RACEONOZ Official club on GT6

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Clevohead, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    RACEONOZ Official club on GT6 Club ID: 1001405

    Head there and sign up ;)
  2. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

    PSN ID
    iRacing: Beau Albert
    When creating lobbies there is an option for Club Only lobbies, just saying but what if all the regular host's created a club for each division? It would get people into lobbies alot faster, just a idea for thought!
  3. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Was just looking at that now, may require some testing, but yes, having events set up will be the go I think :D Let's just hope it works!
  4. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    The bad news is that only one club can be owned by a player, so therefore each club would have to be run by the room host, rather then a moderator (unless of course they have both roles.)

    This may be difficult for Div 1, as Cyber may wish to create a club for his team and would be unable to create a Div 1 club. I guess through trial and error we will uncover more aspects of this new feature.
  5. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    No I think Beau means there is a club lounge where you can host up to 10 lobbies/sessions/events, basically we can have preset rooms for all the ddivs under the "RACEONOZ OFFIICIAL" Banner, but yes there will be some trial and error.
    Beau_Albert likes this.

    COME_AND_GET_ME7 Professional

    More than one lobby can be made in each club there's no need for Hosts to make their own club.
    Clevohead likes this.

    COME_AND_GET_ME7 Professional

    Those events still require you to enter a lobby name and other settings once you try open it. Its basically only good for saving the lobby settings for each race.
    Clevohead likes this.
  8. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Just trying to see if we can add more "Owners" to create content in the club, bear with me/us as we work it all out :thumbsup:
  9. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

    PSN ID
    iRacing: Beau Albert
    Yeah thats what i meant, just hope this helps out lobby problemo's once and for all!
  10. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Once things are sorted, we should probably sticky this thread and list the different ROOZ GT6 clubs available such as the official and maybe the 7 teams and 6 divisions.
    stucar17, Peter Wise and Beau_Albert like this.
  11. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    Clubs are places where like-minded players can get together. Each player can create one club. The player who creates a club becomes its owner. Each player can be a member of up to eight clubs, including one that they own. There is no limit to the number of players in each club.

    The Club Screen
    Select "Clubs" from the Community area to display the club list. On the left side of this screen, there are four icons: "Club List", "Favourites List", "Search for Clubs" and "Create Club". These icons' functions are as follows:

    Club List
    Displays clubs that are relevant to you. Use the tabs at the top of the screen to switch between "Current Clubs", "Recommended Clubs" and "New Clubs". Select a club from the list displayed on the right side of the screen to proceed to that club's Overview page. A maximum of eight clubs can be displayed on the "Current Clubs" tab. Up to 100 clubs can be displayed on the "Recommended Clubs" and "New Clubs" tabs.
    Favourites List
    Displays the clubs you have added to your favourites. Clubs can be added to your favourites from "Recommended Clubs" or "New Clubs". Simply select "+Favourites", displayed on the right side of a club's Overview page, and that club will be added to your Favourites List. The "Search for Clubs" feature (see below) can also be used to find clubs to add to your Favourites List.
    Search for Clubs
    Filter clubs using keywords or country, as well as selected tag information. Enter a club's unique Club ID to jump directly to that club. The Club ID is displayed on the club's Overview page.
    Create Club
    Create a club and become its owner. The following settings can be adjusted on the Club creation screen. Once you have chosen your preferred settings, select "Create" to confirm. You cannot own more than one club at a time.
    • Club Name: Enter a name for the club. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters.
    • Club Profile Picture: Choose a photo to use as a symbol of your club.
    • Club Description: Describe why players might want to join your club in 140 characters or less.
    • Tag Settings: Set tags in six categories, including "Policy" and "Race Type". Setting tags makes it easier for like-minded players to find your club. Tags are also used to determine which clubs are displayed in a player's "Recommended Clubs".
    • Club Type: Choose whether to make your club a "Private Club", where only friends invited by the owner can join, or a "Public Club" that anyone can join. "Private Clubs" are not hidden from non-members and are not off-limits to the public. See "Accessing Private Clubs" below for more details.
    *Accessing Private Clubs
    Though only players invited by the owner can join clubs which are set to "Private", they are not off-limits to the public. They are not displayed on the list of clubs, however, and cannot be found using the club search function. Non-members of private clubs can view information on these clubs using the following methods:
    • If a friend is a member of the club, select the club from that friend's "Current Clubs" screen.
    • Search for the club's unique Club ID.
    • If a friend is a member of the club, select one of their club-related activities from your timeline.
    • Input the club's gran-turismo.com URL.
    What You Can Do in a Club
    Select a club from the club list or by another method, and you'll be taken to that club's overview page. On the left side of this screen, there are four icons: "Overview", "Club Lobby", "Club Events" and "Forum". These icons' functions are as follows:

