GT Sport Season 2 Division 4

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Antmeg26

    Antmeg26 Rookie

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    Well @incey has book ended the season with a win in the last race at Bathurst. @Deltron looked like he was going to get the win towards the end with some cracking laps but @Incey’s consistency got him back through to the front after 21 laps. @Jcp was up with them a few times during the race but found Murray's Corner a bit tough at times (I lost count. lol) I kept 4th for the majority of the race except for the pit period and at the start, which I mucked up (@Dosy sorry) and @Johnno grabbed it for 9/10 of the first lap. I did feel for Johnno as I know he was doing some good times prerace and seemed to be held up in qually. My pace was not good enough to keep up with the top three and I got hassled by @fezza (Great start), @Johnno and @Aro at different times. My FL of 11.7 was done when @Aro was trying to attach to my towbar for about 4 laps. Credit to @Aro for that lap, he pushed me hard without touching, and I was holding him up and he backed off from trying to pass me at the bottom of conrod (lap14) and he still did a 12. Flat.

    I am not sure of the final standings but we are all winners (all except for our cricket team. Rotten cheats).

    I had great fun again this season racing in Div 4. Thanks again to @Johnno for hosting.
    Edit: what is everyone doing before season 3 starts? Gtsport gets boring without this league racing.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    Dosy, incey, fezza and 2 others like this.
  2. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    Forcing the issue at The Chase just ends up with everyone in tears mate so I prefer to apply pressure and hope a mistake is made, those laps were good fun but every time I thought I had a chance you would jump out a 1/10th and I'd have to start again and once Johno joined the party I knew it was over.
    Antmeg26 likes this.
  3. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Well here we are. End of a Season / Era :)
    It's likely that @Luke has taken the S2 D4 title, but 2nd and 3rd I will leave up to our resident bean counter @emmo46
    I'll do a Season wrap up post later once everything is tidied up.
    First - lets get Bathurst out of the way.

    All this week I've had no speed on this track, struggling to break 2.15 let alone anything lower. Almost everyday I was able to play, I was just bashing laps out. It wasn't until Sunday morning using @Ozglenn room that I finally broke into the low 2.14 and just as the room closed I had taken a full second off of that time, but the room closed before I could complete the lap.
    I build the race lobby and got underway and all of a sudden I hit a 2.12.2, then hit it again and again and again. I was like F YEAH!!
    I was so very stoked to have finally hit some reasonable times.
    I was even more stoked to still have the FL when I reset the room for Qual. I was thinking, I've got pace it's going to be a good race.
    Where to start. 1 word. CRAP
    Traffic for almost the entire Qual, even though I let a good 20s go before I went as we decided on 5 laps total for Qual, so it would be fair to all. Additionally, I was unable to find the lines I had in the practise just before hand so didn't set a great time. I was surprised to have taken 5th.

    Got off the line well, @incey decided to leave his TCS off so with nowhere to go, I nudged him a bit. He was very thankful :D
    Luckily I was on the inside line and managed to nab 4th for most of the first lap with some nice tight clean racing until out of 'The Chase'. @incey got a little throttle happy and fish tailed it as he floored it out of the Chase. I was right behind incey with full throttle and speed on him, so decided to overtake on the outside of that corner... Wasn't the best decision. I went sand surfing...
    Lost a lot of spots to drop to 8th I think.
    From here, I thought, settle down and focus and lets hit those laps. The leaders weren't that far up the road, I can still hit that podium.
    Little did I know that my inconsistent bug would strike once again.

    I was hitting walls (I despise Forrest Elbow!!!) almost every 2nd lap until the last few laps when I found my mojo.
    I did however have some good battles on the way back up the ladder.
    Kudos to @AroGantz for being a good man and letting me through the chase, twice :D, once after I threw it away after braking WAAAAAAAY to late and again when I remembered where to brake...
    That 2nd overtake was a highlight.

    I had a brief battle with @fezza over the top, which was nice and clean and almost over took him just out of Forrest, however I've learnt NOT to overtake on the inside, as concrete doesn't like to move....

    As @AroGantz mentioned, he was gaining on me in the last few laps. I was just bouncing through the course by this point, attempting to find my lines once more. I even managed a 360 at the top while staying on track and only lost 1s:D, but my tires were getting old, but I was making way too many mistakes.

