Season 12 - Division 1

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Provisional Results

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  2. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Provisional 1B results

  3. ssman244

    ssman244 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Some really good racing last night, well done to MINT for taking up the fight to Warrior, great pace from the both of you :thumbsup:.
    Qually: Really poor, I'd done a few 40.6's in the lead up in that arvo's practise so hoping for a 40.8 at a minimum to get me up there, felt that .9 had much more left in me, but all day I couldn't get T1 right and it cost me. P6 still wasn't too bad.
    R1: Decent start, had the pace to get myself a few places and then find somewhere to pass Russell on this awful to pass circuit. From lap 6 onwards, it was about making a comfortable gap to the pack behind and chilling like at Tokyo. (Wasn't gonna catch the others hahaha). Gonna live to regret that 2nd last lap mistake, fell asleep and binned it on my own (would've come 3rd for the round given my R2 result) :cry:.
    R2: Angry from that 1st race muck up, was determined to make good progress early in the race. That lasted 3 turns as chaos erupted in the midpack, I became that teenage P plater delinquent after that trying to catch the field back up. Don't know how Russel and Warrior squeezed back between me and Bryan, but you can't fit these cars 3 wide on this track :laugh:. After catching Bryan then seeing him race off into the distance annoyed me but that's racing get on with it. Some late lap jousting between Stigs and Apex sees me off as third best in that. But all in all great racing despite the track. Kinda pleased considering the least amount of Practise I've done for a Sunday race before. I'm taking away the fact I have the pace and if I practise I can maybe get up there with those Aliens of Mint and Warrior :laugh:. :thumbsup:
  4. holdenman05

    holdenman05 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    thought i would be miles off the pace this week, but i wasnt too bad even got to race a few of ya. i just gotta figure out how to pass. if i cant go through without bumping ya i just don, it one of those things i need to learn form you lot
  5. B-Spec Bob

    B-Spec Bob Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Lucky to grab 3rd overall with little practice and pace, especially after my 4 position gain in the first sector went titts up.. Anyways would've taken the result if offered before the race so glad it's over and done with.
    Congrats @MINT_GTR for finally converting some fine practice form into a solid win :thumbsup: Just need to figure out how to specify the Michelins @warrior2167 uses instead of the standard/fakes/Pirellis in disguise :cautious:
    MINT_GTR, ssman244 and warrior2167 like this.
  6. warrior2167

    warrior2167 Professional Super ROOZ

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    Awesome race last night with @MINT_GTR , a small mistake at the final corner was all the matt needed to take the lead. I tried to push to get it back, but I just had to hold back a fraction to make sure I didn't cause a lag punt or something similar.

    Do we need a new host? I don't if it was just me but the stabilty was really poor last night. Especially in the 2nd race starting from the rear, it was chaotic. The only one who was ok was bryan.
    @Bryan_F I don't think 4 star is working, 3 looks to be the max, or do we drop the fixed room?
    MINT_GTR, B-Spec Bob and JonoStan96 like this.
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    you could try the non-fixed room with bmw and russell joining last and if you get sight issues, could fall back on the 3 star fixed room
  8. Jaycie

    Jaycie Rookie

    PSN ID
    Crappy night of on track buggery for me (and by me - all my own mistakes). Congratulations to the podium and especially MintGTR for making his way through the whole field in race 2. Absolute gun performance!

    Even though the results weren't good for me, I'm learning much in Div 1 and enjoying it a lot.

