Gran Turismo 7 Season 5(0) Division 1

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Viperzed, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Round 1: Autopolis International Racing Course - Custom Weather - Sunrise 9x - 24 Laps - 07/05
    WELCOME to Season 5 for Gran Turismo 7!!
    As always please take a couple minutes to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night.
    If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    Room captains may have practice rooms open beforehand but should have the official room up by 7:45pm AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread know if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.

    Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again.Type the number of cars you can see in the lobby chat and cross check with other drivers to ensure clarity.

    QUALIFYING : 8:00 pm AEDT for 10 mins.
    Feel free to run practice laps prior to qualifying, The host will trigger a 'Room Reset' closer to the commencement of Qualifying.
    Once 10 mins of session time has elapsed, finish the lap you are on and stop the car off the circuit somewhere near the start of the lap.



    This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I would suggest only having 1 restart if required due to DSC, due to having to set up the room from scratch and also having to set timed laps in order to set the grid. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....

    TURN 1 LAP 1 :
    The old saying goes, you can’t win the race on lap 1, but you can definitely lose it. Please be mindful of other drivers on lap 1 coming into turn 1, and for that matter, the entire race. It can be very demoralizing to hot lap on your own for 45 minutes as I'm sure many of you are aware.

    As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage, position or time wise. Track Limits protests may be launched by any active driver in the race.

    Is to be avoided at all times..... If you make contact with someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Occasionally, Gran Turismo track limits may teleport a disadvantaged driver backwards on circuit to ‘reset’ them, if this occurs at the hand of another driver, IT IS EXPECTED that the driver at fault will wait and redress the position.
    Side by side 'rubbing' is racing is allowed and promoted within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room. For clarity surrounding racing room, please feel free to PM @Viperzed
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    Pit Line Penalties are ON so you will be penalised in game if you cut any part of the entry or exit lines.

    Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    This season, the Head Steward will be @Viperzed. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let him know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards may ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captains to make any decision.

    If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car. Quitting off track results in a sometimes race ending lag spike and may be punished in extreme scenarios.

    Could all drivers please inform Room Captains or make a post on the division thread if they do not intend on racing on Sunday night, Room Captains/ Lobby Hosts are advised not to wait for anyone who has not communicated their intentions. If you do not post in your room thread or psn chat that you cannot attend, a spot may not be held for you for the following weeks race.

    TRACK SPECIFIC - Autopolis International Racing Course

    A very technical circuit, Autopolis is very hard on tyres, so choose your compound carefully. All racing tyres are available, including wets. Keep an eye on the radar!
    Noodles87 likes this.
  2. Noodles87

    Noodles87 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Wow that was an enjoyable one. Qualified on pole position & finished P2. I was pretty happy with my pace throughout the night. Started on the mediums & made them last till the end of lap 10. Went on the hard's till the end. I was held up a little after I came out of the pits so I lost a little bit of time. Simon who did the 2 stop got it to work as he overtaked me on the second last lap on the softs. Couldn't quite hold on but still happy with the result.
  3. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hi all,

    First of all I'd just like to thank you for your patience in the lead up to this round. I've publicly played with massive amounts of BOP and event management before but never to this level of strategy and wear rates before so I've been very greatful of the feedback that i've received from everyone thus far!

    The decision to move the season focus from door to door racing for 45 minutes to that of strategy was not an easy one, but one that was considered amongst many drivers of different skill level before it was decided the league as a whole would benefit, I think that decision speaks for itself tonight having seen so many different strategies at play in each division and EVERY single tire option being used. General feedback points to the tire wear levels being optimum for bringing multiple different strategies into play, however sub-par for driving enjoyment which ultimately is what we're after, it's why we go racing!

    Keeping this in mind, we will adjust to 4x Tire Wear Rate for N24 Round 2 onwards. This rate will be monitored closely at each round as previously mentioned and adjusted if we see fit. There has also been a change to TOD for Round 2 which has been reflected in the OP as well as multiple additions to the room settings section to provide clarity for those wishing to pracitce, as well as the Room Hosts whom have been a little neglected thus far.

    On another note, Apologies for the lack of Drivers Briefing this weekend, and thank you to @CaptainRisky21 who picked up my slack and got it done.

    Finally, I am still open to ANY and ALL Feedback surrounding the season and how we are going about things! I'm very excited by the numbers we've had sign up this season and I want to do everything I can to hold onto those as well as entice new faces into the fold, if you think there is anything we're missing, whether it be how the Drivers Briefing is set out, lack of involvement, no streaming, etc, Please let me know!!

