GT-Sport [WET EVENT] (14/09) Suzuka 500km

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by JonoStan96, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Mint: 1:46.977
    Jono: 1:47.672
    Luurox: 1:47.994

    Bluexephos: 1:56.334
    xlxy90: 1:56.348
    Sinyster: 1:56.759
    Viperzed 1:57.098
    Zachery: 1:59.321

    I’m guessing there will be a fair few LCS entries...
    MINT_GTR, StigsTC and bluexephos22 like this.
  2. NoirAntares

    NoirAntares Rookie

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    Might have to give this race a miss, been asked to work on Saturday and I don't think I can make it home in time for the race.
  3. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

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  4. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Driver’s Briefing: Suzuka 500kms
    Please read the following and ‘like’ once you have read and understood it.

    Race: 06:10 Sunny
    One Lap Test Race: 19:20 AEST
    Start Time: 19:30 AEST
    Racing Softs
    Tyre/Fuel Depletion: X1

    The room host will set the grid based on the qualifying order. At approximately 19:20 the host must start a 1 lap test to ensure everyone can move off the grid with no issue. This can be done by changing the race type to Practice/Race.

    Prior to the race start, the host must double check the Power and Weight of each car matches those listed in the OP.
    The race will start in a side by side formation as per previous endurance events. The pole sitter will set the pace but the 1st lap must not take longer than 4 Minutes. Your speed must not exceed 140km/h during the formation lap. The pole sitter after rounding the final corner can choose when to hit the gas to start the race as long as it is before the start finish line. The race will go green at the start finish line regardless of the pole sitter’s actions.
    If you are silly enough to spin on the formation lap, you are allowed to regain your place, but tough luck if the race starts before you can do so...

    3 Strikes Rule
    In order to combat the issues in the last event, anyone who freezes on the grid will be given 2 more chances to get going via rejoining and resetting. If it takes more than 3 attempts, you will be excluded from the race however you will pick up a point for 16th place.

    TRACK LIMITS: As per our rules and regs drivers must keep 2 wheels on the ripple strips or white lines at all times. We all make a mistake or 2, but if you are caught "continually and obviously" running outside the track limits to gain advantage you risk being penalised post race by the Stewards Group.

    CONTACT: CONTACT IS TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES. If you make contact with the car in front and gain an advantage, you MUST give the place back at the next available opportunity.

    SWERVING: You are NOT permitted to swerve from side to side on the straights. Drivers may only change direction ONCE on corner entry.

    TURN 1 LAP 1: You can't win the race at turn 1, but you can certainly lose it. Take care into the first corner and leave plentiful space for other drivers, as this is the most risky part of the race. This is a very long race, so there should be no divebombs or ridiculous moves so early on. Heavy damage is on, so you will suffer the consequences if you are stupid.

    NUMBER BOARDS: It is a requirement that you place dedicated number boards (found in the OP) on your car in an easy to spot fashion. These are colour coded to clearly indicate entrant level, while the bottom square has been left white so you can edit it as you wish. Please ensure the number itself is clear to see. These boards are mandatory and failure to have them displayed on the car clearly will result in a Non Classification. Discretion may be applied under certain circumstances.

    PIT LINES: Use the pit lane lines as indicated. Do not charge into the pit lane as you risk damaging your ego and disrupting the race. Commit early to avoid potentially causing a serious accident. Stay within the lines, you may not cut the exit line AT ALL, otherwise you will receive a warning.

    BLUE FLAGS: Blue flag rules will apply as per usual, however GT300 drivers are under zero obligation to move over and let GT500 runners past. It is up to the GT500driver to make a clean pass without making contact.

    HEALTH: Please empty your bladder before the race. We have a big enough break before the race to do so, we’ve all heard the degenerate stories of people pissing in bottles to continue playing, I really hope that doesn’t happen here! On the flipside, keep hydrated during the race with a bottle of water or energy drink, etc.

    If you have any questions, check the driver’s briefing, check the OP, then if that does not answer your questions, ask me here!
    Zachery, xlxy90 and StigsTC like this.
  5. TNR_5zigen

    TNR_5zigen New Recruit

    Is it too late to sign up if not I’ll take the NSX in GT500.
    StigsTC and JonoStan96 like this.
  6. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say jump in
  7. DRR_Sinyster

    DRR_Sinyster New Recruit

    PSN ID
    that was a long race, my fingers hurt like hell now x.x Great racing everyone though. And @MINT_GTR I apologize for the crash. I had gone wide at the exit of the Esses and in trying to recover, was thrown back on the track with no time to react to you coming around the corner and slamming into my side.
    MINT_GTR and JonoStan96 like this.
  8. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    First of all well done to @TNR_5zigen and @bluexephos22 for the class wins. I knew coming into the night that the Aston was in a very dark place of which it wasn't getting any help out of which sadly meant the win was never going to be achievable. Got a solid start and managed to grab Synyster and XL into second. Xephos made his only mistake of the race and I went through to the lead. Held Xephos off for as long as I could in a car that was stupidly underpowered. Went side by side through Turn 1 and 130R with Xephos which I didn't think was remotely possible but we both lived to tell the tale. Fantastic racing! Eventually I got swept up in a straight line which didn't make any sense and Synyster grabbed me from a stupid distance back. (Lambo FL 1.2 seconds quicker than Aston FL) hung P3 for a while before handing off to @razor4797 who rejoined behind @xlxy90 in a good position, @X3rx3s44 took the Zent audi from there and as Razor held him off he made a small mistake on the exit of Dunlop that on any other lap wouldve been fine but this time took out both of my team cars as well as an innocent @MINT_GTR

    Hugely unfortunate for it to go down like that and ultimately cost us a second place but that's racing. I took the car back at the second stop and hunted down X3rx3s44 with FL after FL only to see the gap extend? Completely demotivated at that point, Polyphony rubbed salt in the wounds and put me in the wall from a rogue kerb that put me in an unstoppable spin exit of spoon. Nice. Podium yew. Thanks Aston:inlove:

    Aston bad this round
    Somehow lead early
    Xephos good race
    Aston bad happened
    Razor big booboo
    Car still bad
  9. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)

    By far the most physical race I’ve done, I was exhausted at the end. Ultimately the Lexus just didn’t have the pace to match the Honda or the Nissan, which was a shame as I was able to hold both Mint and 5zigen off until I succumbed to the pressure.

    Lapped traffic was better than recent rounds but still leaves a lot to be desired. The slower class must always be predictable to ensure both parties lose as little time as possible. Having to slam on the brakes at 130R or back completely off at the hairpin only costs both cars time. There was also an occasion where I’d made the early commitment to stay on the outside of Casio only to have the GT300 swerve right in front of me right before the braking zone and I only avoided a crash by doing a Ricciardo style divebomb. Yikes.

    It’s honestly hard to have any motivation for these events when half the field doesn’t even show up, it really makes a mockery of the amount of effort that goes in to make these races tick. As thankful as I am that a former GTPES World Champion like 5zigen joined at the last minute, the fact he only pushed the total entrants past the 50% total room capacity mark, well. I don’t need to add anything else apart from don’t be surprised if there are no endurance events in 2020.

    Huge congrats to @bluexephos22 for his commanding GT300 win, and to @TNR_5zigen for holding onto the GT500 win, our 2 battles were some of the most fun racing I’ve had in a long time!

  10. bluexephos22

    bluexephos22 Rookie

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    Fun racing at the start, well done to everyone for sticking around
  11. razor4797

    razor4797 Professional Gold Member

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    Ain’t that the truth