DiRT Dirt 2 and 3 Rallycross and Rally series

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by LeStig, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. LeStig

    LeStig New Recruit

    Most Tuesdays at least 4 of us get together online and run these titles on PS3..... All in dedicated sims and some with bottles of red wine....
    Close but fair racing and always for fun..... If you'd like to join us add GTP_LeStig to your friends and ill invite you in.... We run setups and no car is excluded.... The only rule is if you take someone out then you give the place up .... And if you have a track preference then please tell us because its all for having fun !!

    We start around 7.30.....
  2. tekNique

    tekNique Rookie

    Dirt 3 has rally cross? oh yea I think I remember it. I have Dirt 2 (on xbox) but not 3.

    Anyway out of curisosity did you ever try a game called "Rally cross" back in ye old PSX days or is that beyond your time? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkPbuzODOcw

    Looks chit but trust me it was a GOOD game for its time, had good physics/handling. Anyway I saw some late 80's European Rally Cross on 7Mate the other week and it reminded me of that game and that rally cross from that era is pretty cool. Those guys went HARD!