Gran Turismo 7 Season 9 Division 2

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Viperzed, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. RPeeM808

    RPeeM808 Rookie Gold Member

    PSN ID
    will return this Sunday, and 6 weeks since turning a wheel...will be interesting
    Matthyus and Viperzed like this.
  2. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Div 1 for you :)
    ADZA_85, Ian Cannan and Easyprey007 like this.
  3. RPeeM808

    RPeeM808 Rookie Gold Member

    PSN ID
  4. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    A lap of LeSarthe.
    Whilst doing some practice in a custom race, i was actually suprised by the power of the slip, more so the braking point moves much further back so look out for that tonight.

    Managed a 1.25.9 on lap 5 of 6

  5. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Round 4
    Race start
  6. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Well that was an up and down race..
    Slightly miffed that @Hatfield ninjaed pole, but still happy with 2nd.
    My race went downhill from there. Got swamped at the first braking area and lost 2 spots and then again on the next one.. managed to hold on to mid pack until the rain came in on lap 9 / 10.
    In my infinite wisdom, I had not purchased IM or W tyres even though I'd been saying to do so for yonks...
    So, I put on the only tyres I could and went for it. It wasn't classy and for the first time I truly considered to park up. I didn't, as I did see the rain ending and went let's see how this plays out. 2m down...
    Super stoked to come home 7th at the end of the race, might have been higher if my skill level during the rain was better.
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Qualified on pole with my final lap, and got away well.

    Created a gap and conserved fuel, on target for a 10 lap stint.

    Then the radar showed rain. Everyone had to pit by lap 9 and put softs on again, but I was able to go one more and put inters straight on which put me a pitstop ahead.
    I drove well through the night/rain and then my brain decided to get greedy. I thought if I could stay on inters until end of lap 16, I could save another stop and do a 10 lap stint to finish.
    But the track dried and my inter rear left had 0 tread.
    I pitted with 11 to go and came out of the pits 2nd (I had lost about 15 secs a lap for 3 laps on the inters).
    I tried conserving to get my expected fuel number to what I needed but it wasn't enough, so I flicked the switch to push but made a few too many errors trying to catch @ADZA_85 and finished 2nd, 7 secs behind.

    Despite my errors, it was still a very entertaining race.
    Despite my experience, I have learned something new: Don't gamble a sure thing
    UrsineSaturn9, Matthyus and ADZA_85 like this.
  8. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    An exciting race, full of drama at every turn. A big hats off to Hatfield, a commanding drive and glad to see P2 for you after i watched your replay!. read on:

    Not what i wanted.
    And if you watched my above shared time, i was capable of low 26s, but could barely scratch a 27 together.
    I gapped the pack before my first flyer, but i swiftly caught those in front as some errors were made and i was on the tail of Whizz, i tried to get around but there was no doing, and i put it into the gritty stuff at T11.
    I abandoned, let the remaining 3-4 cars pass and had to try for one flyer.
    Little to say i made a mess of it with pressure on myself and couldn't get lower then a 28. Bitterly disappointed to have started 6th.

    I knew i could be quicker, and i had to make something stick quickly to get through the cars in front.
    I kept a hawk like eye on Hatfield for his start, and the moment i seen him go i gunned it. I didnt account for the car in front of me so gave a light tap before getting around them and driving hard up the right hand side of the track.
    I looked for my brake point and dropped the anchors, squeezed hard, slight lift, turn in. BOOM! P2.

    The following laps i followed Hat and i slowly dropped back as i was overly cautious and just didnt want to drop the rear trying something stupid. I pitted end of lap 9 for the soft before again needing to pit at end of lap 10 for the inter.
    Hat made a humungous gain staying out the extra lap, a smart drive with fuel and managed the tires.

    A few laps later, a dry line emerged, so i took the first chance to put on a soft. The track dried quickly and those on the inters still suffered.
    I settled in again and came out in 1st place.
    From here the race was fairly settled, one more stop for fresh rubber and fuel before driving it safely home with Hat 7 seconds behind.

