PGA Tour 2K21 Official RaceOnOz Society

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by JonoStan96, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
  2. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Nige has the lowest round out of us with a 60, I could have demanded a playoff (see OP) but I decided to let him enjoy the victory, he deserves it!
    nigegunz, Beats143 and Matthyus like this.
  3. andrelli

    andrelli Rookie Gold Member

  4. Stew Wilson

    Stew Wilson Rookie Gold Member

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    That's 3 - 3rds for me in a row !
    Matthyus, nigegunz, andrelli and 3 others like this.
  5. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
  6. Beats143

    Beats143 Team Driver Gold Member

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    @Viperzed nice score mate. Too good for me, well done. Wait and see time
  7. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
  8. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Never really got it going at this course until Round 4. 3 double bogeys were the killer blow.

  9. nigegunz

    nigegunz Professional

    yup, purple patched it. almost had an albatross on the first
    Matthyus likes this.
  10. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Next course (Paradise Cove) preview will be up early, I suggest getting in some practice rounds, if you thought Wallaby Creek was tough, this is a whole new level! Here’s a small teaser:
    Matthyus likes this.
  11. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Hawaiian Battle
    Feb 3 - 8
    Course: Paradise Cove
    Par: 71
    Rounds: 4
    Difficulty: 9/10: They should have called it Misery Cove. Water or sand are huge threats on almost every shot, on every hole on this epic course. Every decision you make must be meticulous to avoid dropping shots unnecessarily. You will be required to put every skill you have learnt into practice here. A true test of survival of the fittest, it is possible to rack up birdies in quick succession if you can manage to find greens in regulation, but the impending threat of a blowout hole is always looming. This is possibly, if not probably, the most challenging course you’ll play on the RaceOnOz tour. Good luck, be careful, and remember, don’t be afraid to call out for help.
    Predicted Winning Score: -3
    Note: This tournament will end on Wednesday morning due to the bonus Par 3 tournament taking place prior to Masters week.

    Paradise Cove, one of the crazy fantasy courses from the PS2 era, made its only appearance on Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005. Located on a sandy island in Hawaii, this course offers an insanely challenging but rewarding golf experience unlike any other. With no power boost or mid air spin control to save your shots, this course with a 2K coat of paint becomes a true monster despite its short yardage. Liberties have been taken to ensure the course isn’t totally unfair, greens have been softened and only one round features wind strong enough to threaten your round. Still, it’ll take your very best to remain under par during this tournament. An ideal warm up then, for the first Masters Tournament.

    Matthyus likes this.
  12. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Paradise Cove Front 9

    Hole 1: Par 4, 446m, HCP 1
    The opening hole is a scary eye opener for the challenge that awaits you. An iron or hybrid must be deadly accurate to have any hope of landing in the fairway. A fairway wood from approximately 220m out must land soft to setup any hope of a birdie on this extremely shallow green. Long hitters may attempt to bomb it to the isolated fairway 280m from the tee for an easier 2nd, but you need to have the wind behind you to have any chance. While it isn’t the hardest hole on the golf course, this is Paradise Cove’s #1 handicap hole because it punishes the unprepared player.

    Hole 2: Par 5, 442m, HCP 15
    Hole 2 is a short Par 5 that’s shaped like a mirrored question mark, and if you want to find the answer, play this hole conservatively with a mid iron off the tee. Setup a wedge into another shallow green with a long iron into the narrow second fairway and avoid the surrounding sands at all costs. A birdie on this hole is easily achievable, but poor shots will send you multiple shots over par. Eagles are possible if you can find a shortcut to the green, but if you miss, a bogey is unavoidable.

    Hole 3: Par 3, 173m, HCP 13
    One of the course’s few ‘easy’ holes, knock a mid iron onto a large island green with wooden plank supports preventing your ball rolling off into the water. The green is fairly flat so go for the pin with a touch of backspin. The Cove offers few birdie chances so if there’s a hole to snatch one, make it on Hole #3.

