GT-Sport Gran Turismo Sport - General

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by JonoStan96, May 20, 2016.

  1. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

    PSN ID
    I like the game. It’s fun. Uncomplicated and I’ve had fun tonight. Just as I did the whole time beta testing.
    Roll on the full game. Only wish PCars 2 had given me a demo to try before I bought the game.
    I’m having fun with GTS and that’s what it’s all about.
  2. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Here are my initial impressions of the demo (for reference, I've played AC PS4 (on/off line), GT6 (online), PCars 1 (offline) in the past month):

    • UI is very slick and polished. Some menus have been reused from GT6, but most have either been revamped or overhauled.
    • As mentioned several times already, visuals are by far the best I've seen on any console. And this is running on a regular PS4 with 2K and SDR. I can only imagine what it will be like running on a Pro with 4K and HDR. The lighting engine in particular is a highlight.
    • Audio is a big step up from GT6 in every way. Engine/exhaust note and tire noise especially. @stucar17 Tire noise has changed since the closed beta, and definitely for the better. Less intrusive and more subtle. On race cars the transmission whine is quite prominent, which can be annoying to some, but I don't mind it. Sound design is still very different from PCars' approach, for better or worse. Sounds less clinical than AC IMO.
    • As mentioned above, lobby options have improved greatly. Available options are huge. Tire wear and fuel usage can be adjusted on a granular level. Fuel load at race start can now be adjusted. Penalties can be customized. Starting grid can be manually set by the host. I think PD has really nailed this one. You can pretty much tailor a lobby exactly to your liking.
    • Livery editor: helmets and race suits can also be edited, but is not available in the demo.
    • Huge grids in Sport mode (up to 24 players). Private lobbies are still restricted to 16, though.
    • Force feedback (tested on T300) feels numb on asphalt. Self-centering force seems excessive to me. Understeer effects are strange, sending vibrations through the wheel. FFB feels more lively on dirt, though. Will need to play around with settings a bit more.
    • Demo is buggy. Menus constantly crash. An online lobby mysteriously split into two separate rooms. Complete disconnection from server, losing game progress. At least most issues have already been acknowledged and hopefully will be fixed by release date.
    • Probably the most controversial topic: physics. To say it handles exactly like GT6 would be a blatant lie. My best description for it would be a refinement of GT6's engine. Less of that excessive understeer that predominated the handling and cornering attitude can be adjusted much more with the throttle now. AWD cars can oversteer more easily when being too aggressive with the brake or throttle. With ABS set to "weak", there is less stability under braking than GT6's overpowered ABS. Compared to AC, no, GT Sport isn't in the same league in this area. Curbs don't affect the car all that much and the feel of weight transfer is still a bit lacking. Overall, I feel the physics engine is still strong enough to provide great league racing, considering the lobby infrastructure is already so good.
    Spidey_11, stucar17, Zachery and 5 others like this.
  3. leeboy910

    leeboy910 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    As predicted, I spent about an hour doing a livery for my Focus :roflmao: looks good though
    Spidey_11, stucar17, Zachery and 2 others like this.
  4. leeboy910

    leeboy910 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    By the way @stucar17 tyre squeal is much less pronounced. Heaps better than GT6.
    stucar17, Zachery and SuiCid3 like this.
  5. leeboy910

    leeboy910 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Lake Maggiore is a brilliant track
    Zachery and JonoStan96 like this.
  6. Small_Fryz

    Small_Fryz Rookie

    I'm very impressed from what I've seen with only a few hours playing tonight.

    Sure, its not as "hardcore" as PC1/2 or AC but it just works and is a lot of fun. I feel this is a great mix of solid racing but not requiring you to dedicate 5 hours a week just to be able to show up on race day to do well.

    Looking forward to getting back into console league racing with you lot again!
    Spidey_11, stucar17, Zachery and 3 others like this.
  7. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Bryan’s basically nailed every point, I have not encountered a single frame rate drop during gameplay, the visuals are insane, in terms of colour and lighting, I finally found a game that beats the old Super Mario Galaxy games (from a personal standpoint).

    Audio is good too, the tyre squeal seriously isn’t really a problem on the race cars and a majority of the menu music is majestic.

    The livery editor is great, very easy as well to use and will get a workout. There was an old thread on here called If Only GT Had a Livery Editor..! Well now you’ve got one! (@Bryan_F you can edit the suit and helmet
    liveries once you hit level 5.)

    It’s great that this game rewards you with unlockables for actually playing the game, basically every in game activity can go towards unlocking secret paints, decals and vinyls, along with suits and helmets. A breath of fresh air from
    having paid DLC crammed down your throat and going the Forza route with loot crates... Jesus what were they thinking.

    The Maggiore track is one of a kind, a truly amazing circuit that enourages close racing.