    Enjoy the week break all,
    stucar17 and Noodles87 like this.
  4. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    I thought 5x was about right. Every strategy was used and viable. Autopolis is a bit of a tyre killer to
    Ian Cannan likes this.
  5. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Race Results
    Hatfield likes this.
  6. Noodles87

    Noodles87 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Here's my pole position lap time.
    Matthyus likes this.
  7. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 2: 21/05 - Nurburgring 24h - 5 Laps - Custom Weather - Afternoon - 20x

    WELCOME to Season 5 for Gran Turismo 7!!
    As always please take a couple minutes to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night.
    If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    Room captains may have practice rooms open beforehand but should have the official room up by 7:45pm AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread know if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.

    Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again. Type the number of cars you can see in the lobby chat and cross check with other drivers to ensure clarity.

    QUALIFYING : 8:00 pm AEST for 15 mins.
    Feel free to run practice laps prior to qualifying, The host will trigger a 'Room Reset' closer to the commencement of Qualifying.
    Being a longer lap than usual, Nurburgring will include a 15 minute session with drivers only having time for one flying lap. Please keep this in mind when spacing yourself out on track, there is no need for drivers to be even near eachother during a qualifying session around the Nordschleiffe!



    This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I would suggest only having 1 restart if required due to DSC, due to having to set up the room from scratch and also having to set timed laps in order to set the grid. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....

    TURN 1 LAP 1:
    The old saying goes, you can’t win the race on lap 1, but you can definitely lose it. Please be mindful of other drivers on lap 1 coming into turn 1, and for that matter, the entire race. It can be very demoralizing to hot lap on your own for 45 minutes as I'm sure many of you are aware.

    As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage, position or time wise. Track Limits protests may be launched by any active driver in the race.

    Track Limits will be monitored generally across the entire circuit

    Is to be avoided at all times..... If you make contact with someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Occasionally, Gran Turismo track limits may teleport a disadvantaged driver backwards on circuit to ‘reset’ them, if this occurs at the hand of another driver, IT IS EXPECTED that the driver at fault will wait and redress the position.
    Side by side 'rubbing' is racing is allowed and promoted within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room. For clarity surrounding racing room, please feel free to PM @Viperzed
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    Pit Line Penalties are ON so you will be penalised in game if you cut any part of the entry or exit lines. Please be aware that the car will be often be pulled towards drivers left when you are first given control after exiting the pits, practice this to avoid cutting the line and/or impeding any drivers on circuit.

    Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    This season, the Head Steward will be @Viperzed. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let him know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards may ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captains to make any decision.

    If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car. Quitting off track results in a sometimes race ending lag spike and may be punished in extreme scenarios.

    Could all drivers please inform Room Captains or make a post on the division thread if they do not intend on racing on Sunday night, Room Captains/ Lobby Hosts are advised not to wait for anyone who has not communicated their intentions. If you do not post in your room thread or psn chat that you cannot attend, a spot may not be held for you for the following weeks race.

    TRACK SPECIFIC - Nurburgring 24H

    How fitting that we run the Nurb24H round on the same weekend as the real life race itself! I encourage you all to tune in at some stage on the weekend to watch some of the greatest GT drivers in the world do battle for 24 Hours on one of the greatest circuits.

    Real life aside, "The Ring" is a daunting piece of tarmac that can easily catch out even the most experienced of drivers. For 25km you will navigate twisting turns through the German hillside, at times, the easiest of bends, leading to some of the trickiest corners. Ensure you do your homework this round and memorise what you can of the 25 378m layout, it will bite you otherwise.

    Keep in mind that it is still on random weather, and we have a night cycle for this round! Keep a keen eye on your radar and trust your instincts when it comes to the downpours. I will allow that at Room Captain's discresion, Any freak weather events that affect the ENTIRE FIELD, may result in a Red Flag with the restart occuring in order of the last sector completed by the ENTIRE FIELD.
  8. LE_bananajosh

    LE_bananajosh Team Driver

    PSN ID
  9. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 2 Results
    Race Results
    Hatfield likes this.
  10. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Never have I felt so unsatisfied with a Div 1 podium! Having such a small grid this week, I knew a podium could be on the cards, likely behind Ranger and Si, but I was cautious of those who would be quick enough to make me work for it, never did I expect the front two to disappear so easily! I made mistake after mistake in quali and in the race, couldn't find the pace I so dearly needed to capitalise on the short numbers and lucked into a podium thanks to the misfortune of both Ridwan and Sidawg.

