Discussion in 'PCLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. Bounty05

    Bounty05 Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Any chance of getting an up to date Div2 Championship points table?
    SUBGTRACER and RHINO11 like this.
  2. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Apologies for not having the championship tables up yet folks, I've been in the hospital with my little girl, I'll get them up this weekend for you.
    garyw61 likes this.
  3. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    No worries dj. I hope everything is ok.
  4. SuiCid3

    SuiCid3 Professional

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    Godspeed @dj2ca
    All the best buddy
  5. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Thanks guys, hopefully nothing too serious.
  6. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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  7. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Alright guys.......... In div 2 we have 8, and it looks like div 3 has 8 as well....so we will merge for the final round if everyone keen... The only way it would change would be if both decepticon and @fezza were going to run, but fezza hasnt been on since round 2 so i cant imagine he is racing.....could be wrong though ! I have messaged them both to double check....

    Also @ned83 said he was out......is this still right ?

    If you have 8 This is how the merge will work will ...
    - set up in 2 div chats as normal.... Div 2 and 3
    - We all qual together with "pole" point awarded to the fastest from each div
    - Add a formation lap (now 41)
    - At race start everyone stops and the div 2 guys line up in order and div 3 in order behind them.... DONT JUMP START !
    - When all sorted div 2 will drive away getting 'about' 10 sec ahead of the div 3 pole sitter
    - The div 3 pole sitter MUST control the gap to div 2 please....
    - Lead drivers to drive at "about" 120KPH
    - Like the sprint round, the lead driver decides when to accelerate after the last turn, this will be "race start"
    - Div 3 will start the same, just "approx" 10 sec later (the last if div 2 should be through turn 1)

    I think this is the best way to do it guys, rather than have a drivers race from the 'other' div ruined through an accident by mixing up the grid....Once the race starts though guys, its game on in terms of division.....All i would say to the div 2 guys is IF @t_b_williams and @Ant_427 come up on you in a battle please be aware they are in a 5 point fight for their Div 3 championship....

    Thanks stu

    If everyone can please 'like' this post so we all know everyone knows and understands how the set up......
  8. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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  9. disturboed

    disturboed Damian Hall Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    SO how many ended up finishing?

    First DSC for me in a long time, at least it was at the start, not after an hour of hard slog or anything.

    Once we did manage to get started, everything looked to be ok for the first few corners (except for Bounties tank slapper into the S-curves). Then at the end of the back straight all hell broke loose and cars were just all over the place and teleporting and going haywire, and then by the time I hit the second last turn, boom, DSC. We had already agreed to carry on regardless due to the 2 aborted starts earlier, so that was that for me. I was like, meh.
    SUBGTRACER, garyw61, SuiCid3 and 2 others like this.
  10. Bounty05

    Bounty05 Professional Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Well done Stu for the win, & Jim for P2. Great race. Had a bad quali and then lap 1 off through the esses so fought my back for P3. Had a great battle with @gary for about 19 laps, good racing Gaz that was awesome.
    Thanks to Stu for organising S1 great effort as usual.
    I look forward to S2 with some pit stops to make it more interesting.
  11. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Well done @stucar17 . Congratulations on the win and championship. Great drive @Jim_aka_The_Man to get back up there after what happened at the end of the back straight. And well done @Bounty05 on rounding out the podium. Thanks for that great battling. It actually made the 40 laps pass quite quickly compared to my previous enduros. Great fun!

    SUBGTRACER Team Driver

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    Well don't lads , Nice work Stu ..... :thumbsup:
  13. SuiCid3

    SuiCid3 Professional

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    Not much to report from my side.
    Had terrible pace around here during practise which also showed in qualy.
    Started 7th and followed the pack until there was a lag related incident at the back straight.
    Came through that into 3rd and tried not to let fatmix and @stucar17 run off too far.
    Was doing well for the first half of the race but then :):):):) just got too hot (figuratively and literally) and the mistakes started coming.
    Managed to claw onto the back of fat but a half spin gave him space again and saw the gap back to 4th close down.
    Another half spin and that allowed @Jim_aka_The_Man to tag onto my butt, though I wasn't going to hold him up so didn't drive all that defensively.
    Then another spin saw @Bounty05 and @garyw61 pass me.
    One more spin and that allowed Div3's benny to pass.
    Some more spins and @t_b_williams closed up on me.
    Eventually found some rhythm again in the last quarter and pulled back the gap to benny but wasn't enough to get the position back (although it wouldn't have mattered).

    Congrats to stu on the championship. Congrats to jim on a stellar run last night and throughout the season.
    Well done to the rest of the guys that stuck it out. Although stu 'dominated' there were plenty of people who had the pace to challenge at the front and that's what made this season so good!
    Can't say I was the fastest here, but it was a very pleasant surprise to be able to run with the front guys in such a very talented field of drivers.

    Thanks as always to everyone that made this happen and see you all on the track again soon. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
  14. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    @dj2ca first to DSC from div 2 was Disturboed....about lap 2
    For div 3 i think it was decepticon that went 1st, followed by eeessstttdddeeee ! Tuddy parked up in pits so gets last finishing spot for div 3.
    Anthonyb and dj2ca like this.
  15. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    well bugger me....thanks for the kind words lads....wouldnt say i dominated by any stretch, been a bit lucky in a couple of races, but overall was pretty consistent which makes a huge difference in a championship. Have to say real shame that DJ and @truss1984 weren't here for the whole season or things could well have been a lot different....looking at the ladder i only had 1 pole and 1 fastest lap, so its pretty clear there was pace right through the field all season.

