ACC [PC] Season 6 - Round 3 [Oulton Park 2019 - 60min] Sprint

Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa Competizione PC Monday Night' started by CornfordCaster, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    RaceOnOz Monday Night ACC League Season 6 - GT3 World Tour
    Admin team: @krunch, @nanlatt, @CornfordCaster, @SteveDrivingSlowly, @Flamebadger

    Round 3 - SPRINT - Oulton Park 2019
    28th June 2021 at 8:00pm
    (AEST - click for time zone info)

    We recommend completely uninstalling custom painted skins from your ACC folders to avoid the excessive join lag issue.

    • Redressing is a thing - It's important to redress when you have caused another car to lose position. More info here
    • Start Formation - The Kunos start system isn't perfect and still allows cars to be a fair way out of place by the time the lights go green so we will continue to review starts as a matter of procedure. We will issue warnings or penalties to drivers that we believe are gaining an unfair advantage or disadvantaging other drivers by being out of position.
      • Please respect other drivers and stay in your grid position
      • Do not stay 'ghosted' within any other car especially in the final phase of the formation lap
      • It is not acceptable to take another car's position before the start
      • If ACC fails to give a penalty for being out of position then the Admin team will issue a post race penalty
      • Driver's need to be side by side with their row partner and must maintain a reasonable gap to the cars ahead prior to the lights going green
      • Drivers should stop all weaving and brake warming as soon as the double file segment begins
      • penalties WILL NOT BE CLEARED even if it seems to be a glitch - just take more care!
    • Avoiding pre-start and Lap 1 Carnage! - Take extra care as the lights go green as all cars will be in a tight, accelerating pack:
      • Expect cars to be much closer to you and varying in speed due to all the others around so try to leave a tad more space.
      • Assume there are cars in your blind spots and and on the other side of visible cars until the pack spreads out more.
      • In braking zones you must brake SIGNIFICANTLY earlier than you would in general racing.
      • Avoid sudden direction changes unless you are sure you are well clear.
      • If on a straight section don't drift - stay straight.
      • Approach each situation with caution but execute your driving with intelligence.
      • If you need to redress in this tight pack situation keep going until you can move out of the traffic safely before slowing down
    • Optional use of indicators - Should drivers wish to use indicators to assist with managing lapped traffic, they are to be used as they are used on the road - i.e. you should indicate which way you are going - if you indicate left, you go left. REMEMBER TO TURN THEM OFF AGAIN.
    • All drivers should read the "Rooz Etiquette guide' and "Rules & Regs" linked below before the start of Round 1.
    Race Server Name: ROOZ [AUS:AEST] SVR01 [PRAC/RACE] S6 R3 [Oulton Park 2019 - 60min]
    Server Password: season6
    • This server is available for practice in the week prior to Monday's race.
    • The server will kick over to official practice at 8:00pm (AEST) on the Monday night.
    • The server has a locked entry list and will only allow those who have signed up for the season to join it.
    • All sessions are open for joining.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz".
    'Whacky' Wednesday Server Name: ROOZ [AUS:AEST] SVR02 [WHACKY WED] S6 R3 [Oulton Park 2019 - 2x30min]
    Server Password: season6
    • This server is both for season 6 practice and for others wishing to try out racing at ROOZ.
    • The server runs as a Super Sprint with 2x30min races and no pitstops.
    • The server will kick over to first practice at 8:00pm (AEST) on the Wednesday night.
    • The server has an open entry list with an SA rating of 60.
    • All sessions are open for joining.
    • The server won't show in the multiplayer lobby so you will need to search for "raceonoz" or "rooz".
    • more info: Whacky Wednesday Forum Thread

    This round is a SPRINT:
    • 1 x 60 min race.
    • 1 Mandatory pitstop for tyres.
    • Fuel optional, fill time not fixed.
    • Full formation lap with UI gizmo and car ghosting on. Getting too far out of position can result in being auto-sent to the pits for the start.
    • Server time scale multiplier set at 1x for this round.
      • Official Practice, 45 mins (in game Friday 2pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Qualifying, 15 mins (in game Saturday 3pm) - OPEN for joining
      • Race, 60 mins (in game Sunday 2pm) - OPEN for joining
    • *Weather: Overcast with very little chance of rain
      ("ambientTemp": 19, "cloudLevel": 0.50, "rain": 0, "weatherRandomness": 1)
    * weather settings now finalised

    This season is a fixed car per driver championship. Whichever car you start your first official round in will be the car you use for the rest of the season.


    All important information for racing is available on our forums, however we strongly advise drivers to join our Discord server for for voice and text chat. Sometimes critical information such as server issues, race delays, last minute race format changes, instructions to a specific driver, etc. will be relayed only through the Discord voice channel and text chat. There is also a healthy dose of banter that just makes the round more fun :). Once you sign up for any Season at Rooz you'll be given extra Discord permissions for text chat.