    UrsineSaturn9, Hatfield and Matthyus like this.
  9. RPeeM808

    RPeeM808 Rookie Gold Member

    PSN ID
    note to self...dont drink before a long drive..o_O
    ADZA_85 likes this.
  10. JSR_Snorxal

    JSR_Snorxal New Recruit

    PSN ID
    After a frustrating outing in my only other race with you guys so far at Tokyo, God was it satisfying to make up for it with a good result in this race. I was maybe a little miffed that my quali was compromised when I reckon I had the pace to be on the front row, and on top of that I slightly underestimated how tight the racing would get in the opening corners down the Mulsanne, so I was probably a little out of position in the early phase of the race.

    But I managed the Mother of All Evades through Indianapolis on lap 1, combined with nailing my strategy of running an extra lap on the opening stint (which just so happened to coincide with the rain hitting - shoutouts to my friends Anna and Sophie who I was in a Discord call with who saved me from Sochi 2021-ing myself), which gave me a lot more confidence heading into the second half of the race.

    I still didn't have anywhere near the consistency to match it with the top 2, and I think I outbraked myself about 4 or 5 times at the Mulsanne Chicanes during the wet stint alone - hemorrhaging laptime on each occasion - but I knew I had the tyre and fuel advantage to get the overcut on a few of the guys ahead entering the last phase of the race, and I'm super stoked to have taken a spot on the podium come the end.

    These cars are definitely a handful, but they're still wicked fun in a race like this, especially on the long straights and long corner sequences where you can play around with things like shift timing and fuel mapping to strike the right balance between getting enough mileage out of the tank and still getting the most performance from the car itself when you need it.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 5: 23/06: High Speed Ring - 44 Laps - Custom Weather - Late Morning - 2x

    WELCOME to Season 9 for RaceOnOz GT7!
    Please take a couple minutes to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night.
    If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    Room captains may have practice rooms open beforehand but should have the official room up by 7:30pm AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread know if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.

    Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again. Type the number of cars you can see in the lobby chat and cross check with other drivers to ensure clarity.

    QUALIFYING : 8pm AEST for 10 mins.
    Feel free to run practice laps prior to qualifying, The host will trigger a 'Room Reset' closer to the commencement of Qualifying.



    This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I would suggest only having 1 restart if required due to DSC, due to having to set up the room from scratch and also having to set timed laps in order to set the grid. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....

    Race Start - Rolling Start
    For the first time EVER, we are trialling a manually operated double file rolling start in Sunday League. Below you'll find a quick run through on how this will work on the night.

    Drivers will set off from the grid in a sensible manner, beginning their formation lap. The speed of the polesitter during this lap is totally up to them, however exiting T4 (entering the tunnel), the polesitter MUST hold 100kph (or similar). The field must not accelerate and brake erratically after this point. It is reccomended for cars to maintain one car length to the row ahead, stay perfectly alligned with the car next to you (radar is perfect for this!). The field MUST be set by the start zone. The "start zone" is a theoretical set of lines between which the start of the race may occur, triggered by the polesitter accelerating to race speed. The first line is across the circuit, adjacent to the pit wall commencing on drivers left. At any point after this line has been crossed by the pole sitter, the race may begin. The second line is Start/Finish. If the polesitter reaches the second line and hasn't yet elected to accelerate, the race will begin automatically. Any drivers who fail to obey starting procedure and hold up the lobby by accelerating away at the standing start will receive ONE WARNING over the season, after which they will be sent to the rear of the grid for each breach. Any major issues will require a restart of the race. The race starts will be under the jurisdiction of the Room Captain/s and only they may call for a Red Flag/Restart unless stated prior.

    TURN 1 LAP 1:
    The old saying goes, you can’t win the race on lap 1, but you can definitely lose it. Please be mindful of other drivers on lap 1 coming into turn 1, and for that matter, the entire race. It can be very demoralizing to hot lap on your own for 45 minutes as I'm sure many of you are aware.

    As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. Track Limits protests may be launched by any active driver in the race.

    Track Limits themselves are only possible to be breached inside T3 and T4. You are allowed to extend T5 all the way to the wall. Track limits will be defined as two wheels on the kerb, or white line, whichever is further out.

    Wall Riding is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and those found to exploiting the wall anywhere (Particularly T2 and T6) will be disqualified.