    Just for fun I'll share this: here's a snapshot of what I go through as a new Div1 recruit;):eek:
    So, after sweating my way into the lower midfield in quail after practicing for hours during the week, the race starts and my 1st priority is the not make contact at T1! Somehow I complete this task and, after that mountain has been climbed the race is on. It consist of keeping up a higher pace than Im honestly comfortable with (all good with that) whilst defending a ruthless driver chasing me down, poking his bonnet into not yet manifested gaps. As this is happening I'm somehow catching the guy in front and looking for a clean gap to make a move BUT also being careful not to push my luck by losing the 0.2 advantage I've gained over the last 3 laps:confused:! Repeat this chain of events over and over then hopefully not lose concentration on the last few laps whilst on worn tyres all the while I'm watching fastest laps pop and pop up on screen which are quicker than what I could manage on fresh tyres at the beginning off the race! Cross the finish line finally and get a chance to exhale the breath I'd been holding for the last 45 minutes:x3:

    As the race results roll onto the screen I get up and put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea. Thank God for Rooz, I love Sunday nights :thumbsup::D

    PS that is also the identical experience I have in any TITTS race that Bob is driving in too ;)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  9. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Without a fixed host, BMW and Russell often can't even join the room together, let alone see each other. Was the 3 star room at Tokyo better?
    B-Spec Bob likes this.
  10. warrior2167

    warrior2167 Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Yeah that was, 3 should be the highest from now on. We've had too many issues with 4.
    REVO_Bryan likes this.
  11. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    DRIVER BRIEFING R4 - Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps - 17 LAPS - WEATHER ROUND


    Please read the following carefully and 'like' it when you have read and understood it.

    TRACK LIMITS : As per our rules and regs drivers must keep 2 wheels on the ripple strips or white lines at all times. We all make a mistake or 2, but if you are caught "continually and obviously" running outside the track limits to gain advantage you will be penalized by the stewards group.
    There are many places to be careful of including Turns 1, 5, 12, 16, 18-20

    CONTACT : CONTACT IS TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES. If you make contact with the car in front, and gain an advantage you MUST REDRESS and give the place back. Failure to do so could result in a penalty from the stewards group.

    QUALIFYING : 100% track wetness and fixed changeability will be run for qualifying. Qualifying will start in the dark at 100% and transition into morning. This means that the room will be reset to change the settings back to 0% wetness and changeability 4 for the race, and we will need to manually lineup. Room captains should take note of the qualifying positions so that the lineup can be organised efficiently

    STARTING TYRE : You may start on whichever Racing Tyre you choose. I would recommend starting on the SOFT compound as the track will start dry and weather settings generally mean the track will start to get wetter, BUT it is random as to whether it gets heavier or lighter. You may gamble and start on the INTERS, or WETS, BUT this is a big gamble.

    PASSING : Use your heads ! If a car pulls along side you are EXPECTED to give racing room. Contact in being aggressive trying to defend will be looked at, better to give room and continue the fight. DONT dive bomb with a crazy pass. ;).

    SWERVING : You are NOT permitted to swerve from side to side on the straights. Drivers may only change direction ONCE on corner entry.

    TURN 1 LAP 1 : Dont need to be a rocket scientist to know that you cant win the race in the first corner, but you sure as hell can lose it for yourself and / or ruin another drivers races by either being too aggressive OR too defensive into T1. Use your brains here lads and give room to those around you. Back half of the grid need to brake a little earlier and not cause chaos with kamikazee passes.

    PIT LINES : max 2 wheels over the unbroken white lines

    BLUE FLAGS : Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Best to get off the race line, and with a small lift let them go, so you can continue the fight with those on your lap. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    STEWARDS GROUP AND RACE PROTESTS : This season we will be using the new stewards group for racing infringements and protests. Many thanks to the guys who have put their hands up to volunteer. The specific Stewards group thread will have all the info in it, regarding rules and regs, and the protest procedure. Please read it and understand how it works...we are still to link in the collated rules and regs.........

    QUITTING : This is something that has been here for as long as we have run leagues, but we are looking to implement a slightly stricter interpretation of this rule. outlined below.....
    1. If you quit the race room you will receive 0 points and you cant use as drop round.
    2. If you park up in the pits for the race (have to stop etc) you will get last place and CAN use as drop round. (if more than one, then points in the order they park up)
    3. If you DSC you will finish behind the last place driver, but in front of those who have 'parked up' if you completed more laps.
    If the Stewards Group have reason to believe the DSC is a 'sneaky quit" the rule 1 above will apply.