    >> ROOZ Discord Server <<

    Discord voice chat rules and etiquette:
    • if you intend to chat you MUST use push-to-talk. No-none wants to hear your gear clicks, heavy breathing or barking dog in the background.
    • non-excessive chat and banter is OK in Practice sessions.
    • There should be minimal chat in Qualifying sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • There should be minimal chat in Race sessions - essential questions, statements, apologies etc. only.
    • If you become frustrated or angry at yourself or another driver please do not push your talk button. Keep it private!
    • Please do not conduct arguments over voice chat. Sort it out later!
    • Abuse will not be tolerated. There's no place for that stuff at Rooz!
    • Please wait until ALL drivers have completed the final lap of a race before discussing your race.
    • Admins may speak at any time in any session for obvious reasons.
    • Feel free to hang around in chat after the race. Many of us like to have a laugh about things that may have happened in the race and it can be a nice wind-down :)

    Unfortunately due to the serious "join freeze" or "join lag" issue we are currently not allowing the use of custom painted skins for this season. Specifically we are talking about skins painted externally and saved as PNG files that are added to ACC.

    We love the idea of custom painted skins and would dearly love to add this rich feature to our league but ultimately the quality of the racing must come first. We have discussed at length a number of ideas and methodologies to try to overcome the problem but these involve arrangements which add complexity for the admin team as well as all drivers involved in the season and still may not result in overcoming the problem. If the situation improves significantly either through better support within ACC or through the community arriving at workable solutions then we will certainly look at allowing custom painted skins into our Monday night league racing.

    If you also love custom painted skins then please help us out by searching high and low for real solutions, and by all means feel free to do some testing on our servers including during our Wednesday fun practice nights.

    At this stage we are not restricting the use of the in-game editor for creating custom colour schemes. This may change if we find that even that system causes serious join lag issues.

    NOTE: As we cannot block the use of skins at the server level we strongly suggest all drivers who sign up to the season remove all custom painted skins from their game installation folders as a precaution. If a custom painted skin has been accidentally left selected on a driver's car when they enter the server during a qualifying session causing join lag they will be immediately disqualified from the round. Any driver that has a copy of that joining driver's selected skin will experience a large join lag as that image is loaded into memory. Every other driver on the server may experience some level of 'join lag' even if they have zero customs skins in their game.

    Thanks for racing at RaceOnOz
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2021
    krunch likes this.
  2. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2021
  3. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Weather settings changed and now finalised. See "RACE & SESSION INFO" above.
  4. killagorilla

    killagorilla Rookie

    Sorry, will miss this round...and probably a few more. There are some issues with my setup and ACC.
    Have fun! :)
    CornfordCaster and krunch like this.
  5. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    I am completely burning with my performance in this one :poop:.

    In the bits between the :):):):) it was fun. Psyched myself up for this one too much.
    nanlatt and krunch like this.

    WALLZY Rookie Gold Member

    I long race for me.
    The Ferrari really felt on edge all race had a few spins but my pace i think was pretty good and i think would have had me around P12.

    here is a highlights video from the night.
    (video still processing when i posted this)

    Wally, Flukey, nanlatt and 2 others like this.
  7. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    I was still messing around in the menu HUD options when we had to grid up, so ended up starting from pit lane with stone cold tyres. Despite the bad start, I still had a lot of fun chasing through the field, with some good racing and good passes. I did stuff up my pit stop though, overshooting my box, turning the engine off, sitting there for a second thinking "so, are they going to move me?" then having to turn the ignition back on and reverse back. So I lost a few seconds in my stop, letting AGK pass me again, but I was able to re-pass later. I'm pleased with the result, considering the start.
    krunch likes this.
  8. MusicRacer

    MusicRacer Rookie

    I've decided after my performance this round to withdraw from the remaining rounds. I am not performing up to a standard I find acceptable to myself and I want to find a solution before I continue. Good luck everyone else for the rest of the season
    krunch likes this.
  9. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    I'd really encourage you to stay with it. You seem to me to have good pace and good race craft and it would be a shame for us to lose you from this season. A run of bad races does not make someone a bad driver. Just look at how many excellent drivers have had multiple off-track moments in the first 3 rounds of this season! Racing is always just as much a battle against yourself as it is against other drivers.

    I can definitely understand the frustration of things not going to plan for a bunch of races. We've all been there, but you'll only miss out on the 'sunshine' if you give up because of the 'rain' (I hereby disclaim any responsibility if you take this literally and it rains in future rounds :D).

    If you stop racing with us how will you get to the level of racing you are hoping to? Hot lapping will only make you better at hot lapping. Working on setups will only make your setups better (sometimes). Racing against AI will only make you better at racing against AI. Racing on public servers will only... ok there's nothing good there. Racing at other leagues will only make you miss out on my Dad jokes! :eek:

    Hope you stick around!
    JJ_Penguin likes this.
  10. MusicRacer

    MusicRacer Rookie

    I appreciate what you are saying - for me its definitely a battle mentally at the moment.