    All in all, I got the position I deserved. It wasn't a good race, but it was my best position at Bathurst so I'll take that as something. Learning to race in traffic and dealing with the events as they arise will be something I need to work on to improve as a racer moving on. IE the Incey fishtail and overtaking, or slowing down.
    Kudos to the podium winners
    @incey, @Luke & @Jcp
    Dosy, AroGantz, Antmeg26 and 3 others like this.
  4. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Incey will take 2nd in the championship on a count back.
    Easyprey007 and incey like this.
  5. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    How's that work? He scored more wins?
  6. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I did this more for me than anything. My errors and major events per lap.
    Lap 1 chase dirt nap
    Lap 2 forrest elbow
    Lap 3 chase late brake
    Lap 4 dipper
    Lap 5 overtake fezza and top of mountain barrier, forrest elbow. Last corner.
    Lap 6 Forrest elbow
    Lap 7 reid park forrest elbow
    Lap 8 reid park
    Lap 9 overtake aro
    Lap 10 2nd corner cutting reid park pit
    Lap 11 behind aro reid park dipper
    Lap 12 forrest elbow
    Lap 13 cutting
    Lap 14 Clean lap!
    Lap 15 reid park chase FL
    Lap 16 forrest elbow overtake aro
    Lap 17 mountain spin chase aro overtakes
    Lap 18 cutting overtake aro at chase
    Lap 19 last corner
    Lap 20 dipper
    Lap 21 2nd corner dipper
    And that's wonderful consistency. I hit a corner almost every lap. That counts for something doesn't it.
  7. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    I did say you were doing your best to lose.
    Tristan Jones and Matthyus like this.
  8. incey

    incey World Champion

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    That's awesome, can you do mine :D:D:D
  9. incey

    incey World Champion

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    Even at the end and the countback goes to the last best place which was a first for me
  10. Jcp

    Jcp Rookie Gold Member

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    Yeah. I didn't manage to win a race at all. Just consistent podiums. Div 4 for JC.
  11. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    No, div 3 for you.
    incey and Jcp like this.
  12. incey

    incey World Champion

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    That was an interesting season. After winning the first two races I thought I was home and hosed. Then the lightning came and wrecked what should have been a good race. Recouped and practiced heaps only to be denied good points again by a faulty toaster. My two bad tracks turned into a 4th and 6th or something and that meant it was going to be nearly impossible to win the season.
    I like Bathurst though so did some big practice sessions and crossed the fingers. I knew I was slower than both deltron and jc going in but thought i would be able to do a lot of incident free laps and be in contention. Turned out to be a pretty poor race really. I couldn't find my pace in qually and didn't find it very often in the race. Had lots of mistakes. Just one or two less than the faster guys it seems.
    Deltron is an absolute bas tard to pass, no room given anywhere. It forced me to rely on pit strategy to get in the lead and I was sweating on deltron getting held up to make the long first stint work. Came out of pits just in front and took ages to get in the soft groove. Did a couple of decent laps but most left a lot of room for improvement. The last couple of laps were just trying to get to the line without another wall tap and deltron nearly got me with some absolute flyers late. I figured he was aware that second was good enough to take the season and was happy to follow through the last couple of corners. Nearly gave him the win in the end but managed to hold on.
    Third on countback is a bit harsh on JC, he was faster than me on most tracks, just gotta keep it on track more often i think. First for deltron is a great effort. Well done Luke, I reckon you'll skip a div after that performance
    Thanks johnno for the hosting. You did a great job. We were always on the same page with decisions regarding qually laps or restarts so that was cool
    All you other guys did some great racing and it was a pleasure racing with you for the season. Hopefully I'll be able to stay in Div 4 coz i enjoyed the racing but its probably unlikely.
    Vote for the 458 road car next season, you'll love it
    I'm going on holidays OS for a coupla weeks. catchyas and thanks for the lols
    Dosy, Tristan Jones, emmo46 and 4 others like this.
  13. Luke

    Luke Rookie Gold Member

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    Skip a div? Can't I just go up to div 3? The reason I joined Race on Oz was to race against my brother aranteamo who is in div 3. He's faster than me and only finished middle pack.
  14. incey

    incey World Champion

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    I'm not the boss of it but I think your times may have been better than you think
  15. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    Where it makes sense for us newcomers for people to only go up or down one div at a time there is a system in place that has worked for many seasons, maybe @Hatfield could give us a run down to save confusion?
  16. incey

    incey World Champion

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    There was a precedent set when I went from 7 to 4 to 2. I would hate to see that history erased. b spec bob had a similar experience if memory serves
  17. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    Yeah Incey, I have no issue with it but don't quite understand how it works.
  18. incey

    incey World Champion

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  19. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    @VARDZ has asked for me to workout divisions for his HTO series so I will try and get them done this week
  20. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    You're so right there:confused: