Division 4 season 6

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, May 2, 2015.

  1. jasondull1986

    jasondull1986 Professional

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    Ill be back for hto
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    i know it's short notice, but any chance we can delay race start if I am running late? I will post as soon as I know...
    Tanktex likes this.
  3. v8power383

    v8power383 Professional

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    v8power383 Turn Left Racing
  4. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    and kids are asleep!!
  5. Konnor McCluskey

    Konnor McCluskey Team Driver

  6. Konnor McCluskey

    Konnor McCluskey Team Driver

    I have decided to pull out of the rest of the season, not enjoying myself at all and have other personal things going on so my hearts not really in it. This will probably see me drop to div 5 which sucks but oh well that's just the way it is
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    your choice mate. Your pace has been on target so you will probably stay in this div.
  8. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

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    Well done to the winners.
    Another crappy night of mistakes from me again left me in 10th for both races.
    Pole went to Adronaught
    Race 1...
    13th Gibby ... DSC issues during qually
    Race 2...
    11th BlueXR8
    12th Sickskillz
    13th Gibby
    Race 1 Fastest Laps...
    Race 2 Fastest Laps...
    Sickskillz = 1:17.721
    BlueXR8 = 1:17.995

    I will grab Gibby's fastest today, forgot to get it.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2015
    Adronaught, emmo46 and Ad2mny like this.
  9. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Great night for me tonight.
    Grabbed second in qualifying...just couldn't get that lap right... well done @Adronaught for pole.
    Hard luck to @G1bby3lit3 as his connection kept dropping out all night.
    Got a cracking start to take the lead into T1 with a little tap from adro. Then kept the gap to @Mario until the end.
    Race 2 I made may way through the field for third.
    Sorry to @Blue XR8 & @Stiffsht for little taps...I made sure not to overtake from it.

    Well done to @Ad2mny for third in race 1!

    Edit: wow the total race time would put me 6th in division 1 for race 1...:eek:
    Adronaught and Ad2mny like this.
  10. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Konnor McCluskey likes this.
  11. Ad2mny

    Ad2mny Absentee Moderator / PS5 ACC Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Well done Hat!!

    Race 1. Had high hopes for this round. In practice I could hang with some of the faster guys, and was pretty consistent with my lap times. When I saw I was only fast enough for 7th I was disappointed. Low 16's are damn quick. Anyway got a good start and entered turn 1 unmolested. Bluexr8 gave me a few little "excuse me may I get by" taps on the shoulders past the concrete apron and into the first tunnel. I tried to slip past tanktex into the next tunnel but decided to be a bit patient and see what happens ahead. We had drawn out into a line and the drivers behind bluexr8 were dropping back. Coming into the final turn bluexr8 missed his braking point and went straight on into the barrier. Now I had a nice buffer back to 8th so didn't have to worry about looking back anymore. Lap 2 final turn adronaught ran a little wide and spun sideways into the pit entry lights bumping me up to 6th. Tank also ran wide but ran along the grass, slowing enough so I could gain 5th. Stumbles was a little slow through the double left before the back straight and I managed to out drag him up hill. He hung on till the end of the lap and I hugged the inside of the turns and held him off. A coming together with tank at the end of lap 4 put him to last. So I was now in 4th, with the lead trio just ahead but out of reach and 5th about the same distance back. Lap 11 tank started making up time on me. I tried not to pay too much attention and concentrate on my laps, but by now my tyres were getting down and I was adjusting my braking points to compensate but he was taking car lengths out of me in the turns. I tried to switch back to my original brake points but that made it worse and he was on me by 4 turns. Lap 14 and he was right on my exhaust on the back straight but he outbraked himself in the final turn, running on the grass and bouncing off the wall. Konnor then got loose out of turn 1 and skidded onto the grass on the inside, struggling to rejoin and now I was on the podium. Was struggling for grip on the final lap but I had just enough buffer to nurse it home for a welcome 3rd place.

