Conduct notice

Discussion in 'Gran Turismo Sunday Night' started by KoAStR, Aug 4, 2020.

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  1. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    We (the mod team) don't expect that everyone has to be friends with each other, but we do expect that an inclusive culture of integrity and respect is shown to other members at all times.

    Despite whatever else may be going on here, it is extremely disappointing that some conduct has resulted in the loss (temporary I hope) of at least one reputable driver from the league.

    As a result, there will be additional surveillance and enforcement resulting in bans if the antisocial, disrespectful and exclusive behavior being observed and reported here continues. Sad to say.

    In addition, please be reminded that the following rules are in effect on the forums:
    • Be[ing] nice to each other and respect[ing] the moderator [is expected]. Profanity, insults and open disputes will not be acceptable. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator and if the moderator can't help you send a private message to Administrator.
    • Name-calling, personal attacks. escalating disputes, and other antisocial or discouraging communications are unacceptable. They will be deleted and the offending users receive a site warning and warning points
    • This includes careful consideration about how you conduct yourself under the guise of banter. Others, including the mod team see persistent posts of this nature differently
    • If you are called out on something and the post hasn't been deleted by the time you see it, click on the report button for the post. If you instead reply with ill-intent, your post will also be deleted and you will receive a site warning and warning points
    • Spamming or abusing the report function e.g. for escalating trivial posts, may also carry consequences
    • Passive participation including 'Likes' on a negative post explained above, or contributing to disputes in divisions/leagues you don't belong, or directing members without authority to do so, will also be considered unfavourably in decision making when escalating serial offenders for discipline review by the mod team
    • Warning points accumulated can have consequence on the track in the form of race/season bans
    • Bans, suspensions, or multiple successful protests against you make you ineligible for prize draws
    For the benefit of everyone, please, best foot forward so we leave it as this notice, without cause for further intervention.
  2. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Here's an old analogy I hope helps as another more positive refresher of our values, from:

    The Pub

    Patrons go down The Pub just for fun, to hang out with their mates and meet some new ones.

    There may be some competition but it’s not that serious. There are no entitlements, nor nothing at stake, other than a good time, bragging rights, and the reward of participation. The Pub offers itself freely, for this cause we all enjoy.

    The Pub dictates the rules and reserves the right to change them without notice. Like right of refusal, which it exercises regularly to keep riff-raff out for the best interests of the Patron’s safety, and preserving the good times. Some of the rules are written down where Patrons can read and discuss them. Most of them aren’t. Many are simply common etiquette and respect, often based on other discretionary terms like “disorderly” excercised at the collective discretion of The Pub staff. Patrons that make a nuisance of themselves may be asked to change their behaviour, and they usually already know when they have had a few too many.

    The Pub can’t control Patrons ego or behaviour, but it can show Patrons the door. At this point it’s usually not up for interpretation or discussions. Fortunately a positive attitude with respect goes a long way at The Pub.

    The Pub staff try to keep a positive focus and not always take a hard line, but disputes between Patrons can only go so far before they detract from the staff’s primary function of serving beer. So the The Pub has to draw a line. If The Pub is overwhelmed and can’t serve enough beers, it certainly can’t grow and improve, and may even be at risk of shutting down. To keep this positive outward focus in serving beer, a lot goes on behind the scenes to keep The Pub running.

    The Pub doesn’t owe Patrons a beer, or one at the price on the list, the price is at the Pub's discretion. In fact The Pub doesn’t owe Patron’s a price list at all, justification or transparency of pricing, or even a “fair” price. It improves The Pub’s service offering, which The Pub strives for, but Patrons are welcome to get their beer elsewhere, or even start their own pub all the same. Fortunately it’s easy to pitch in and positively contribute to making this Pub better instead.

    Think of ROOZ like The Pub..

    …. and you’ll fit right in.

  3. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    To supplement the above, these rules of conduct don't just apply on the forums, but anywhere you are representing rooz, or participating in rooz sanctioned activities. Group conversations and public posts on social media platforms are also subject to their respective Terms of Service that reinforce our expectations of rooz remembers.

    These apply to everyone equally, but are especially important to remember when you're in the spotlight as a role model to aspiring racers, such as when representing ROOZ in premier events such as our Division 1 leagues. ;)

    For instance see the mic etiquitte post from a few years ago:

    Your conduct on these platforms has a bearing on your standing here on the forums.

    It's up to each one of us to make this a place we can all feel at home. :thumbsup: :inlove:
  4. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I want all our members to know, both new and old, that if you feel discouraged from participating at ROOZ, we want to help, and you have the support of the mod team. :) Just reach out. :thumbsup:
  5. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Warnings have run out. Next indiscretion, snide remarks, comments out of line, or disruptive behaviour, will incur instant bans.
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