    Like most of us I race in other leagues as well as this one and in the last 3 weeks I've had 9 races all up and I've spun or crashed in 8 - the other I ran out of fuel! I've been through a pattern of this before after I had been racing for 6 months or so and eventually determined I was over driving and I needed to be more conservative in races. For a little while I was able to string together decent races but now I feel like I am still being conservative yet its happening again. My brain simply can't deal with that - I don't mind having a bad result if I can look back and work out why and right now I'm not seeing it.

    One of the great parts of ACC on the PC is having full replays and after looking through the 30 or so laps of practice and qualifying for Oulton Park last night, I simply don't understand why I spun 3 times in such a short time. If you look at the incidents in context with my other laps they just don't stand out as being any, or substantially, different other than that I end up off the track!

    At this stage I am definitely not doing the 2 hours at Silverstone but we'll see after that. I have a couple of other stand alone races possibly over the next couple of weeks so I will reassess how I feel after that
    krunch likes this.
  11. Paul McElhinney

    Paul McElhinney Rookie

    I gave this a go after a while away from ACC to focus on preparing for a Waveski comp. The track was completely new to me and so was the McLaren. I really didn't practice much beforehand but am in it for a bit of fun rather than the glory.

    The McLaren doesn't like kerbs much and I had more than my fair share of spins. But it was fun even though I was just about plumb last.

    Hopefully I can move a bit further up the field when I do more familiar tracks. Bring on Silverstone!
    UrsineSaturn9 and krunch like this.
  12. Wally

    Wally Team Driver

    One big tip I have come across is that a lot of the older aggressive preset setups benefit from 1 extra click of rear wing, to stop spins. They changed the physics a while back to make the aero more sensitive to yaw (i.e. you can lose downforce if "overturning"), but didn't update the preset setups accordingly.
    krunch likes this.
  13. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Yep fair call :) Avoiding burnout is a good idea. You'll remain on the entry list so take it a race at a time and just jump in if you feel like it.
  14. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Last night went well for me so that made it fun. I realise it didn't go so well for several others, but on the bright side some of those incidents gave me free positions so thanks for that! See, I know how to focus on the positives. :D

    In qual I matched my PB from last Wednesday and slotted in to 10th which was OK.

    The start was clean and everyone seemed to give everyone else enough room. Late in the 1st lap Vandalay gave my bumper a nudge at T14 (Water Tower) which was a big scare just before the double right hander of Druids Corner :eek: (if we'd crashed at Water Tower would it become Fluids Corner?). We both survived but the heart rate was up for sure! Vandalay's pace was too good and he passed me a lap later and disappeared up the road.

    I settled into a groove and kept it on the island with reasonable pace. I wasn't gaining and wasn't falling back either. I pitted midway through the race and again I had trouble finding my ignition button so it was about 2 sec lost before I cut the engine (yep I'll be remapping it!). Apart from that the stop was fine but I fully expected Mael to do his usual trick of overcutting me. :unsure:

    This time he failed! :p I came screaming past just as he was exiting. It was close though which must have made it so frustrating for you Mael! :roflmao: Bad luck old pal :sneaky: I did notice you then got a DT. I hope you haven't caught Nando's disease? :cautious:

    Even though I didn't spend the race battling other cars it was not boring. Just battling that track is enough to keep you occupied for the stint. But I really enjoyed it and brought it home for a slightly lucky 6th.

    So that was the UK leg of Season 6! Three tough tracks to kick off the season and just like a bracing dip in an arctic ocean... no need do that again! Having said that I must confess I've always liked those tracks. Maybe it's nostalgia as they've been in my sim racing diet for a very long time!

    Speaking of nostalgia... as next week is the Silverstone Enduro here's a little clip to get everyone in the mood:

  15. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    I was slow, 4th from last I think, but didn't bin it so that was enough for me. Don't think I held up anyone else too much either under blue flags, except for maybe the final lap when the flags never seemed to come out?
    Paul McElhinney and krunch like this.
  16. CornfordCaster

    CornfordCaster Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    So I went to sleep.

    AND I'm STILL MAD at myself (and pedals to a lesser extent) :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Can we pls do a redo?????? plsssssssssss. I will make it one vote in favour! :cry:
    krunch likes this.
  17. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    Even if we could I don't think many would vote to do that track again! But yeah, a race like that hurts.

    Seeing as that was the first leg why don't you just amputate?

    nanlatt and UrsineSaturn9 like this.
  18. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Keep the dad jokes coming! :D
    nanlatt and krunch like this.
  19. MatthewMarshHK

    MatthewMarshHK Rookie


    Which car were you in last night? Trying to work out your racing name from your profile here...
    krunch likes this.
  20. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    His name is Adrian Rice. In the same car as you, Porsche :)