New member in Adelaide

Discussion in 'New Members' started by RED260_Adelaide, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. RED260_Adelaide

    RED260_Adelaide New Recruit

    Hi All,

    I'm a Motor Sport Fan but don't have enough money to race for real, so want to setup a good iRacing rig. Probably like most of the rest of you. Is there anyone in Adelaide who is willing to show me their setup and point me in the direction of a good PC builder who I can trust ? I'm a 42 year Stay at Home Dad and it'd be great to meet some similarly aged guys here in Adelaide who can show me the ropes ?

    Pete (RED_260)
  2. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  3. tekNique

    tekNique Rookie

    Im from Adelaide mate, it depends on what your looking for. 1st place to start is how many screens do you want to run and what res? You can then design a PC around those needs. Basically places like "Allneeds" which is in Adelaide or "MSY" will be the best place to get your PC. Allneeds will probably be better for you they have better customer service while still being similarly price to MSY. (Probably 2 cheapest places in Adelaide to soucre PC's).

    So if you want to tell me what you want it to do and how many screens you want to power I can help you get started with a build. If u want to do a little research of your own try this forum (there is also a graphic card section) this is a great resource and helped me learn the ropes back in day and build my own PC's from a not knowing anything about PC's background.

    For me the ultimate build would be...stick with me for this.
    Go to the wreckers and buy a car u basically only want the body (preferably a commodore or something sporty) Cut in half (or buy half if you can heh!) you just want the front cock pit and windscreen and side windows. So u cut just behind the front seat and probably halfway up the bonnet (depend on how far cabin feet recess in vehicle) Anyway by now I think you get the drift :p

    You the take it home and set it up with 4 screens, 2 in front where the windscreen would be and 2 on the side where side windows would be, rip out the steering wheel and pedals and set yours up in same place as best you can and you have the ULTIMATE man toy/sim machine :) Put it where ever you have room shed whateva

    You could probably do cheaper than you think.
  4. RED260_Adelaide

    RED260_Adelaide New Recruit

    Thanks tekNique,

    As you suggested it all depends on how much you want to spend I guess. I was thinking of just using my 40inch LCD TV and a Wheel Stand. Hoping to keep the cost under $3000. Would rather spend extra money on good Wheel/Pedals (Was looking at a T500 to start with) and PC that can be upgradable to 3 monitors down the track. IE Go for High end Mother Board/Chipset and Dual Video Cards. Good cooling and Power Supply. Try and get the highest frame rate setup I can afford.

    That leads me to another question. PING numbers and Frame Rate limits in Australia ? I know there are probably other threads about this, but has anyone got any info on what the lowest PING numbers and Highest Frame Rates are possible here in Oz? Is Frame Rate even linked to internet connection speeds ? (I don't really know what I'm talking about here you see). I'm assuming that my ADSL 2 connection may limit these things before my hardware does. No point spending extra money on Hardware if my ADSL connection can't maximise it. Any help would be appreciated.