    Hole 4: Par 4, 382m, HCP 7
    It’s absolutely crucial that you find the second fairway with a driver hit blind from the tee. There isn’t much fairway to find however as inaccurate tee shots will either find water or have an extremely tough beach lie. The isolated green, defined by a palm tree, has 3 distinct sections and if your second shot lands on the correct one, the putt will be easy. Indecision, and balls that find the middle will feed back down the front and off the green.

    Hole 5: Par 4, 431m, HCP 3
    Another Par 4 made hazardous if you miss the fairway. And even if you find the fairway, there’s no guarantee you’ll find the green on your approach shot as it’s very small and quite narrow. If you miss the fairway, the safe play is to lay up on the isolated fairway and leave a wedge onto the green. Missing the green is no fun at all.

    Hole 6: Par 5, 511m, HCP 17
    The 6th is a gorgeous Par 5 that offers the player a small respite after 2 brutal Par 4’s. Avoid the the fairway bunkers and you just might have a chance to reach this green in two, but the better scoring option is to carry the 2 small bunkers right of the green and pitch on for a tap in birdie. Those going for eagle must carry an inlet, a deep bunker, avoid the trees and hope the ball stops on the green. Don’t get too greedy on this hole and take the birdie if you can.

    Hole 7: Par 3, 222m, HCP 9
    This long Par 3 demands perfect club selection and accuracy if a birdie is your goal. Merely going for the green isn’t an option on this horseshoe shaped green - you MUST go for the pin. Landing on the wrong side is an almost certain bogey as it will either take at least 2 putts to get it near the hole, or you can risk chipping through the long grass.

    Hole 8: Par 4, 457m, HCP 5
    #8 is quite similar to the 5th hole albeit the approach is longer but with less danger. The hole is anything but easy however. Those less daring can bail out to the left for an easier approach shot, while the daredevil will cut a ball with a hybrid or fairway wood onto this tiny but well protected green. Putting is also a challenge, a drop off to the back right will wreak havoc on putts coming back up the slope.

    Hole 9: Par 4, 361m, HCP 11
    Your shot shaping abilities will be put to the test on the front 9’s closing hole. The further you can thread the needle between the 2 palm trees, the easier your second shot will be. But you still need to contend with a sidehill lie and a bunker fronting the green. Those not confident can treat this hole like a Par 5 and walk off with an easy but well earned par. Any par on this course is a good score, and it’s better than wrecking your round with a one in a million shot, something to keep in mind as you make the turn.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
    Matthyus likes this.
  13. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Paradise Cove Back 9

    Hole 10, Par 5, 506m, HCP 18
    The turn offers the course’s most realistic chance at an eagle. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. A long tee shot that finds the fairway opens up an eagle chance, but a fairway wood must be hit with a significant draw to curl around the palm trees and also land just before the green. Water and sand engulf this green so make it count by playing slightly short of the green. Still, laying up and firing a wedge at the pin is probably an easier path to a birdie, but if there’s a hole worth going for at Paradise Cove, the 10th is the one.

    Hole 11, Par 3, 138m, HCP 12
    This staggering Par 3 is 50m deep at its two furthest points. A unique hole, this is the only one on the course where water does not come into play. This somewhat phallic shaped green offers 4 varying pin placements, with front left being by far the easiest. Clubbing up is a must if you want to avoid the giant bunker that fronts the green, and the pin at the front right demands a fade to avoid the palm tree. Much like hole 4, if you can find the correct tier, birdie is a real possibility.

    Hole 12, Par 4, 281m, HCP 16
    The 12th is a short Par 4 that rewards smart play. As tempting as it may be, a one in a million draw through the trees will not yield the result you desire. Instead take an iron off the tee onto a narrow landing area, but watch out that your second shot isn’t blocked by the large plant onto this elevated green. Once you find the green, putting shouldn’t be too difficult, although it slopes off towards the tee.

    Hole 13, Par 4, 350m, HCP 14
    #13 is a very unusual hole. A mid iron will carry the plantation onto an upper fairway, but leaves a long and difficult second. Risk takers can try to draw around and up the hill and down the valley, but there’s a good chance the ball might end up wet. The green is one of the more difficult on the course and is surrounded by beach, so make sure your approach is accurate.