    Is to be avoided at all times..... If you make contact with someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Occasionally, Gran Turismo track limits may teleport a disadvantaged driver backwards on circuit to ‘reset’ them, if this occurs at the hand of another driver, IT IS EXPECTED that the driver at fault will wait and redress the position.
    Side by side 'rubbing' is racing is allowed and promoted within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room. For clarity surrounding racing room, please feel free to PM @Viperzed
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    Pit Line Penalties are ON so you will be penalised in game if you cut any part of the entry or exit lines. Be mindful entering the pits that you need to commit to entry not long after the final corner. You may receive a penalty for misjudging your line on entry. Be mindful not to impede other cars on your way in. On pit exit, cars exiting the lane are reminded to keep drivers left if there are any cars approaching, you will have to give them space.

    Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    This season, the Head Steward will be @Viperzed. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let him know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards may ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captains to make any decision.

    If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car. Quitting off track results in a sometimes race ending lag spike and may be punished in extreme scenarios.

    Could all drivers please inform Room Captains or make a post on the division thread if they do not intend on racing on Sunday night, Room Captains/ Lobby Hosts are advised not to wait for anyone who has not communicated their intentions. If you do not post in your room thread or psn chat that you cannot attend, a spot may not be held for you for the following weeks race.

    TRACK SPECIFIC - High Speed Ring
    Our second temple of speed in as many weeks, High Speed Ring is the theoretical love child between an American oval and whatever Japan was smoking at the time they made it. Top Speed, rain, tire wear, bump drafting. Sunday is gonna have it all! Be mindful of how hard the tight hand side tires are used here, you may find yourself doing an extra pitstop or two just to stay on the road. Eyes to the skies too as rain could again be a factor!

    Back to our more traditional formation lap, I'm expecting more photos and for everyone to behave!

    If the Room Captains could also please include a rough time for the formation lap (the lap 1 time), that would assist in the Race Results.
    Hatfield likes this.
  12. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    FYI - i'm a maybe for tonight. Shoudler is on a knife's edge and I'd rather not have it blow out on TKD grading week. If I find the time, I'll join via controller.
    UrsineSaturn9 likes this.
  13. UrsineSaturn9

    UrsineSaturn9 World Champion Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Round 5
    Lap 1 - 1:56.268
    Hatfield and ADZA_85 like this.
  14. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Like Lando Norris... I should have won that race.

    A smooth qually run with relatively no issues. The first few laps i was concerned i wasnt going to get a decent tow, knowing a lap in isolation could put me off the pace over half a second. On lap 3 or 4, i suckered up to Herbie and snuck through, before picking up Pooketus. A lucky run to slip steam two top dogs! and was enough to secure pole just ahead of a fast Hatfield by 6 100ths!

    Phase one of the race went well, and i got the jump on the pack off the start. There were very obvious points i wasnt quick enough on the lap, particularly at T 2, i realised i was too low on the bank, and giving away 1-2 tenths. My effort to change my line partially resulted in a few errors, so i stuck to what i knew. This kept Hatfield in attack range, and eventually a pass was made.
    I consciously made an effort to stay behind and not pass till pit stop 1. and thats where my race sort of ended.

    Coming out of T6, i tucked in behind Hat and made a dive into the pit...


    I crossed the solid line. I knew bad things were coming.
    I copped a 3 sec penalty, which ultimately was about 5 seconds time i got to race pace again. and from there, it was a recovery drive. But there was nothing doing, and i was too far back on Hat to make any impact.

    The final lap i was P2 before a charging Whizz on fresher tires made it look easy on me, and a fast Ursine put the pressure on. I held off for 3rd, but it was alot of ifs and buts, the pit lane entry penalty screwed me but ultimately my stuff up and i should have known!

    Happy racing, 2 rounds to go!
    UrsineSaturn9 and Hatfield like this.
  15. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I was wondering what happened.

    I realised you had the supreme slip stream and I couldn't get enough of it to take pole so well done there.

    In the race I was happy enough to sit in your tow and only made the pass when I would've had to lift to avoid passing.

