Bathurst 1000 2016

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Motors560, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Motors560

    Motors560 Professional

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    The great race has finished for another year with the Tekno entry of Will Davison and Jono Webb coming out on top of a thrilling race. This forum is for people to discuss the race, the controversial ending to the race, what could be improved, what was good/bad. Only thing i ask is that not to judge somebody if their opinion is not the same as yours. This is a forum for everybody to give their honest opinion on there thoughts on the great race.
    JonoStan96 and Sam D Blacklock like this.
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    we had some discussion of this on Sunday and a few opinions were thrown around. I will say this:

    All 3 drivers could have done something different to avoid the incident entirely but heat of the situation is what it is.
    Whincup could've not attempted the chase pass, and could've attempted to redress later
    McLaughlin could've squeezed Whincup less, and could've rejoined slower
    Tander could've not attempted to go through the middle of them

    Either which way, I am disappointed for all 3 of them as it isn't what anyone wanted
    Kart-No-1 and SPL Racing like this.
  3. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

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    Lets see what the appeal by Wincup brings forward to this discussion. Im a Ford man so it will make no diference to my desired result. But it will be interesting nonetheless.
    Clevohead likes this.
  4. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

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    This is what I was up to Sunday, did watch the last 10 laps though, and as Mod I put it down to a racing incident with all drivers at fault to some degree.
    But on a lighter note here is a little vid I put together for Heat 2 of my races on the day, I came 2nd behind a 250 X-flow powered Volvo, we had two heats in total of 3 xlaps per race ( I got 1st in heat 1), and a final. I came second in points for the day (11 points), and somewhere around 4th in the final as it was persisting down with rain and the race Marshalls retreated so results are sketchy lol.

    So here you go heat 2 in car cam:

    We were #17L, and was racing my mate's old VN wagon. Sorry for the glare in the windscreen the mud was nuts and as soon as you hit the wipers it was smeared every where.
    JonoStan96, Peter Wise and Hatfield like this.
  5. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    i like that you got the 'executive' model (see the left of dash)
    Clevohead likes this.
  6. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

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    Only the best mate ;)
  7. Nathancarhead

    Nathancarhead Team Driver

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    As a GT and HRT fan, I was very upset when the incident on lap 150 occurred. Personally I see it as Whincup's fault. He pushed McLaughlin off the road with a desperate passing attempt, and then slowed way down on the racing line effectively "brake checking" GT which when GT tried to go around Whincup as Scotty rejoined caused the incident it did. I was furious at the time, but have since realized that its just one of those things that happens in Motorsport. The final thing i will say about this, is that I don't think the penalty was anywhere near as harsh as it should have been. Guys up and down the field were copping drive through's for minor infractions, but when Whincup took out 2 guys and effectively ruined 2 races and what should have been a really close finish, 15 seconds just doesn't feel appropriate.

    As for the rest of the race, I think it was a cracker of a race. I find it amazing and also it makes me proud that we have a category of motorsport where the racing can be so good, and there be enough excitement without there being constant safety cars for the first half. No safety car for the first half was very interesting, but of course being Bathurst once 1 safety car came out, so did the rest of them.

    Congratulations must go out to Jono Webb and Will Davidson on what was a great drive from them, and also another amazing finish where in the last few years we've had races that have all had finishes of less than a second as the margin of victory. In short, another cracker of a race, but very frustrating as a HRT fan to see both cars have their races ruined for something that I don't really see as their faults.
    SPL Racing and Mael like this.
  8. its-benny-racer

    its-benny-racer Professional Gold Member

    If person A makes a mistake, then person B makes a mistake reacting to the mistake by Person A, is it fair to blame Person A for mistake made by Person B?

    I don't think it is reasonable to say that GT and CM's races were ruined by the overtake attempt by JW, it was ruined by the collision between GT and CM, which was contributed to heavily by CM coming back onto the track in an unsafe manor, and the fact that GT was right on JW's bumper from before they even exited the chase.

    I didn't see JW brake check GT, he was clearly off the throttle on the opposite side of the track from where CM was going to re-enter, I'm not sure what else he was supposed to do at that point he either blocked GT or risked a potential collision himself with CM.
  9. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

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    CM??? Was it Craig McLaughlin in the Volvo? In that case it was definitely his fault hey Mona!
  10. Motors560

    Motors560 Professional

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    Kinda flattered about the response so far wasn't expecting this much interest in the forum so thank you
    Now my personal opinion.
    Look this is a very difficult one for me having watched over the replay several times i'll do my best to not sound biased Frosty fan so really wasn't caring anymore after the brake disc explosion :(.
    I was watching inside Supercars tonight listening to Mark Skaife and Russell Ingall break down the incident piece by piece and explaining their opinion on the matter. They basically stated they believed the Whincup move on Mclaughlin was legitimate becuase of the B pillar rule (meaning Whincup was up to the B pillar which is the line between the 2 doors) and because of Mclaughlin's attempted block forced him into an awkward position they believed the incident looked worse for Whincup than it actually was. And for Tander's sake they both agreed this was a move anyway would have made in the circumstances. Now my opinion

    I'm 50/50 to be honest i agree that Mclaughlin made a dangerous reentry back onto the track however something that wasn't mentioned was the fact that because Whincup slowed down for the attempted redress Mclaughlin would have expected to come out behind both Whincup and Tander which for Whincup wasn't ideal. I also agree with Tanders move lets be honest anyway who would see a gap open like that would go for it 100% simple and just this time it didn't work.
    The one thing i 100% disagree with was that fact Whincup,Skaife and Ingall all believed the move was "on" ok now the problem here is the reason the move is on is because Whincup was at Mclaughlin's B pillar it technically means it's a legit move but is it a legit move if your rear brakes are locked and your sliding into the corner NO is the simple answer if Mclaughlin WASN'T there Whincup slides of the road 95% percent of the time there. The next problem is the redress. With Tander behind Whincup knows he has to yield to Mclaughlin but has to try to keep Tander behind this i believe makes Whincup slow down on the part of the track where Tander cannot move around the outside onto the marbles when both Tander and Whincup shift into 3rd gear and go around the corner Tander now has room to move to the right of the track to get around the slowing Whincup and thats how the contact with Mclaughlin occurred.
    I studied Motorsport at TAFE in 2014 and spoke to a student who i knew studied the course last year who was working for Red Bull on Whincup's car. The problem is that the 15 second rule doesn't exist in this circumstance so despite believing Whincup is in the wrong here mostly the penalty was pretty much made up by race control and because the "Actual" penalty is a 10 point deduction off the driver's points this is now why we are having this huge confusion.

    I believe that Red Bull have a very small chance of getting the result overturned. However the official announcement will happen near the end of the month.
    And yeah thats it nearly took half and hour to write that so hope you enjoyed reading it.
    Also Jason Bargwanna should be sacked enough said consistency doesn't exist in this category anymore.
  11. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

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    I agree 100% with how you called it. I'm a Scotty Mac fan and it was devastating to see his race ruined. He would have expected to be way behind GT and JW by the time he re-entered. Scotty said it last week on inside super cars. There is no consistency in the calls by bargs or the penalties given. The drivers don't know where the line is and what penalty they will receive if they breach that line. How can they race hard if they don't have a solid line in the sand.
    Motors560 likes this.
  12. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

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    Also there were a number of cars "squeezed" at the chase and those that were still in control ran it up over the curb and lost a bit of momentum and didn't make the pass. This should have been no different.