New Member - michaeliam - interested in league racing

Discussion in 'New Members' started by michaeliam, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. michaeliam

    michaeliam New Recruit

    Hi guys, first post here.

    How would I go about joining my first league?

    I'm just built my G27 racing rig (incase you care - and have been on iRacing and am interested to join up here.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hi mate I've moved your post from the current GT5 league thread as they're mid-season so you may have to standby a few weeks if you want to join in... and if you do join, that division (thread) may not be the one you are placed in.

    If you're interested in racing this season (S9) or next (S10) in GT5 League have a read through the qualifying instructions etc in the Joining a league? - Rules & Regs section of the forum.

    We have a few boys here into iRacing ATM but just running the iRacing official series. We've had our own hosted league in the past but not much need for it ATM.
    Add your name to the ROOZ iRacers List, and feel free to add a few of us to your freinds list.

    Also feel free to pop into team speak for a chat. Most of us are in there when we are iRacing. ROOZ TS details here.

    The link to your vid to your cockpit seems to be broken but feel free to chuck up some pictures in the Show us your Race Wheel setup thread.

    Cheers, hope you enjoy the forum there's plenty of info, helpful blokes, some of the fastest cleanest racers, and a few clowns for a laugh around here!
  3. Aussie-Col

    Aussie-Col New Recruit

    Hey michaeliam welcome aboard

    When posting vid's use the icon above the message panel (3rd left from smiley face), don't include the http or www. etc, so the paste would simply look like this -

    Which gives you

    Had the same confusion when I joined ;)

    Seen that one before actually, would have thought PVC would be to flexible and creeky?

    Anyhow... Cya on the black stuff
  4. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    Welcome MichaelIam, I mainly on iracing now but if its a great GT5 race experience you are after this is the place. Good clean racers and plenty of close racing once you put in a division based on your Qual time. Plenty of other races going on, easiest way to find whats happening is to click on the Active section in the topics: choices on the top right under the raceon oz banner.
    Enjoy and might see you on iracing if you still doing a bit of that, I'll add you if you add your name to the RaceOnOz iracers list.