    Hoping to see a lot of people back next round at Watkins Glen!
  11. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Is it a first ever twins 1-2 ?
    HighStakes123 likes this.
  12. HighStakes123

    HighStakes123 Rookie

    Absolutely stoked with my first Div 1 podium, I couldn't keep it on track when I was practising beforehand. Drove a steady race and got the strategy right and kept my mistakes pretty minor

    Surely must be
    Rangeraus and UrsineSaturn9 like this.
  13. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Solid drive mate and killer qually lap too! Well deserved!
    HighStakes123 likes this.
  14. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 3: 28/05 - Watkins Glen Long Course - 24 Laps - Custom Weather - Sunrise - 10x

    WELCOME to Season 5 for Gran Turismo 7!!
    As always please take a couple minutes to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night.
    If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    Room captains may have practice rooms open beforehand but should have the official room up by 7:45pm AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread know if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.

    Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again. Type the number of cars you can see in the lobby chat and cross check with other drivers to ensure clarity.

    QUALIFYING : 8:00 pm AEST for 10 mins.
    Feel free to run practice laps prior to qualifying, The host will trigger a 'Room Reset' closer to the commencement of Qualifying.



    This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I would suggest only having 1 restart if required due to DSC, due to having to set up the room from scratch and also having to set timed laps in order to set the grid. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....

    TURN 1 LAP 1:
    The old saying goes, you can’t win the race on lap 1, but you can definitely lose it. Please be mindful of other drivers on lap 1 coming into turn 1, and for that matter, the entire race. It can be very demoralizing to hot lap on your own for 45 minutes as I'm sure many of you are aware.

    As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage, position or time wise. Track Limits protests may be launched by any active driver in the race.

    Track Limits will be monitored at Turns 1, 5, 8, 10 as well as the chicane.

    Is to be avoided at all times..... If you make contact with someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Occasionally, Gran Turismo track limits may teleport a disadvantaged driver backwards on circuit to ‘reset’ them, if this occurs at the hand of another driver, IT IS EXPECTED that the driver at fault will wait and redress the position.
    Side by side 'rubbing' is racing is allowed and promoted within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room. For clarity surrounding racing room, please feel free to PM @Viperzed
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    Pit Line Penalties are ON so you will be penalised in game if you cut any part of the entry or exit lines. Be mindful entering the pits that you are to stay hard right on apex of thr final corner to enter pit lane, in the event of an incident, precedence will be given to the car in pit entry. On pit exit, cars exiting the lane are to stay drivers right if they are rejoining in traffic and may rejoin the racing line at the next corner.

    Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    This season, the Head Steward will be @Viperzed. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let him know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards may ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captains to make any decision.

    If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car. Quitting off track results in a sometimes race ending lag spike and may be punished in extreme scenarios.

    Could all drivers please inform Room Captains or make a post on the division thread if they do not intend on racing on Sunday night, Room Captains/ Lobby Hosts are advised not to wait for anyone who has not communicated their intentions. If you do not post in your room thread or psn chat that you cannot attend, a spot may not be held for you for the following weeks race.

    TRACK SPECIFIC - Watkins Glen Long Course

    Watkins Glen is a North American icon, featuring some challenging corners and ideal passing opportunities. Drivers are reminded for this round that the kerbs are free real estate however pushing your car all 4 wheels over the kerbs will result in a penalty.

    This is the first circuit we travel to this season that cannot be rain affected, so enjoy the grip!
  15. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 3 Results
    Race Results
    Hatfield likes this.
  16. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 4: 04/06 - Spa 24h Layout Endurance - 36 Laps - Custom Weather - Evening - 12x

    WELCOME to Season 5 for Gran Turismo 7!!
    As always please take a couple minutes to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night.
    If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    Room captains may have practice rooms open beforehand but should have the official room up by 7:15pm AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread know if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.

    Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again. Type the number of cars you can see in the lobby chat and cross check with other drivers to ensure clarity.

    QUALIFYING : 7:30pm AEST for 10 mins.
    Feel free to run practice laps prior to qualifying, The host will trigger a 'Room Reset' closer to the commencement of Qualifying.



    This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I would suggest only having 1 restart if required due to DSC, due to having to set up the room from scratch and also having to set timed laps in order to set the grid. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....

