It has been brought to our attention that the Toyota GT One will return to the legend dealership from tomorrow for an indefinite amount of time. It might be 1 day, it might be 1 week for all we know! I urge everyone to take this last chance to purchase this legendary car now before it's too late! @scottb721 @Blunty075 @George
Assuming you have a bit of time to finish those menu books (Maximum 2 hours play time), the GT One should be in store long enough for you to grab it.
Managed to grab the GT-One today. There are three other cars listed as "special picks" in the legend car dealer along with the Toyota. No idea when it will disappear again, so get in quick.
Hey everyone @Viperzed & I have taken over the ROOZ Twitter page and we want to increase our promotion of the league. We will be posting some cool things like, driver profiles, livery reveals, race recaps & more. We will also be posting driver profiles onto Twitter soon. If anyone is interested please post some of your cool stats/fun facts below & we might include them on our Twitter page. Photos from pervious ROOZ seasons would be awesome as well! Make sure you give us a follow on our social media platforms!
Please put me down as a fulltime driver this season and take me off the reserve list.....Thanks Viper
Fantastic to see so many drivers down this season, and lots of names that have been here a long time. Great job guys.
Viper. I will be a full time reserve for season 9...... lost of family happenings and travels during this series ....making me scarse for most of the rounds...series 10 I should be good