GT Sport Season 11 Division 1 - Sponsored by PAGNIAN

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. GT-71CKL

    GT-71CKL Rookie

    PSN ID
    Nah, all good. Wasnt going to be putting in anytime into GTS either way, no reason to hold a spot lol. Thanks anyway
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    With Demo 1 Garage out due to injury, introduring the SUPER B TEAM
    razor4797 and Noxrai like this.
  3. xlxy90

    xlxy90 Professional

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    Won't be home to race tonight, good luck everybody
    Hatfield likes this.
  4. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Overcut doesn’t work.

    Cheers see you next week :)
  5. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    That race was super tense...

    Had slipstream during qualifying to qualify 11th with the top 10 within a second of pole

    Just focused on keeping slipstream in the first stint, passing @Russell when he made an error and then pitted lap 7, but @razor4797 jumped me in the pits as I took extra fuel to run the 8 lap stint.
    Followed razor saving fuel to hopefully jump him next stop but on the extra lap the pace setters who had already pitted caught me at the same time as I caught @Emree who was fuel saving for a one stop and there was some contact at the final turn, and I almost didn't make the pits.
    That was enough for razor to pull a 2 sec gap and I had to push, using more fuel than I wanted to try and catch him.
    He caught @Byron Phillips and I worked on bringing the gap down little by little, until eventually I got my needed slipstream

    They both pitted a lap earlier than me, ready to do their 8 lap stints to the flag, and when I came out of the pits they were bearing down on me and we went 3 wide into turn 1.
    razor took the lead around the outside and byron slotted in behind and so began a 3 car train for the final stint.
    Byron had a few looks and managed a few overlaps but I managed to keep ahead.
    On the final lap razor went defensive out of the esses but I bump drafted him (knowing if I went for the outside, I risked byron passing me)
    Razor broke and the rear locked and out wide he slid opening the door. I made the pass and then caught/passed a spun @Viperzed at the exit of the chicane to take a heart thumping 7th

    Congrats @KeedenMcdonald on opening up a championship lead with @GTP_DHolland and @Noble rounding out the podium, first time this season for holland and on debut for noble

    Probably the first time in a long time to have a different, winner, pole and FL too
    Pubs16, Russell, Apex_64 and 10 others like this.
  6. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    And that ends a shocking weekend of racing. Qualifying was an armada of errors as I screwed my initial lap and then made a terrible strategy call that also ended @MINT_GTR and @razor4797 early in quali so massive apologies to those boys, I messed up big time.

    Moving onto the race I didn't quite have the pace of the cars around me and let Matt go past early. Unfortunately he had a dodgy lap and then peeled in early leaving me without slipstream and out of any sort of competitive running. Only myself to blame of course so very disappointed. Followed @JonoStan96 around for a while to save some fuel, got caught up with @GTP_DHolland at one point as I let him go through the left hand sweeper out of sector 1 but misjudged where I had my car and paid the price in the wall lol. Pushed the final stint to catch Jono, whilst pulling off a sweet around the outside move of that very same corner on @Emree which must've been salt in the wounds after attempting a very ambitious one stop. Unfortunately on the final lap the chicane decided to bite me, looping the rear of my car viciously on a kerb that hadn't given me grief all night. Hopefully a drop round for me lol
  7. Apex_64

    Apex_64 Professional

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    I was completely out of my depth as usual and hope I didn't impede anybody in what I think was a special race.
    When I saw the gap from 1st to 5th I had to watch the replay. This race put the Supercars Eseries to shame, and is a great advertisement for ROOZ racing.
    The first stint by the top 6-8 drivers was stunningly good. Tough but clean with no holds barred. Battles in the last stint were hot too, between Mint and Risky etc etc. But I enjoyed the last 6 laps or so battle between Keeden and Dan so much. The raw speed drivers I have longed to see battle and race each other. Bad luck Dan, well done Keeden. Kudos to Noble, Mint and Risky also, for some awesome racing. Hats point about pole, fastest lap, and the winner being different drivers is a testament to the thin hairs that separated the top 5 last night. Tnx for the entertainment guys. :thumbsup:

    P.S. Hat have you lost your sandbags?
  8. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I put them in your car when you weren't looking :p
  9. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    (top 6 within half a second! - top 12 within 1.1s)

    (top 5 within 4 secs)

    emmo46 and Xtr3meNZer like this.
  10. razor4797

    razor4797 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Let’s not talk about qualifying - dead last lmao
    Thrilled with the race though. Even though my raw pace was never really there, the consistency was. Some incredible battles ensued over the whole race through the entire field, it really was a sight to behold.
    Keeden and Holland, Noble, Risky and Matt, Jono and Viper, myself Phillips and Hatfield, all in the final few laps.

