining
    • Weather is set to an average of 20 degrees with a Kunos chance of rain across all sessions so expect some variation.

    Season 4 is a fixed car per driver championship. Whichever car you start your first official round in will be the car you use for the rest of the season.


    All important information for racing is available on our forums, however we strongly advise drivers to join our Discord server for for voice and text chat. Sometimes critical information such as server issues, race delays, last minute race format changes, instructions to a specific driver, etc. will be relayed only through the Discord voice channel and text chat. There is also a healthy dose of banter that just makes the round more fun :). Once you sign up for any Season at Rooz you'll be given extra Discord permissions for text chat.

    Discord voice chat rules and etiquette:
    • if you intend to chat you MUST use push-to-talk. No-none wants to hear your gear clicks, heavy breathing or barking dog in the background.
    • non-excessive chat and banter is OK in Practice sessions.
    • There should be minimal chat in Qualifying sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • There should be minimal chat in Race sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • If you become frustrated or angry at yourself or another driver DO NOT PUSH YOUR TALK BUTTON. Keep it private!
    • ABUSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. There's no place for that stuff at Rooz!
    • Please wait until ALL drivers have completed the final lap of a race before discussing your race.
    • Admins may speak at any time in any session for obvious reasons.
    • Feel free to hang around in chat after the race. Many of us like to have a laugh about things that may have happened in the race and it can be a nice wind-down :)

    Unfortunately due to the serious "join freeze" or "join lag" issue we are currently not allowing the use of custom painted skins for Season 4. Specifically we are talking about skins painted externally and saved as PNG files that are added to ACC.

    We love the idea of custom painted skins and would dearly love to add this rich feature to our league but ultimately the quality of the racing must come first. We have discussed at length a number of ideas and methodologies to try to overcome the problem but these involve arrangements which add complexity for the admin team as well as all drivers involved in the season and still may not result in overcoming the problem. If the situation improves significantly either through better support within ACC or through the community arriving at workable solutions then we will certainly look at allowing custom painted skins into our Monday night league racing.

    If you also love custom painted skins then please help us out by searching high and low for real solutions, and by all means feel free to do some testing on our servers including during our Wednesday fun practice nights.

    At this stage we are not restricting the use of the in-game editor for creating custom colour schemes. This may change if we find that even that system causes serious join lag issues.

    NOTE: As we cannot block the use of skins at the server level we strongly suggest all drivers who sign up to Season 4 remove all custom painted skins from their game installation folders as a precaution. If a custom painted skin has been accidently left selected on a driver's car when they enter the S4 server during a qualifying session causing join lag they will be immediately disqualified from the round. Any driver that has a copy of that joining driver's selected skin will experience a large join lag as that image is loaded into memory. Every other driver on the server may experience some level of 'join lag' even if they have zero customs skins in their game.

    Thanks for racing at RaceOnOz
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2020
  2. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
  3. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    So this is primarily a night race?
    SteveDrivingSlowly likes this.
  4. Flamebadger

    Flamebadger ACC Server Legend

    Sure is! Hopefully you have a headlight button bound :)
  5. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    Just a note as a GT4 driver about being passed by GT3s: I find that sometimes I am still essentially divebombed by GT3s in corners, where they have left their pass in the preceding straight too late and are more or less forcing the corner. I often have to either hang out wide, sacrificing a lot of my own speed when I'm either chasing or being chased by other GT4s, or I commit to my own full-speed corner which means I don't have the grip to suddenly make my corner tighter if a GT3 is trying to pass on the outside.

    So bottom line is that I reckon it's risky for the GT3s to pass late into a corner and I (maybe selfishly) would prefer if they left the pass to the straight after the corner, where they've got more than enough power to blast on by.
  6. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    I found that usually if I'm not going to be along side into the braking zone then I'm going to wait until afterwards where possible. Sure this won't always be the case but I try my best to make sure we both lose the least amount of time. Otherwise if you are able to give an indication of a preferred spot then that's the most ideal, of course this isn't your responsibility or a requirement but it can be hard to know the braking points in GT4 sometimes and that is when I usually have found I had to divebomb someone to avoid rear ending them instead. Obviously this isn't ideal either but I'm just offering the perspective from GT3 side and my personal thoughts.

