PCARS Project C.A.R.S - General

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by beau261, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Hehe Lol at this. Nice turn of phrase :D
  2. Cyber_STIG_77

    Cyber_STIG_77 Moderator Team Raceonoz

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    Ryzza5 likes this.
  3. Ryzza5

    Ryzza5 Professional

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    PSN: Ryzza5 / Steam: Ryzza5
    Comparing pCars simulation to GRID and The Crew? That's just mean. What exactly makes it so much worse than the other sims currently available in your opinion? Are you basing this on articles you've read? Videos you've watched? Comments from others? Firsthand gameplay? Have you read the technical details of what is simulated and how it works? I'm not suggesting this is blowing everything else out of the water, but you seemed to be hinting (and I agree) that these guys were ambitious. You might question releasing console versions, driver aid options, support for gamepads, and a F2P title on the side, but it's there to finance their baby, project cars. If they were only building an elite PC simulator, we'd just have another Assetto Corsa or Game Stock Car style game. WoS generated more income at a time it was needed, and also brought in a number of car/track licenses at the time. I don't much care for it, but I've seen no negative impact on Project CARS development as a result. If they are running their budgets dry getting this released, it shows their commitment to the community instead of releasing Shift 3 a few years ago and profiting early. There's a long-term vision here. The more driving sims out there, the better, I reckon. :)

    Cool video from Alan the other day
    Cyber_STIG_77 likes this.
  4. Tovey_4saken

    Tovey_4saken Team Driver

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    Actually in the post i compared it's driving to be a step above gt6 not a leap but a step and stated it might not be a full simulation with 1:1 physics and feel
    (being able to practice a car and track in the game then hit the circuit irl the next day and get the same bumps and ques from the car and circuit) but can be enjoyable for full sim junkies as can the crew,grid or freaking mario kart even ect.
    I think that is a fair statement for the physic's of the game not up there with rf2,asseto so on but not lower than gt6 it fit's smack bang in the middle of the simcade/full sim spectrum.And i think you would agree with that.

    They are after the general racer fan base but also trying to cater a little bit to the hardcore racer as well but not own the hardcore sim market like they were first stataing that was all i was clearing up was they wanted to take out rf2,assetto,iracing ect :thumbsup: but what they were showing just wasn't up there plus with the console limitation for something like a sim like that would make it very hard assetto was going to try the console market but couldn't find out a way for it to run on there unless they started cutting Ai down to 8-10 same with mp even then the amount of power running off the core's could of caused problems with frame rate so just left it at that not to mention the file size even without modded content :eek:

    so yes more racing games are always wanted i wasn't bashing it being a game i just wasn't liking it stating it was the iracing,rf2,assetto killer that could also be on a console :rolleyes: was all(the developers never said this it was the fans pushing it) :roflmao: just a puddle of confusion between us i think :thumbsup: as i have said many times before people are going to like it and it will sweep up the console market :thumbsup:
  5. Ryzza5

    Ryzza5 Professional

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    PSN: Ryzza5 / Steam: Ryzza5
    Well I'll have to agree to disagree with you there. From my own gameplay and from all the technical posts on the forums, and making changes that cause joy to Ben and Nic, I have no problems calling it a hardcore sim first with some optional layers on top that make it playable by the console market.

    Announcement today that there will be one free car added to the game monthly, starting with that Hypersport from Furious 7.
  6. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    100% yes.
  7. Tovey_4saken

    Tovey_4saken Team Driver

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    i refuse to believe a paid driver or dev team or tester when i've heard all the same lie's and fake physic jargon before but from what i've seen played yes it'll be fine...hopefully... let's just hope it's playable unlike this garbage and that all these late addon's don't cause another gt6 fiasco.

    watch the two side by side and understand why i think everything should be taken with a grain of salt i lost $120 for the limited edtion of this garbage by believing the hype last time and yet they are slinging the same :poop: this time yet i'm meant to believe
    it all over again i already confirmed it is the same physics engine ffs yet it's all falling on deaf ears so full blown sim i call bull:poop: but an enjoyable simcade game step above gt6 that will be fun yes if they would just freaking say it yes that is a better name and more enjoyable then disappointing everyone once again with lies and wayyyyyyyy too much hype it would be better to think of it as a average game and be surprised then think of it as the ducks nuts and be completely destroyed and feel ripped yet again but take it how ever you want it the more i dig the more i couldn't give a flying F%$# i'll stop the nonsense back and forth because it's all just falling on deaf ears anyway but Dang there was just way too much hype for what it is only now are the fourms leaking and people starting to realise that it was over ambitious once again
  8. Tovey_4saken