    TURN 1 LAP 1:
    The old saying goes, you can’t win the race on lap 1, but you can definitely lose it. Please be mindful of other drivers on lap 1 coming into turn 1, and for that matter, the entire race. It can be very demoralizing to hot lap on your own for 45 minutes as I'm sure many of you are aware.

    As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage, position or time wise. Track Limits protests may be launched by any active driver in the race.

    Track Limits will be monitored at Turns 4, 9 and 14 - 17.

    Is to be avoided at all times..... If you make contact with someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Occasionally, Gran Turismo track limits may teleport a disadvantaged driver backwards on circuit to ‘reset’ them, if this occurs at the hand of another driver, IT IS EXPECTED that the driver at fault will wait and redress the position.
    Side by side 'rubbing' is racing is allowed and promoted within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room. For clarity surrounding racing room, please feel free to PM @Viperzed
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    Pit Line Penalties are ON so you will be penalised in game if you cut any part of the entry or exit lines. Be mindful that as we are utilising the Spa 24H Layout, Pit Exit will be at the top of the Eau Rouge conplex on drivers right. Cars exiting pit lane are to folloe the pit lines all the way until they are on the kemmel straight. Failure to do so will result in a penalty. Cars already on the circuit are to stay cautious of cars exiting pitlane.

    Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    This season, the Head Steward will be @Viperzed. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let him know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards may ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captains to make any decision.

    If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car. Quitting off track results in a sometimes race ending lag spike and may be punished in extreme scenarios.

    Could all drivers please inform Room Captains or make a post on the division thread if they do not intend on racing on Sunday night, Room Captains/ Lobby Hosts are advised not to wait for anyone who has not communicated their intentions. If you do not post in your room thread or psn chat that you cannot attend, a spot may not be held for you for the following weeks race.

    TRACK SPECIFIC - Circuit De Spa Francorchamps

    We come again to another crown jewel of endurance racing! Spa is a challenging yet flowing circuit nestled in the hills of Belgium. In game it is abundant in passing zones and straights to encourage side by side battling for a full 90 minutes. Keep your focus on staying in slipstream distance during the twisty sector 2 so that you may reap the rewards in sectors 1 and 3!

    Rain is once again a factor in this 90 minute mega so keep your inters and wets handy in case! Endurance racing is no easy feat, please ensure you empty your bladder post quali but pre race and keep a drink (or two) nearby.
    Noodles87 likes this.
  17. Rangeraus

    Rangeraus Team Driver Gold Member

    I'm out for this one
  18. LE_bananajosh

    LE_bananajosh Team Driver

    PSN ID
  19. Noodles87

    Noodles87 Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Good to be back. Qualified P1 & finished P1. I decided to use traction control on the grid start which didn't work out the best, losing two positions in the process. Rolling start however I got a better start & made up those positions back. Pitted at the end of lap 5 to put some softs on & I was immediately faster than the front runners who stayed out on there wets. I aquaplaned twice which lost me some time but I made most of it back. Once the track dried out at lap 18, I pitted for another set of softs & fuel & tyre saved to the end. Overall pretty satisfied apart from some of the mistakes I made throughout the race.
  20. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Wow what a mission that was, thankyou to everyone in div 1 and 1b for the level of patience you had to keep that going, believe me it was not easy to orchestrate either.

    Qualifying began poorly with Hatfield being left out but opting to stay out in favour of keeping the show going. Those who decided to jump on the inters at the end of quali were by far better placed than those still on the wets, I found myself on the inter at just the right time however found a wild Ursine at Stavelot which unfortunately was just poor placement from myself as he was still on a hot lap.

    The race began equally poorly as we lost Risky at Pouhon, prompting a full reset from positions at the end of lap 1. We restarted with a rolling start in dark, damp conditions, what followed was one of the coolest strategic races I'd seen in a very long time, I opted to stay out on Wets for 10 laps, much longer than necessary so that I could push on 2 sets of softs till the end of the race, Jimmy, Whizz and SP had opted for Inters from the start which proved the smarter option as they were far superior in the dry, those who had pitted earlier for softs saw massive benefits too despite being constantly at risk of death.

    My strategy worked to a tee (kinda), Full fueling at both my stops saw me jump all the early soft runners who didn't fuel up, Unfortunately Noodles had played it to perfection and despite some off track excursions, managed a ~30 second gap to me till the end thanks to his dicey early stint.

    An awesome race thanks to the weather, and probably one of the most memorable Rooz enduros I've had the pleasure of being a part of. I hope everyone enjoys their week break (again) and I'll see you all at Deep Forest!