    SAVE YOUR REPLAY ! : Please remember to save your replay after the race. If you want to protest anything, we can only act on the info we have in front of us, failure to do so will not enable us to view things from your game perspective, and with some of the issues we have seen, this could have a massive influence on how the stewards group will view and rule on any incident.
  12. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

    PSN ID
    My NBN just kicked in, guys!

  13. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Very impressive.
  14. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    awesome! Get testing to see if you can host decent fixed rooms as a backup
  15. Russell

    Russell Professional

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    AOCleaner74 likes this.
  16. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    something for you to think about for next week....

    Apparently its a public holiday in 4 states for next weeks round....

    Please let us know early if you cant race, if there are lots away we will look to postpone for a week

    If you could discuss tonight in your lobby would be good

  17. BMWF30328

    BMWF30328 Rookie

    I want to say just one thing to the moderators, I just quit 5 laps into SPA in disgust. If we are going to have a weather round, can we PLEASE MAKE IT 100% WET and not. a DAMN LOTTERY. We don't get to see the weather before the start like you do in real is ridiculous for us to run a variable weather event when we have no idea what the weather at the start will annoyed after hours of practice. I may not have ever featured on the podium but at least I could have raced with someone.......
  18. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

    PSN ID
    Get over yourself BMW.

    First you got confused and asked if we're doing qualifying.

    Second you put intermediates on in qualifying.

    Third you put God knows what tyres on in the race.

    If you actually read the pre-race brief you'd realise all three of your mistakes before the race tonight. It's all there in the brief.

    The moderators shouldn't be responsible for you not reading the rules.

    EDIT: anyway I had an abysmal performance because I was falling asleep at the wheel. Zero practice on the track since pre-season didn't help. I'll be a lot fresher next week. It's been so busy this week. I bet the race was fun. Why was Warrior back in P6 at one point?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
    WOLFYDADDY007 likes this.
  19. StigsTC

    StigsTC Professional

    PSN ID
    I agree with BMW.
    I'm not a fan of weather variable races unless you plan to spend 2 or 3 hours wet/dry over 6 or 12 hours. It that scenario you know you will most likely get a lot of one or both, so you have to practice both. In a 40 minute sprint the starting tyre is somewhat of a gamble due to the 4x weather, you can easily skip a pitstop or get it completely wrong.

    This is the third weather round I've attended with variable weather.
    The first in the SLS season at Midfield. Softs at the start and Mediums in the middle was the winning strategy. Those that started on intermediates hoping for rain got thrashed.
    The HSV season, softs on a no-stop was the route to victory. Again, due to the no-stop, inters starters got thrashed.
    Here, Softs on a no-stop got the win. The room didn't even get to 1% water.
    We had fixed weather at 50% for the Ferrari 365. Maybe we need to run fixed at 70/80/90/100% so a weather round can actually have some weather in it.
    Apex_64 likes this.
  20. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    There's just something not right about having the rain come down from hosepipes and not have the surface change at all...
    Was surprised coming into the race on zero practice to be on the pace after abysmal showing in the previous rounds, and I still had more in the bag as all of my runs were compromised by traffic.

    It didn't matter as I was chewed and spat out at the start. I enjoyed the first few laps a lot, I had pace to burn until I lost the plot and dropped to 11th. The car just got worse and worse to drive and eventually I stopped caring and plodded on to a last place finish, where I couldn't resist Russell on his fresher tyres, and Holden on his magnificent last lap charge. Overall I'm pretty mad it didn't get wet, as it would have resulted in some pit stops and strategy rather than hobbling on destroyed tyres.

    Well done to @StigsTC on his first Div 1 win!
    holdenman05, B-Spec Bob and StigsTC like this.