GT5 GT5 DLC & Update 2.08 Coming September 25

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Darko, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I actually dont think its created any other hassles Aussie.

    I think the tire model is better with longer wear. As always, its just a case of getting the right tire for the car and the length of races scheduled.

    SNAKEiSM Jason

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    Yes, it is definately that bad, unfortunately, I remember how much faster I was able to go in the Hotlap qualifier for the Pagnian race once I started using something similar to Fryz setup, which was completely backwards, the car looked bloody ridiculous tbh but was much, much quicker, most cars will be quicker in GT5 with the front raised and the rear dumped, allows for much more corner speed but they can become very unstable, it's all about finding the balance between loose and stable.
  3. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Yea definitiely +1 on SKAKE's comments.

    @ Aussie - Firstly, cheers the for the comments M8. Now....

    I think what you are experiencing aussie is achieving faster car through a rear-end stabilising effect on cars that naturally have good turn in and propensity to oversteer (like the MX-5). As dropping the front in GT5 definitely has the effect of dropping the rear (and vice versa) - or possibly up/down effects have been reversed, but I think front/rear more likely the case.

    The same probably goes for the touring and race cars you are talking about, most certainly don't lack turn in and usually need a bit more rear end stability to get the power down - so your 'nose down' approach would yeild a good result for these too - but doesn't mean it's not back to front with respect to real life.

    Certainly that's how I tuned my GT500 NSX to counter it's propensity snap oversteer in the Super GT500 series that I won.
    Not to extremes, but the nose was down and the rear up a bit.

    My first experience of this GT5 glitch was with the VW combi van (Samba bus)... I jacked up the rear, dropped the front for the look, expecting an oversteer beast, and got exactly the opposite. Reverse the tuning (changing nothing else) and the tail was out all over the place like a drift machine.. so yea it was/is that bad - more apparently so in lower grip and production vechicles as opposed to race cars.

    This is the opposite to real life... think about a person on stilts or a jacked up Four-by: you usually look at those and think 'unstable' right? And so should the back end of a car be loose as with the rear ride height much higher than the front - but in GT5 this is the opposite of what occurs. Until I discovered this I was getting completely confused on how to achieve a good result with GT5 tuning.

    Do you ever see a muscle car or street rod with the rear sacked and the nose up IRL? No. Because these cars have tendancy to understeer.
    It's not extreme, but even the v8SC IRL typically have a visibily lower front / higher rear - again to induce more oversteer / countering inherent understeer.

    It can get confusing as there's so many ways to correct oversteer/understeer (LSD, springs, dampers, ARB, toe).. so if you're mind set is to always lower the front you can often overcome any induced understeer in another way..... but it may or may not be the best means of achieving a similar ends.

    So as snake has mentioned and I put in the shoutbox to E; try a fully tuned 458 italia like for the pagnian comp, or the VW combi (samba bus) - understeers like a b**tch with a low front / high rear. Reverse that and she rails corners. See my winning 458 tune (OR check out fryz's tune I used for the qualifying which was even more extremely nose up - which you can see in these pictures of my 458)

    Another good example was the online TT's in the FF cars - the guys on the top of the leaderboards were quite open about there ridiculous 'nose to the sky' setups they used to overcome the understeer FF cars are often known for - there's loads of threads on GTP about it.
  4. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Reading some more GTP posts it seems the adjustments to suspension have limited the tuning settings available when racing offline, but online tuning is still exactly the same... :(

    Perhaps to limit/prohibit use of silly extreme nose up tunes for the Seasonal TT's?