    Hole 14, Par 3, 149m, HCP 10
    This Par 3 shouldn’t be too difficult for those accurate with their mid irons. Still, avoid playing it too short or else you’ll end up in the cove below. The left side of the green is the easiest, but birdies are still a possibility on the more difficult right side, although balls falling off to the right are common. Go for birdie here, as you’re about to enter quite possibly the most difficult final 4 hole stretch in golf.

    Hole 15, Par 4, 315m, HCP 6
    15 is a stupendous Par 4 that requires probably the most important club selection off the tee on any hole on the course. The tee shot is the key to success here, play a draw or go in between the the two palm trees, either way, get as far left as you can. Club down to avoid hitting over the fairway and into the huge garden of Hawaiian Ti. Anything long will almost certainly force you to pathetically lay up as you cannot carry the water hitting deep from the garden. The green is shaped like a dinosaur, surrounded by sand, and 3 palm trees protect the 2 cut away sections, so play a draw into the pins located in them. This is a hole you’ll want to take your time on.

    Hole 16, Par 4, 303m, HCP 4 (Note: the game defaults you to a pitch shot)
    If the 15th wasn’t hard enough, the 16th hole forces you to hit either a driver or a 3 wood over the water with almost no room to stop the ball on the fairway. Play a slight fade off the tee to increase your slim chances of a fairway lie. Anything too far right will be blocked out by the infamous rock formation. Anything left is likely to be in the sand or even wet if hit too hard. There is zero room for error here. Even the pitch is tricky, the green is narrow, elevated, undulated and the water eats its way into the green. Birdies are possible but rarer than hens teeth. Best of luck.

    Hole 17, Par 3, 192m, HCP 8
    17 offers a slight reprieve despite this being a long Par 3 over water. Front pins are almost impossible to attack as the green slopes hard toward the back, and trying to land it short brings the sand and water into play. Back pins offer a birdie chance as long as you land the ball short of the tier and let the ball roll down.

    Hole 18, Par 5, 590m, HCP 2
    It’s almost impossible to ask for more epic finish to Paradise Cove. The finishing hole to this amazing course is an epic 3 shot Par 5. Play your most accurate wood of choice off the tee and find the fairway, maximum distance isn’t necessarily the best play. Only the luckiest, bravest of the brave will take on the second island off the tee for a possible eagle. In normal circumstances, get to the end of the second fairway with an iron to give you the shortest possible approach to an elevated two tiered green surrounded by water. Putting is placed on a premium here, read the slope correctly and sink the long putt, and sip on a well deserved cocktail and let the locals place a lei around your neck. [​IMG]
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
    Matthyus likes this.
  14. Beats143

    Beats143 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Ok I’m really scared and a practice round might make the afraid factor increase.
    nigegunz likes this.
  15. Beats143

    Beats143 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Paradise Cove (AG)
    Just played a practice round with round 1 settings
    Quad, 3 pars, bogey, par, bogey, bogey, par. Front nine +7
    Birdie par birdie birdie par birdie bogie birdie triple. back nine -1 (+6) total. That is scary stuff:D:roflmao::(
    Matthyus likes this.
  16. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    So +10 for us mere mortals is going to be 'good' :)
    JonoStan96 and Beats143 like this.
  17. Beats143

    Beats143 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Without the putter working I would have had that, but in saying that if we can get to the green in regulation the putting isn’t that hard. The problem lies there as every shot needs to be hit just right to get to the green in the first place. Lol
    I would 100% recommend having at least 1 practice round with round 1 settings before playing a tournament round. Good luck to all.
    JonoStan96 and Matthyus like this.
  18. Stew Wilson

    Stew Wilson Rookie Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Birdied last to beat Beats and get in to equal 2nd

  19. VARDZ

    VARDZ World Champion

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    A 77 then a 74... Going to be tough to break par
    JonoStan96 and Beats143 like this.
  20. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    He’s back!