Season 9: Race On...RaceOnOz!!

Discussion in 'ACLOZ Past Seasons' started by Anon666, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Bad luck @Tovey_4saken and @Shaun_A .
    WD @Spidey_11 well in amongst for a baptism of fire!

    DIvisional Race Results.

    Tables after R4
    Another shake up in Dv 2 with @krunch pulling a healthy lead (yer TTB!)
    TGM and HTO on the charge in the teams championship with TTB and PAG not able to pull 5 drivers in the points due to DNS.
    krunch and Spidey_11 like this.
  2. Ben787

    Ben787 Rookie

    Stoked with a qual session of second. I had good pace here and was hoping for a good performance. Lost concentration and turned into bait for the pack and got swamped aafter a bingle with someone I didn't see coming down the inside and then had some really close racing where not easy to pass. Got to increase consistency. Had saved all over me looking to pass every time I made a mistake but then managed to hold. Lost about 4 positions at the pit and heard someone didn't change tires and gained heaps of positions so well done there. My mic doesn't seem to pick up so will have to try and test it as can hear u guys but just talking to myself lol
    krunch and Spidey_11 like this.
  3. spita84

    spita84 Rookie

    PSN ID
    Another enjoyable race last night gents. Qualified 12th I think but got swamped at the start and after a few seperate incidents in front of me was up to 8th. Krunch had more pace and passed me but I managed to stick to his tail until he pitted. I pitted Lap 17 and decided not to take tyres. This usually bites me on the ass but it paid off this time. Came out of the pits in 2nd but with worn tyres leaked positions and ended up 4th.
    All in all a good fun race packed full of action!
    krunch, Spidey_11 and Cyber_STIG_77 like this.
  4. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Yeah sorry Ben that was me, got a good run on you but was only half committed. By the time I pulled out you were turning in, I braked harder but that doesn't work when you're already turning the wheel...sorry man. Only a light tap but sent you into a good spin. Sadly there was a pack of cars behind us. Apologies to Krunch and Luke as well, was a constant thorn in their sides all race due to my mistakes.

    Good job to Spita. And yeah Ben, get that mic sorted, makes life so much easier. Must be something in the settings.
    spita84 likes this.
  5. Ben787

    Ben787 Rookie

    Anon! Captain! Lol thrown overboard by my own captain. No worries not easy to pull out lol.

  6. Doublevision

    Doublevision Rookie

    Bit of a fall from grace from me haha. Managed to qualify decently but on the third start I got in some bad positions and got bumped around a bit. This caused some damage to the car which meant I was struggling to get within 2 seconds of my normal pace. From there had some good battles with Terry Rayton until I span out and he got in front. Couldn't recover and finished up near the back of the pack. Ah well, here's to hoping for a better race next week.

    Congratulations to Spita for Winning Div2 and mixing it up with Div1!
    spita84 likes this.
  7. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

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    Yeah I know, just ask the Catholics...
    spita84 likes this.
  8. R0T0R-AU86

    R0T0R-AU86 Team Driver

    PSN ID

    That was fun!!!

    Had no practice.. but managed to qualify 12th or 13th I think it was, and had a few good battles with people (I have names turned off so I have no idea who!) but was awesome fun! Middle stint was pretty lonely, was trying to chase down Cherno just before the pit stops but on the other side of the pits I just couldn't keep the pace.. The car needed tweaking to get the maximum, as I was only running stock setup! Any ways ended up finishing 3rd!

    Pretty happy with that considering I have basically had 2 months off the wheel! :)
    krunch, skywalker, Driftoz and 3 others like this.
  9. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Yea man well done good to see you back :thumbsup:
  10. skywalker

    skywalker Professional

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    Whoops I thought Ben was div 1, thus letting you pass before the pits. Now I know, I certainly make it more difficult to pass! I was trying not to interfere with div 1 battles but lost time and rhythm in letting people through.

    Krunchs pace on worn seemed better than mine but my pace on new was better, so after pits I knew I had to get by and make a gap. Unfortunately after making the pass I came across a slow Anon rejoining. In my head I was thinking I could either jam the brakes and be passed myself or just hope I could stay on the track too. Unfortunately not really wide enough for 2, and so went off losing 2 places. In hindsight I should have braked and just blocked like my life depended on it hahaha. Still had fun battling. I kept trying but I couldn't find a clean way pass Ben, while kunch scampered off up the road. Well done to the podium, I'd had hoped to get there.. maybe next round!
  11. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    Can someone pls check my ballast, the server on bakersville says I have +43kg on board. Cheers
  12. Peter Wise

    Peter Wise Professional

    PSN ID
    copperj32. Steam: copperj32
    Not worth talking about my race..It was a shocker :(. hopefully I have a better run at Baskerville
  13. Mael

    Mael Professional

    Worth doing a few practice laps if you do not know Baskerville well. It is a surprisingly tricky place to do consistent fast laps and a good qualifying position will be required as overtaking can be next to impossible at times.
  14. Spidey_11

    Spidey_11 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Spidey_11, Steam ID - spidey_11
    100% true there Mael. It was nice looking at your rear end for those laps though :inlove:
  15. krunch

    krunch ACC Server Legend Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    For me Monday's race was not great early but came good as the race wore on. Again really enjoyable racing especially with the added challenge of both the divs together on track.