    I pitted at the end of 16, and then 2 14 lap stints to finish.
    ADZA_85 likes this.
  16. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Yeah, i essentially lost an entire pit straight in distance. When you came out the pits on L16, i was just exiting the final turn. Such a shame, i think it would have been a sensational dual, but thats what you get. :cry:

    Although i took FL and Pole, i think you extend 8 points on me now. With 2 rounds to go, youll excuse me if i take you off my xmas card list for a little bit ;)
    Ian Cannan and Hatfield like this.
  17. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    yes I think it is an 8 point lead including current drop rounds in calculation.
    Last 2 rounds, it seems we thought the other should've won but didn't due to some issue which is interesting.
  18. ADZA_85

    ADZA_85 Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    How does the race for this week work.

    Race 1- 8 laps (standard points award)
    Race 2- 8 laps reverse grid (standard points award)
    Race 3- 8 laps as finished in race 2 (standard points award)


    Made that up but you get my jist
  19. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Race 2 and race 3 are both reverse grid, and they both award half points whilst race 1 awards full points
    ADZA_85 likes this.
  20. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    R6 Sprint Round (3x shorter races, reverse grid)
    Autodromo Lago Maggiore - 3 x 8 Laps - Preset Weather - S01 - Equal Conditions - Afternoon

    WELCOME to Season 9 for RaceOnOz GT7!
    Please take a couple minutes to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night.
    If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    Room captains may have practice rooms open beforehand but should have the official room up by 7:30pm AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread know if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.

    Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again. Type the number of cars you can see in the lobby chat and cross check with other drivers to ensure clarity.

    QUALIFYING : 8pm AEST for 10 mins.
    Feel free to run practice laps prior to qualifying, The host will trigger a 'Room Reset' closer to the commencement of Qualifying.



    This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I would suggest only having 1 restart if required due to DSC, due to having to set up the room from scratch and also having to set timed laps in order to set the grid. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....

    Race Start - Standing Start
    No Gimmicks this week, back to our good old standing start!

    TURN 1 LAP 1:
    The old saying goes, you can’t win the race on lap 1, but you can definitely lose it. Please be mindful of other drivers on lap 1 coming into turn 1, and for that matter, the entire race. It can be very demoralizing to hot lap on your own for 45 minutes as I'm sure many of you are aware.

    As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. Track Limits protests may be launched by any active driver in the race.

    Track limits will be monitored at turns 4, 6, 7, 8 & 17 as well as generally around the entire circuit. Track limits will be defined as two wheels on the kerb, or white line, whichever is further out.

    Is to be avoided at all times..... If you make contact with someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Occasionally, Gran Turismo track limits may teleport a disadvantaged driver backwards on circuit to ‘reset’ them, if this occurs at the hand of another driver, IT IS EXPECTED that the driver at fault will wait and redress the position.
    Side by side 'rubbing' is racing is allowed and promoted within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room. For clarity surrounding racing room, please feel free to PM @Viperzed
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.
    If you are redressing contact, please do so out of the way of other cars, off the racing line, or if there isn't much room, off track.

    Pit Line Penalties are ON so you will be penalised in game if you cut any part of the entry or exit lines. Be mindful entering the pits that you need to commit to entry not long after the final corner. You may receive a penalty for misjudging your line on entry. Be mindful not to impede other cars on your way in. On pit exit, cars exiting the lane are reminded to keep drivers left if there are any cars approaching, you will have to give them space.

    Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    This season, the Head Steward will be @Viperzed. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let him know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. Stewards may ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captains to make any decision.

    If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car. Quitting off track results in a sometimes race ending lag spike and may be punished in extreme scenarios.

    Could all drivers please inform Room Captains or make a post on the division thread if they do not intend on racing on Sunday night, Room Captains/ Lobby Hosts are advised not to wait for anyone who has not communicated their intentions. If you do not post in your room thread or psn chat that you cannot attend, a spot may not be held for you for the following weeks race.

    TRACK SPECIFIC - Maggiore GP

    Maggiore has been one of the better original GT circuits in recent years, and should prove a challenging, yet exciting sprint round this weekend!

    We are returning to the standing start for this round only! I hope everyone is on their best behaviour into T1.
    ADZA_85 and Matthyus like this.