    Last night for me was all about where @Jim_aka_The_Man was in the field. only 10 points to play with i was feeling relatively happy when in the prac room he was in the mid 2:09s.....of course i started to sweat a little when he pumped out the low 8 to be on provisional pole, and i was still yet to get a clean lap....on my last i had managed to push up to 2nd and had one more crack, and though i closed the gap a little i was never up the .3 to take top spot...

    Thanks to everyone who stuck through the small issues at the start with the new rooms....can be a pain, but we got there in the end ! I was paranoid about the rolling start, but seems that everyone did a cracking job of making it work so well done to all

    Jim did a great job of getting us all away cleanly, up until he ran wide at turn 1 and gifted me the lead.....couldnt believe my luck....just concentrated on trying to get a gap, the heavy fuel run i did early in the week was a help and then what ever happened at the end of the back straight gave me a big advantage.....i had @fatmix behind, but was able to keep pulling a gap without going crazy on the pace, watching jim slowly try to make his way back through...

    By lap 20 i think i was about 14 sec up the road, but it all came undone when esteeedeee left the room, and i spun costing about 4 seconds.....by this stage jim was up to 2nd and the gap was holding steady at about 9 sec, a couple of clench moments, and some over cautious driving saw the last lap come with Jim just 1.5 sec behind but did manage to hold on for the win.

    Want to say thanks to everyone who stuck out the season.....special mention to @Telum who showed up every week bar nurburg on a controller, @fatmix for starting late with us and ned who managed to come back after having his knee op...

    Congrats to Jim on second in the championship, and im not sure off the top of my head who gets third....either bounty or truss after drop round.....

    Get a generic PCARS post out a little later, but thanks to everyone who has supported ROOZ in Div 2 this season....
  16. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Just a heads up for everyone:

    I know you're all probably itching to see the final championship tables. The cut-off for protests is midnight tonight so once I've received the all clear that we have no protests I'll get them up for you tomorrow evening. If there does happen to be a protest for this division I'll post here to let you know that there will be a delay because of that.
    SuiCid3, stucar17 and garyw61 like this.
  17. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    First off i just wanted to thank everyone who helped in the setup and running of this season. The first on any platform can be difficult, but overall i think we got the divs pretty well sorted, the fact we had all 4 divs going down to the last race certainly made things interesting. To @Ad2mny as mod, the room captains and hosts, @dj2ca for the endless work in the tables, and the multitude of drivers who helped test etc as the season went on. Nothing like a game patch halfway through the season to make things a little tougher !

    Thanks also to the Stewards group who certainly had their work cut out for them this season. We will be revisiting this process in the off season, a thankless task, but one that is needed in some form to make sure all drivers are accountable for their driving standards. I still feel we can be better, particularly first lap, and also in redressing those 50/50 calls....everyone should be striving to get through a season with no protests ! we can always dream ;)

    To our div champions, CONGRATS !
    - @RHINO11 , congrats on div 1, your battle with @Slambobagan for the championship may well prove to be a defining moment in your racing....you certainly have the pace to be at the top of the pack for many seasons. Now all you need to do is mature into a consistent, safe driver to gain the full trust of the league. i hope in time that will be the case.
    - Have to say i feel a little sheepish taking the div 2 title, however when i look at the fastest lap and poles i only have 2 marks next to my name, taking away any hint of dominance ! Was some great racing throughout, shame we lost a few drivers through the season that would have made things even closer
    - Well done to @t_b_williams for his Div 3 championship in what was a very close division as well.....to have Tim and @Ant_427 split by just 5 points, and then the next 5 drivers split by just 14 for 3rd place. I can see a lot of these guys pushing for race wins and championships in the coming seasons.
    - @Ad2mny did a great job to win div 4.....with full grids every week was a real credit to everyone. @ShootSho7t @anne and @arnold watson all had great seasons, and lets not forget @colin-50_ with his first ever podium after a long time looking !
    New racers as well, @PaulCox @@Les 317 @Graxos69 , rinngan and @tafamare , hope you enjoyed it, given the steep learning curve, and will be back bigger and better next season !

    When we get all the cross platform seasons sorted we will have the prize draw for the awesome Pagnian cockpit..... @Anon666 will get that sorted when he has the time.....Good luck to ll those eligible drivers.

    Next season we will look to get on top of the pit stops and fuel....pretty sure its something to do with the pit options people are selecting, however we will need to get it 100% right before we go down that path. Once we got it sorted in PC1 it really did take the racing to another level.

    I will set up a car discussion thread in the not too distant future, am sure there are some selections that people would like to race in...i have a rough idea of what i think will work, but see what happens in the next few weeks when the dust settles.!

    I will also set up an entry thread.....all i ask is that if you are not sure if running please let us know when you get your entry in. I know some things are unavoidable, and circumstances change, hopefully we can maintain big grids in all divs next season....

    Finally, thanks to everyone who is a gold member...remember your VOLUNTARY minimal yearly donation helps to keep this place running, and gold members will be in the draw to receive a logitec prize from "The Gamesmen' in the next few weeks.....

    Time for a little break, hope everyone has a great Xmas and new year....if you are travelling please take care on the roads and make sure you are back again in the new year...

    Stu and Mod Team
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  18. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

    Sorry @dj2ca forgot about ths dsc etc. Thanks Stu
    dj2ca likes this.
  19. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

    Congratulations bro on your championship Well done everyone for keeping him honest.
    Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.
    Hoppy (benny11169) and stucar17 like this.
  20. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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