    Tovey_4saken Team Driver

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    month old build
  9. Ryzza5

    Ryzza5 Professional

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    PSN: Ryzza5 / Steam: Ryzza5
    I'm sure I've said this more than once here, but I also really disliked Shift 2. 100% agree with you. So why don't you trust the good reviews? The guys have already said they were frustrated by EA's influence on the game, which is why they've gone it alone this time. They have also publicly posted details on their SETA fully-dynamic tyre model and uncensored feedback from Ben and Nic. They're paid to be handling consultants, not marketers. Ben has just about driven every car in the game, in real life - it's hard to think of a better choice.

    Cyber_STIG_77 likes this.
  10. CobMcCool

    CobMcCool Professional Gold Member

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    People keep talking about the "hype", most of any hype i see is of a negative variety based on speculation rather than fact, I'm getting sick of hearing how potentially bad, good or otherwise this game may be. If you don't like it don't buy it, I am going to, even though I have AC And did iceracing for some time I find PC gaming a pain in the arse for my set up and prefer a simpler experience that consoles provide, I'm getting totally over the PC elitist terms like hardcore sim, simcade, etc and would much rather judge the game on the experience it provides on console, hopefully a big improvement on gt6 as we have nothing else to look forward to for quite some time. Like I said the other day some people just seem to have a bug up their arse when it comes to this game, yeah we get it, you don't like it, and it nearly seems that some have a sort of personal vendetta going on, I personally don't believe everything I read on the internet regardless of the source and I do take everything with a grain of salt especially what I read in forums, which are just full of people trying to force their own opinions down everybody's throat and then unloading on anyone that doesn't agree with them, opinions are like arseholes everybody's got one and like arseholes they probably should be kept to yourself and not on display for everyone to see.
    Crunch, Cyber_STIG_77 and PurpleDog like this.
  11. Tovey_4saken

    Tovey_4saken Team Driver

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    what ever....enjoy :thumbsup: cheers :speechless:
  12. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  13. Ryzza5

    Ryzza5 Professional

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    PSN: Ryzza5 / Steam: Ryzza5
    np, I hope I didn't come across as trying to be persuasive or anything... just trying to understand where this other side is coming from. Happy to let it rest. :)
  14. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

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    Not even a comment about the quality of the game:

    I'm just annoyed at the hype as Cob has said. It's either full on, or full off. After so many months of waiting, I'm incredibly burnt out, and just don't know what to think anymore.

    My pre-order is static, but my mind has been fluctuating for months!!
    JonoStan96 likes this.
  15. Ryzza5

    Ryzza5 Professional

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    PSN: Ryzza5 / Steam: Ryzza5
    Comment from who? It's a weird scenario to be honest... in a way you guys are waiting for a game to be released that's 3 years old to a lot of us, which might explain that post. I'm lucky to get one or two gaming sessions in over a weekend just now. If there's anything you want to see in a video let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  16. Cyber_STIG_77

    Cyber_STIG_77 Moderator Team Raceonoz

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    it would be good to see some vids of you pushing the limits to the point of under steer on corner entry and oversteer on exit and gaining control again in both situations. I think a lot of the negativity towards the physics is assumed and with most of the replays available showing near perfect laps it is hard to judge how punishing the physics really are. This would need to be done on the most current build available. From what I've read the last couple of builds have made significant jumps in the level of detail within the physics engine.
    Ryzza5 likes this.
  17. Driftoz

    Driftoz Team Driver Gold Member

    wow just reading on pcars website and they have used one of your comments on their page Ryzza5, i wish i could get my hands on the latest build :( im stuck with the leaked 841build with horrible FFB where there's a massive deadzone in center of steering, but i still find it so fun to drive my fav car is the arial atom v8 around nurgburgring its so lively lol
  18. PurpleDog

    PurpleDog Rookie Gold Member

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    :(I just want to play it, but only found out about it after early access had closed. And my stoopid phone won't put my frownie where I want it.
  19. Ryzza5

    Ryzza5 Professional

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    PSN: Ryzza5 / Steam: Ryzza5
    Don't you mean "and ending up in the fence"?... I'm not that good ;)
    Any particular car/track you want to see?
  20. S_CLOSE

    S_CLOSE Professional

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