    Everyone in GT4 is awesome, clean and so courteous. You always drive in a predictable way so I don't think you guys need to change anything about what you're doing.
    krunch and Wally like this.
  7. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Yep it's a tricky thing for both classes that's for sure. We noted the divebombing issue early in the season in the driver briefing notes but it's probably a good time to revisit this subject. We'd ask every driver to open and read the Multiclass Briefing Notes in the first post of this thread.
  8. staffy0707

    staffy0707 Rookie

    I'm in the gt4s myself and I have no doubt it's hard for both classes. I have no issues with any drivers actions so far. My two cents worth would be that I try be mindful of and if others could try be mindful of (which is dam hard in the thick of it all) is where you are in relation to the position behind you and in front of you. If I'm off the back like I was in Barcelona and I notice a few gt3s coming that are battling for position then I tend to move out of the way alot more and quicker too. But at leguna I was right on Andy g the whole way in the second race then I'm not going to be so forgiving in moving off the race line, and it's a bit annoying when a GT3 who has a nice buffer on their opponent is pushing to pass you instead of just getting the next straight. Having said all that I do believe it usually just evens itself out and when everyones on track doing there thing sometimes I have enough trouble worrying about myself let alone everything else. All in all I think considering everything that happens on a race night I feel.everyone is doing a great job at being fair and courteous to.each other.
  9. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    Yeah, for sure it's mostly really well managed by everyone. There's just the odd occasion where you still feel like you have to sacrifice your own GT4 race for the sake of the GT3s.
  10. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    P3 Quali with a bad lap, at least half a second on the table.

    I went deep in Degner 2 and let Shane through and I picked the wrong direction when trying to avoid him in 130R when he spun and lost so much good track position. Thankfully I managed to have a really good battle with Wall

    Second stint was pretty :):):):).
    We don't talk about the second stint.
  11. killagorilla

    killagorilla Rookie

    Yeah, something went wrong there. The tires weren't changed during my pit stop. Doing that intentionally makes probably very little sense. Me stupid idiot put the car in 2nd gear on the way out, which got me a 30s penalty on top.
    The icing at the end 130s or whatever penalty for not changing tires. Why am I doing this?...should have spent the evening on the couch reading a book...
    Apologies to Hatfield.
  12. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    I hope that's a BMW M4 BOP thing here... I was waaaaay last, which felt pretty unusual to me when I was 9th in the season standings and with a best result of 4th. I just had no pace whatsoever and the Beemer felt like a barge. I was about 1.5 seconds slower than the next slowest GT4 (apart from Mael, who's a special case). Got lapped by two other GT4s :eek:
  13. Godzilla

    Godzilla Team Driver

    Yeah, the two stop idea didn’t really work... was much more fun though.
    SteveDrivingSlowly and krunch like this.
  14. Flamebadger

    Flamebadger ACC Server Legend

    For the first time in two weeks I didn't have a mid-race disconnection so I have no complaints this round :D
  15. Flamebadger

    Flamebadger ACC Server Legend

    And some highlights. As always, it takes a little time to process into HD:

  16. Mael

    Mael Professional

    Lol. I had severe problems with tire temperature last night especially with the fronts. Could not get any heat into them, I've had warmer tyres in the rain. As the stint progressed this became worse and when a wall jumped out in front of me I decided to retreat and have another think about setups :coffee:
  17. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    Weirdly in the 1st stint, my left hand side pressures were dropping really low while the right hand side remained vaguely OK.
    SteveDrivingSlowly and krunch like this.
  18. Paul McElhinney

    Paul McElhinney Rookie

    Yesterday was my second ever stint at Suzuka and it showed. I brought up the tail of the GT3 field.

    It was going very well until the pitstop. When I refueled I decided to add half a PSI of pressure to the tyres which caused the rears to add over a PSI when hot. The ballooned tyres and too much kerb at 130R meant I did a Mission Impossible 2 style spin at one point but I managed to avoid hitting anything solid in the process.

    One positive is that I seem to be getting the hang of drifting the Ferrari. I usually tweak the setup to make the car more pointy. Turn 1 at Suzuka seemed to be faster with a bit of sidewaysness, which was alot of fun.

    I also seem to be getting a bit more feel for the brakes with my G920 setup. I did upgrade the spring, but it's still a bit soft for my liking. It probably doesn't help that my racing rig is more of an open wheeler seating position.
  19. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Suzuka was plenty fun last night :). My tweaked setup now has a nice balance even with a lot of tyre wear so it no longer stubbornly ploughs wide whenever the sheen comes of the new tyres :thumbsup:. That doesn't mean I'm troubling the top of the time sheets but at least the car mostly does what I ask it to. Very fun to drive and to battle with! Somehow I also got my pressures for both stints pretty much spot on so there's another positive.

    The start and first part of my shortish first stint were great fun with cool battles and GT3 dodging. My luck with GT3 placement finally ran out though and in one lap the GT3's swarmed me at nearly every apex which saw me lose my gap and then 3 GT4 positions as well :cry:. That was just before my scheduled pitstop which I partially botched when my engine wouldn't stop and I was a bit out of position. Back into the final hour I ended up on my own for the rest of the race except of course for the regular GT3 visitations - oh and Tez pest (@tezpez85) who just had to lap me as well! :roflmao: .

    Finishing P7 with a Silver P3 was a nice surprise as I thought I'd be further back.

    Well done to all for getting through another long race especially as this was at night.
  20. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    What does your Car Control rating look like? Mine's a sea of red, indicating overdrive. I'm barely in control of the damn thing.

    krunch likes this.