    Race 2. Wow there were a lot of cars ahead. Managed to get past spl off the line but Mario came through on the inside. I retook him at the first concrete apron and over the lap built up a buffer as Mario and Hat battled. Lap 2 I was behind the battling team mates GT_BANDIT and tank, tried to open up the exit of the double left onto the back straight to get a run up the hill but ran wide in the middle and spun. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Last. And not just a little last, I was just crossing the start finish as they were running through turn 1. Stumbles ran wide in turn 1 gifting me 11th but I was still a long way off. Head down, crank out the laps. Caught spl by lap 10 and a weird laggy incident between cab and bluexr8 saw the latter appear just ahead as cab ghosted backwards then bluexr8 vanished from in front of me. 8th now and the spl GT_BANDIT battle was just ahead. It looked like spl was trying to get away, getting early on the power and sliding around but I was making up all my time in the final turn. Lap 13 I tapped the wall with my rear out the double lefts onto the back straight and it looked like I'd let spl get away but a bit of bravery on the brakes over the next lap caught me back up. He ran wide on the final turn end of lap 14 and I drove up onto his bumper then outbraked him into turn 1, tyres smoking and skidding to stay tight. I set my sights on GT_BANDIT but he was matching me in the braking areas and I couldn't make up any ground, finishing in 7th.

    Great battles. Great race.
    Watto64, Tanktex, Adronaught and 2 others like this.
  12. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

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    Good drive last night Ad, I was watching you catching me In race 2 and when I ran wide coming onto the straight I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold you off into turn 1. well done on your race 1 podium, good to see you back up the pointy end again.
    Ad2mny likes this.
  13. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Did the DSC guys manage a lap time before they were booted?
  14. Adronaught

    Adronaught Team Driver

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    I felt good about Deep Forest Sprint Round. Had decent running all week, eeking out tenths here and there, but was surprised to win pole (myself and several others had run faster than this in practice races). @Hatfield got a great start, I followed him into T1 (maybe a bit too closely...lol). Tense lap or two and settled in until....I clipped the curb onto main straight and spun towards the pit entry (at this point through shrieks of horror and tears of anguish I managed to avoid backing it in and caught the pit wall just to the right of centre, so stayed on the track). I sat and waited for a gap to turn, but still managed to upset @CAB-77 as he came over the rise, so I apologise unreservedly CAB for turning in front of you.
    I tried desperately to make up time on the leaders as it was really difficult to pass, but I fought my way from 14th bck up to 7th and had a great battle with @GT_BANDIT_666. He raced and defended admirably forcing me to try a desperate late braking move up the inside into turn one...which frankly didn't work, lol...the car swerved right on the last wobble pushing me wide and allowing @SickSkillz011 to pass also. I had to be happy with 8th after a very difficult race, knowing I only had myself to blame.

    Race 2 saw a depleted field take the start (net issues were a real concern last night-I have views and opinions regarding this, which will be discussed elsewhere). I started 6th and put my head down from the get go. The racing was a little bumpy but furious for the first 5 or 6 laps, and I had some decent haggling over position with @Tanktex. Managed to pass @flashfirst on lap 6 I think, and tried my guts out to gap the field. It only takes one wide corner to undo all the good work and I had Tank up my backside before I could blink. Rush of adrenaline, and tried to gap him again. In the end I held a steady gap to bring it home in 1st. Some consolation for ruining Race 1.

    Congrats go to all podium placings (Hatfield, Tanktex, @pinoy350 and @Ad2mny), and special pats on the back to Hatfield, Tanktex and pinoy350 for solid results over both races. Well done lads!

    Thanks to @Stumbles for posting results.
    Tanktex and Ad2mny like this.
  15. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Does anyone have @Crimj1985 and @CPTNPEACH lap and race times form race 1 last night. I couldn't see them in race 1 (and they are my team mates:thumbsdown:)
  16. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    wrong division
  17. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Oh, so it is.:oops:
  18. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    don't worry I did the same last round lol posting into div 5 instead of 4
  19. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I'm obviously still not used to be in Div 5 after all those seasons in Div 4.
    Ad2mny likes this.
  20. Stumbles

    Stumbles Dave - Moderator Team Raceonoz

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    I posted these under the race 2 fastest laps photo.
    Sickskillz = 1:17.721
    BlueXR8 = 1:17.995

    Just getting Gibby's now
    1:25.092. He only completed 2 laps before dsc again