Apologies for delay, I'm having some PEBKAC with these charts. There should be no surprises - championship charts will reflect results from last Sunday.
@Rangeraus im pretty sure i am in BHR not privateer (if it matters for these), @CaptainRisky21 @Viperzed ?
Is it just me.. Or is the point scoring inconsistent?? @Matthyus could you please look at Div 2? Points for 1st and 2nd inconsistent from round 1-4
Looks correct to me... 1st through 15th gets awarded 25-20-16-13-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 points Plus 1 extra point per round for both Pole and Fastest Lap.
Round 1 - Herbie wins and earns a tidy 25 points - yay, Tanq for his finished position of 5th nets him 11 points, with 2 points added for Pole / FL, giving 13 points. Round 2 - Hat wins earns 25 points, but gets Pole giving him 1 additional point = 26. Round 3 - Adza wins earning 25 points, also gets Pole, earning 1 additional point = 26 Round 4 - Adza wins - I'm seeing a trend here, earning 25 points, but Hat gets Pole and FL, earning him 2 bonus points, giving him 22 (20 from 2nd place +2) Pretty sure my maths is on point I'm just happy that I managed to rebuild the entire thing from scratch and got it working for the 2 Team member counts per round. That took some Excel black magic. For those newish to Rooz point scoring and WTH is a drop round. We only count 6 rounds from 7. We omit your lowest score (unless it incurred a penalty). For D2 - It's a close one Hat has 88, with a drop of 20 = 68 Adza has 80 with a drop of 13 = 67
copy. i didnt know pole and FL scored, so you can see how it looked odd to me. Thanks for the responses
So if you've completely stuffed up somehow and are likely to drop that round anyway, jump into the pits with low fuel and grab some fresh tyres to try and steal the FL point off your rival!
Interesting point... If you have a drop round. Shouldnt you drop all points associated to that round...