Season 12 - Division 1

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

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  2. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

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    There's been some great races on GT6 but by goodness, that was an instant goddamn classic.

    I went to the fridge and grabbed a bucket of ice cream, then sat down to watch. When I saw the orange cars bump drafting, I was slightly miffed, but by the second lap, I couldn't suppress my grin any longer. They manufactured the win like goddamn pros - classic motorsport, excellent teamwork. During the race, I couldn't work out how on earth they could be battling each other and extending the gap to me. It made no sense.

    It was a fully deserved one-two - absolutely incredible. What a superb way to win a race, especially the first race of the new season. What a fairytale.

    My hat is off to you both. You played the cards perfectly. The same cards won't work in the future though, so prepare for a gruelling season ahead. That was awesome.
  3. B-Spec Bob

    B-Spec Bob Team Driver

    PSN ID
    @ssman244 :laugh::roflmao:

    Also hats off to @MINT_GTR for being a good sport and giving up his positions on the final lap :geek:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
    warrior2167, ssman244 and Hatfield like this.
  4. ssman244

    ssman244 Team Driver

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    We did a bit of shaking aswell! ;):roflmao:
    SPL Racing and B-Spec Bob like this.
  5. ssman244

    ssman244 Team Driver

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    Thanks Crunch, can safely say that wasn't a game plan of ours cause we never imagined starting 1 and 2 but after the first lap I got what Bob was playing at and went with it. I decided that after our pitstops, we had the gap to battle a bit more than help each other (obviously within certain bounds). It kept going until a little incident that just involved a small error from Bob and me going for a gap on possibly the tightest part of the track! I put it down to close racing despite the frustration, no way would Bob have known I was there on his outside. Only dropped 6 secs but it meant no more draft to keep our battle going, instead I focused on putting the hammer down to get away from the approaching Crunch and fast finishing Warrior. Won't be able to replicate the same sort of teamwork this season but we sure as hell wouldn't mind going that 1 and 2 finish for PRT again (This time I can win ;)) Great race all :thumbsup:
    warrior2167, B-Spec Bob and emmo46 like this.
  6. warrior2167

    warrior2167 Professional Super ROOZ

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    Well done guys @ssman244 @B-Spec Bob perfect teamwork. Also great drive from @Crunch to complete the podium

    Just like to apologise to my team mate @BMWF30328, who gave me a decent tow during quali towards indianapolis, only for me to stuff the lap going wide at arnage, I was up 2 tenths up.

    Qualifying was still really close with 5 cars inside of 3 tenths. I was pleased to start 3rd and I wanted to just stay with the leaders early on, and probably save some fuel in the draft. Didn't take me long to screw that up, I under steered turning back to the left at the 1st chicane, touched the gravel, veered right than left and squeezed @MINT_GTR into the wall. Oh #$%^ I thought.

    The race did get better from there, including some good battles with jacie, bryan and Jono. Moving up to 4th before the pit stops I figured it would be better to get the benefit of a lighter car than to split the tyres equally, so i stayed out untill lap 9. That strategy almost payed off in the end, I made a chunck of time those last 4 laps to just finish outside the podium.

    With regards to the glitchy starts, could it just be because of the 24 hour cycle and the lengthy track ?
  7. seth123

    seth123 Professional

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  8. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

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    That may very well be the case. The practice race afterward at Tokyo didn't have that problem. I've seen the start sequence glitch sporadically before, or a very long loading screen onto the grid, but not for a consecutive restart like the one we did.
  9. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

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    iRacing: Beau Albert
    I have nothing to say but Well Played B-Spec Bob and SSMan.... Well Played :thumbsup:
    B-Spec Bob and ssman244 like this.
  10. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    warrior2167, Crunch, Hatfield and 2 others like this.
  11. ssman244

    ssman244 Team Driver

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    When I saw you go in late for tyres, I kept peering at my bottom right screen kinda waiting for my lap FL time to disappear :laugh:. And the comeback was top stuff, so glad bob and I went with our strategy cause otherwise we could've fallen into the clutches of you and Crunch at the end. :eek:
    warrior2167 likes this.
  12. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

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    God... the lean never gets old...

    I was the 5th car and I got 8 tenths off pole... I'm not sure that is factually true Warrior, lol.