    After butchering qualifying I knew I had to make up positions and fast, so I pushed hard in the first stint and made up about 4 spots.
    The rest of the race was more about keeping position and chipping away at the cars in front while looking after the tyres (the best I could) and doing little bits of fuel saving where I could.
    The final 8 laps were incredible. I was locked in a battle with @Byron Phillips which lasted most of the race, and then @Hatfield came out of the pits as we went 3-wide into turn 1. There was zero contact as we made it through cleanly, one for the highlight reel. Up the hill through the esses I had the run on Hat as I went around the outside of turn 6.
    The order stayed the same until the final lap where my tyres were cooked and the defence died when Hat went down the inside of turn 6 after I locked the rears.
    A later spin from @Viperzed gifted me another place and a P8 finish, not bad after starting P14.

    I have a feeling next week is not gonna be anywhere near as enjoyable :laugh: See you then
    Tristan Jones, Apex_64 and Hatfield like this.
  11. Russell

    Russell Professional

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    Terrible race for me. Didn't do much prac again, but thought I might work it out at Kyoto. Didn't happen. Also butchered qually. A squirmy Hatfield in front of me in qaully didn't help lol.
    First 2 laps of the race I was all over the place dropping positions everywhere. Started settling around lap 3. Lap 6 seen two car ahead both go wide and make contact through the esses causing one of them across the road and straight into me. Causing me to spin and facing the wrong direction on hill. Back to dead last with about 8 seconds to the next car. Motivation. Is gone and the lip is hanging low. Wanted to give up, but carried on. My back was killing me at the halfway point and I should of stopped. But I got a sniff of apex up the road somewhere and though maybe I can still not finish last. Brought a healthy Gap down to just under 2 seconds when I though I crossed the line for the last lap. Turns out it wasn't the last lap lol. All that work to catch apex and I just back off going over the line on what was only the 28th lap. Anyways still didn't catch him and finished a very strong last
    Also whoever hit me, it won't kill you to say sorry. I know it was a accident. But it was ugly
  12. Russell

    Russell Professional

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    On a more positive note. That was some insane racing from the whole field bar myself last night. All the new faces are super fast. I have never seen 4 cars so close for the win with Keeden in the race on gtsport
    Apex_64 likes this.
  13. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Really really frustrating to be taken out of the fight for the win for something as silly as pitting one lap later. Unfortunately pitting a lap later to try and get an advantage later on in the race didn’t work as I lost a staggering 5 seconds to Risky (who pitted Lap 7 behind me!), and out of any slipstream which is crucial in this car.

    With no tow fuel saving wasn’t viable and even though I was matching the pace ahead, I was using more fuel.
    It was a lonely old race for me from lap 9 onwards so I was glad to see the finish line, wish I just followed my teammate in and I might have picked up a podium!
    CaptainRisky21 likes this.
  14. Byron Phillips

    Byron Phillips Rookie

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    That was me who hit you if your talking about the chicane incident early in the race. I hit the kurb a bit hard and it un settled the car and hit another person (forgot who it was) which caused me to bounce off him back onto the track and kill you. Sorry mate was my fault and I said sorry In the post race chat and you mustn’t of seen it.
    Russell, Hatfield and JonoStan96 like this.
  15. MetalGear9493

    MetalGear9493 Team Driver

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    Is it that hard for you to admit that you were beaten fair and square? Mr Jono. Jesus bloody Christ I forgot to refuel in the pits and had to pit again 3 laps later, and I almost won.

    At no stage... Were you... Ever going to ever win that race, with your pace, sorry to burst your bubble champ. Do t :):):):)en pretend you lose races through bad luck, or poor strategy, just don't give it to me, or these guys, it's pathetic!!!
  16. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    What a race! Big ups to @KeedenMcdonald who is actually having to prove why he's one of Australia's best with such a competitive field hunting him down. Massive congrats to @GTP_DHolland for almost holding on while on a different strategy and to @Noble for rounding out the podium. @MINT_GTR we were both in agreement that that was an outstanding battle, i've never been more chuffed with 5th in my life
    Hatfield and Matthyus like this.
  17. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    As much as i agree mate, maybe go about telling him with less aggression lol
    Hatfield and Xtr3meNZer like this.
  18. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Kieran_B33 and seth123 like this.
  19. seth123

    seth123 Professional

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    Everyone’s 6ft 8 on the Internet i think
    Tristan Jones and CaptainRisky21 like this.
  20. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    No just @JonoStan96
    JonoStan96, Kieran_B33 and Viperzed like this.