    Physics have improved too slightly, no longer can you trailbrake into the corners as wildly as before, and the road cars actually brake even worse. The MX5 is unbelievably sensitive. But like Bryan said. to say it is the same as GT6 is completely wrong, going back to any high downforce car on GT6 after playing this will feel like driving an underpowered F1 car, whereas on this the game will bite you if you drive like an idiot. At Interlagos I lost concentration for about half a second and bang, looped the Mazda 6 into the wall.

    The FFB again is a controversial topic, it’s still very weak but responds very well to the track elevation. If there was a way to just make it stronger we’d be on a winner.

    Still much more to get into over the next few days, but I am looking forward to the release date eagerly.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  8. Benjamin J Smith

    Benjamin J Smith Professional Gold Member

    I'm finding this game good for a pick up and play while you are drunk with your mates on a Friday night.

    wheel weight is almost there when you have it set to the lowest torque setting, but is still clearly clipping as soon as and force is applied back from the game and it all gets lost as to what is sctually happening with the wheels.

    sound is an improvement from GT6 with the cars not being so basic and flat with noise they make, but a Mazda MX5 and a toyota 86 shouldn't sound like the exact same car.

    hope they add internal engine damages cause i was easily able to go straight from 5th to 2nd to slow the car up faster with no repercussions.

    overall it looks good and will be a fun game, pick up a copy for nostalgia sake, but can't see myself running back in a league with it.

    maybe I am expecting to much from a console game designed for the masses with little too no sim racing experience and PC sim racing has raised my expectations of what a racing sim should be.

    but will get a copy just because it is Gran Turismo and i have been playing it since i was 5
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
    Spidey_11 and JonoStan96 like this.
  9. cola1001

    cola1001 Rookie

    Yep its great jumped on last night and quickly lost 5 hours . I was as happy as a baby in a topless bar. YUMMY
    Spidey_11 and JonoStan96 like this.
  10. seth123

    seth123 Professional

    PSN ID
    Did you make this post purely to swing your PC gaming d**k?

    The deadzones were annoying as, I’ll sit down and have a proper go sometime next decade
    Kieran_B33 and Zachery like this.
  11. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    yeah i gotta say, with all the negativity around GTS on ROOZ, i was pleasantly surprised when i cracked it open and had a few runs. looks beautiful, sounds alright. drives well enough. all the points that @Bryan_F made are spot on!

    the only irk, is the lack of content. now theres been things said in the air of "much more to come, all as free DLC". IF that is the case and theres more coming as they work on it then im sold and will be buying day 1!!
    stucar17, JonoStan96 and Toranafan-02 like this.
  12. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    It sucks that I can't stay up too late due to having work early. The simple hour I had on the game was a breath of fresh air!

    Menus/UI just scream GT (love some of the classic nods like the music when you get a bronze or the prize cars on the 4 rotating discs)

    I didn't notice any tyre squeal until I was sliding and even then the engine/exhaust notes were louder

    That 6 lap Mazda 3 TC race at Brazil felt so good. @Bryan_F the kerbs made me spin a few times with too much power input compared to the tarmac.

    Once the SVG file uploads start, we can bring to life all our sponsor liveried cars like @Giant slayer does for iracing
    stucar17 and SuiCid3 like this.
  13. kayne greenwood

    kayne greenwood Rookie

    Played for about half an hour.. found the game 'ok'

    While I'm not the quickest the FFB did really feel quite simplified compared to PCars2 and there are definitely some strong arcadey aspects to this game.

    Still in saying that I'll probably still end up getting it, it looks pretty and does what it does well enough I guess. For me its a nice change from Pcars2 and would fit in nicely to change the tempo of things.

    I do think some people are maybe just maybe being too negative on GTS if you expect it to be a sim like Pcars 2 then yeah prepare to be sour, if you take it for what it is like how I did this morning it may find a place in your playlist.

    Only concerns I have is when the events will run cause if I have to choose between this and Pcars 2 the latter will win every time.
  14. leeboy910

    leeboy910 Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    The 30 lap race at Maggiore in the Porsche RSR... unbelievable.
    JonoStan96 and Zachery like this.
  15. arakasi-

    arakasi- Professional

    PSN ID
    Only had a short amount of time for it last night, so decided to to check out the livery editor......yep, cracking designs are going to be endless..... And will only get awesome once you can SVG file stuff. I will lose hours just in that.
  16. Mustafur

    Mustafur World Champion

    PSN ID
    The biggest difference I've noticed is the weight transfer, you notice it with every car, the FFB is numb like GT6 but the physics feel very different in the suspension and braking.

    This games physics come alive the faster you get and push the limits of car and track.
    Spidey_11, JonoStan96 and Zachery like this.
  17. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    when you push, are you leaning on the tyres?
    Zachery likes this.
  18. Zachery

    Zachery Professional

    PSN ID
    hes leaning on his Uber Sticker
  19. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    It is, try spinning out on lap 29 and losing the bloody race because you have to start conserving fuel... :mad:
    Knuckles, leeboy910 and Zachery like this.
  20. Mustafur

    Mustafur World Champion

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    leeboy910 and Hatfield like this.