    Qualy was frustrating as every time I was on a fast lap I ended up closing up behind someone who was going slow - just one of those sessions I guess. Luckily I managed one clear lap on my final run when my tyres had passed their best and time was about to run out. That put me 8th but way off my PB.

    Being a Rift user the race start was tricky. I realised after the 2nd restart that Helicorsa was not picking up @skywalker's car (and possibly others) so I had to rapidly swivel my head around like The Donald in a strip joint just to see who was around me into T1. I managed to get through unscathed but lost a spot to skywalker who I then relentlessly chased while trying to hold out @R0T0R-AU86 & @Cyber_STIG_77. Unfortunately up ahead on lap 2 @Mael had an off and rejoined just in front of me as we went into the esses (fair rejoin). This slowed me up enough to allow Rotor past and then Cyber nabbed me at T1. I had a cool battle with Cyber but couldn't get back past him. I then stuffed up the final turn, having a massive slide and slowing down so much that @spita84 just sailed on past me. I was now in 12th

    So a few laps in and I was losing positions like Hillary was losing States. I knew I had decent car speed once some fuel burned off but dropping back early was definitely not the plan. I had to calm down and try to be consistent. I guess that paid off as the race began to to come back to me. I chased spita for a few laps and managed to slip past at T1. The next car ahead was @Anon666 who seemed to have schizophrenic car speed - one minute I'd be on his tail, the next he'd put a 2 second gap on me (anon don't TXT and drive mate)! He must have finally put his phone away though because he took off and passed Skywalker up ahead. Meanwhile misfortune had brought Mael and Cyber together and I was now in front of them.

    I caught up to Skywalker and had a nice battle with him until he couldn't take the pressure, gave up and pitted ;). I punched on for a few more laps with spita shadowing me and it was looking like it would be a close battle for the div2 win after the pitstops - but I was oh so wrong...

    When I finally pitted I had almost no fuel left but Spita managed an extra lap! That wasn't all - he had another ace up his sleeve and took the courageous tactical decision to not change tyres! Great call Spita :). Had I known it would save 17 seconds I'd have done the same thing (can't quite understand how it takes only 5 secs to fill a tank while it's 22 secs to change tyres - but anyway). I didn't know he'd done that until the end of the race.

    As I exited the pits I was just in front of ol' mate Skywalker again! I had a full tank and cold tyres and defended my position like a Republican at a polling booth, but eventually after some epic and very clean racing he got past (with his warmer tyres and less ballast...grrr) and now I had to defend from @Ben787. Again the racing was very clean and respectful and this time I managed to hold out Ben and caught up to ....wait...what ... Anon??? Put down the f*^king phone man! Anon had gone off and rejoined in the esses which had baulked Skywalker and he was now behind Ben and I! So half a lap behind the 'schizocar' and suddenly Ben was all over me again ... and the schizocar drove away up the road again!

    After I I managed to pull away from Ben and skywalker I found a way past a weaving bjmatho and a wounded but gracious @Shaun_A. In the clear air I wondered where Spita was. I thought he must have had an off or a slow stop meaning I should be be in Div2 P1 right? Wrong! At the end of the race I was in overall P6 and there was Spita up in P4 with the Div1 aliens! Nice work. I'll take Div2 P2 big time though considering how lucky I was overall.

    A bunch of peeps had bad luck in that race so I hope its better in the next race for y'all.
  16. spita84

    spita84 Rookie

    PSN ID
    I request that you @krunch write a synopsis like this after every race. Very entertaining to read and it breaks up my paperwork nicely:thumbsup:
    c4rLo5, skywalker, Ben787 and 2 others like this.
  17. ed40t

    ed40t Rookie

    Koastr .001 of a second? your kidding me haha
    KoAStR likes this.
  18. David Brister

    David Brister Team Driver

    Hey Guys!!!! thought i might try and make tonights race if thats ok?
    Peter Wise likes this.
  19. Peter Wise

    Peter Wise Professional

    PSN ID
    copperj32. Steam: copperj32
    Welcome back Dave
  20. Peter Wise

    Peter Wise Professional

    PSN ID
    copperj32. Steam: copperj32
    Are the raceonoz servers down, Can't seem to find them in the list