    Finally, if you guys weren't fair dinkum legends, I guarantee that you would have caused each other angst and would have slowed each other down, in turn allowing me to keep up, in turn causing a 3 way fight or otherwise, in turn allowing Warrior to join the fight and quite possibly win. I think it's the single most deserving win I've ever seen.
    warrior2167, ssman244 and AOCleaner74 like this.
  13. StigsTC

    StigsTC Professional

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    You'd have to be mad to start battling a team mate when your biggest threats ran into trouble on lap 1 and you had clear road ahead.
    Thought it was pretty standard to draft with a team mate if you got the chance, leave the battle to the last 1 or 2 laps once you've attained a safe distance behind giving you margin for an off to keep position.
    However it is one of those dream scenarios to be doing that as 1st and 2nd with an equally skilled team mate so you can work together at full speed to secure not only the win but a proper lockout, just it never actually happens that way to be a 'textbook case' but if there was such a thing, that was 'textbook' operation to do it and get it right. The bit that makes it impressive is that they got it right without any prior planning or communication - a feat that can only be achieved by quality racers.
    Crunch and ssman244 like this.
  14. ssman244

    ssman244 Team Driver

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    That was our Whincup and SVG moment of the season. Just glad we didn't do have a Pukekohe style incident :thumbsup::D
  15. AUSnicko9

    AUSnicko9 Professional

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    Impressive start for the two PRT drivers! :thumbsup:

    Couldn't make round 1 unfortunately, but see everyone for round 2 Sunday night.
  16. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
    StigsTC likes this.
  17. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Ok guys, Please take 5 mins to read the following....some important info.

    Great effort last race, only 1 or 2 small issues that have been sorted. On the whole was some great racing with big grids.....well done.

    ROUND 2 Tokyo R246 - 28 laps


    TRACK LIMITS : As per our rules and regs drivers must keep 2 wheels on the ripple strips or white lines at all times. We all make a mistake or 2, but if you are caught "continually and obviously" running outside the track limits to gain advantage you will be penalized by the stewards group. Luckily for us this week, there is nowhere you can cut track for advantage!

    CONTACT : CONTACT IS TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES. If you make contact with the car in front, and gain an advantage you MUST REDRESS and give the place back. Failure to do so could result in a penalty from the stewards group.

    PASSING : When a car pulls along side you are EXPECTED to give racing room. Contact in being aggressive trying to defend will be looked at, better to give room and continue the fight. DONT dive bomb with a crazy pass. ;)

    SWERVING : You are NOT permitted to swerve from side to side on the straights. Drivers may only change direction ONCE on corner entry. Of course the straight isn't so straight so this won't apply on that kink

    TURN 1 LAP 1 : Dont need to be a rocket scientist to know that you cant win the race in the first corner, but you sure as hell can lose it for yourself and / or ruin another drivers races by either being too aggressive OR too defensive into T1. Use your brains here lads and give room to those around you. Back half of the grid need to brake a little earlier and not cause chaos with kamikazee passes.

    PIT ENTRY / EXIT : There are dotted lines for pit entry and exit and these will be treated as unbroken pit lines. If you plan to pit in, you should exit the final turn and immediately move to the right hand side ready to enter the pit lane. On exit, you need to stay in the lane until the yellow dotted line ends before moving over to the racing line. (I am not 100% sure on how the game releases you from the pits so please let me know if it releases into a cut of this line)

    BLUE FLAGS : Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Best to get off the race line, and with a small lift let them go, so you can continue the fight with those on the same lap. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    STEWARDS GROUP AND RACE PROTESTS: This season we will be using the new stewards group for racing infringements and protests. Many thanks to the guys who have put their hands up to volunteer. The specific Stewards group thread will have all the info in it, regarding rules and regs, and the protest procedure. Please read it and understand how it works...we are still to link in the collated rules and regs.........

    QUITTING : This is something that has been here for as long as we have run leagues, but we are looking to implement a slightly stricter interpretation of this rule. outlined below.....
    1. If you quit the race room you will receive 0 points and you cant use as drop round.
    2. If you park up in the pits for the race (have to stop etc) you will get last place and CAN use as drop round. (if more than one, then points in the order they park up)
    3. If you DSC you will finish behind the last place driver.
    If the Stewards Group have reason to believe the DSC is a 'sneaky quit" the rule 1 above will apply.

    SAVE YOUR REPLAY ! : Please remember to save your replay after the race. If you want to protest anything, we can only act on the info we have in front of us, failure to do so will not enable us to view things from your game perspective, and with some of the issues we have seen, this could have a massive influence on how the stewards group will view and rule on any incident.

    Shamelessly copied from @stucar17 and edited accordingly
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2017
  18. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    What if someone parks up on lap 10 and another guy gets to lap 12 and gets disconnected, shouldn't the 12 lap DSC guy be scored ahead of the 10 lap parked up guy?.
  19. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    hmm IMO yes...
    @stucar17 care to comment?
    Crunch likes this.
  20. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I have updated the briefing that the dsc who goes further than a parkup, will finish ahead of the parkup
    emmo46 likes this.