    An overview of the club is provided on this screen. You can choose to join or leave the club, add or remove it from your favourites, and invite friends to join it. For more details, please refer to "A Club's Overview Page" below.
    Club Lobby
    A list of all the rooms within the club. In these rooms, club members can enjoy racing and chatting. Select "Create Room" from the right side of the screen to create a new room.
    All club members can create rooms. Creating a room within a club is the same as creating a room in Open Lobby mode. Please refer to the "Online Races" section of this manual for more information on how to create a room. A room's privacy settings can be set to either "Public" or "Club Only". Selecting "Public" means the room is displayed on the room list in Open Lobby mode. This can be a good way of attracting new club members.
    If everyone leaves a club lobby room, or there is no one capable of being the room owner, the room is closed. If a room's privacy setting has been set to "Public", the room is closed when all members of the club leave it (even if there are still guest players in the room).
    Club Events
    A list of race events in which only club members can take part. Only the club owner can create club events. Each club can set up a maximum of 10 club events.
    Select an event from the list of club events to proceed to that event's overview screen. You can also select "Create Club Event" or "Manage Event Settings" from the right side of the club event list. Please refer to "Creating a Club Event" below for more details.
    To take part in a club event, select it from the list to proceed to the event's overview screen, then select "Enter" from the right side of the screen. Once you have entered, select "Rooms" from the right side of the event's overview screen, and select a room for that event. On the "Room Select" screen, you can join the club event by selecting an existing room, or you can select "Create Room" to create your own room for that event.
    Apart from "Enter", the other options on the event's overview screen are "Add Comment", which allows you to write a comment about the event, and "Invite Friends", which allows you to invite friends to join the event.
    A message board for club members. Each club forum contains a variety of topics. Only the club owner can create a new topic. Non-club members can read the topics on the forum, but only club members can post comments. A club forum can contain up to ten topics. Each topic can contain up to 100 comments. If a topic already contains 100 comments, the ten oldest comments will be deleted every time ten new comments are added. (If you are using the Community features on gran-turismo.com, up to 1,100 comments can be displayed for each topic. The 100 oldest comments will be deleted every time 100 new comments are added.)
    A Club's Overview Page
    Each club's overview page contains the following information:

    Club Name
    Owner's Online ID
    Club's Location (Owner's Location)
    Date and Time of Club's Establishment
    Number of Members
    Number of Members Who Are Your Friends
    Selected Tags
    Club Description
    Your Status (Member/Owner/Favourite)
    Club ID
    Invite Friends*
    +Favourites/Remove from Favourites
    Manage Club*
    *Whether or not these options are displayed depends on the club's privacy settings and whether or not you are the club owner.
    Creating a Club Event
    Only the club owner can create a club event. A maximum of 10 club events can be created for each club.

    To create a club event, first proceed to the club that you own from your "My Page" or from the "Current Clubs" tab of the Club List, then select "Club Events" from the left side of your club's overview page. The Club Events screen will be displayed. Select "Create Club Event" from the right side of this screen to create an event.

    The following settings can be adjusted on the Create Club Event screen:
    • Club Event Name: Enter a name for your club event. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters.
    • Club Event Settings: The various decisions you need to make about your club event (tracks, regulations etc.), are referred to as "Event Settings". To create brand new event settings, select "Create New". Event settings are set up in the same way as room settings in Open Lobby mode. If you have already created and saved the event settings you want to use, select "Manage Event Settings" followed by "Load Saved Event Settings" to load them. For more details on the "Manage Event Settings" option, please refer to "Managing Event Settings" below.
    • Club Event Duration: Set the club event's starting date and time, as well as its ending date and time.
    • Club Event Picture: Choose a photo to use as a symbol of your club event.
    • Club Event Description: Describe why club members might want to join the event in 140 characters or less.
    Once setup is complete, select "Create" at the bottom of the screen to create the club event. Your event will be displayed on the club event list. If you are using gran-turismo.com's Community features to create a club event, please refer to the "Connect to gran-turismo.com" page in the "Community" section of this manual.
    Managing Event Settings
    In order to create a club event, you will need to select event settings. You can either select your preferred event settings afresh when you create a club event, or you can select "Manage Event Settings" and load a set of previously saved event settings.
    To create event settings, select "Manage Event Settings" from the right side of the club event screen. On the "Manage Event Settings" screen, you can create, change and save event settings using separate storage methods.
    The two storage methods for saving event settings are "System Storage" and "Club Owner Storage". Select "System Storage" to save settings data on your PlayStation®3 system. Select "Club Owner Storage" to save settings data on the network, making it available from the Create Club Event screen and gran-turismo.com's Community area. Up to five event settings can be saved using "System Storage", while up to ten event settings can be saved using "Club Owner Storage".
    Once you have selected a storage method from the left side of the "Manage Event Settings" screen, select "Create New" from the right side of the screen. The "Event Settings" screen will be displayed, allowing you to choose a track, regulations, etc. Select "Apply Changes" from the far left of this screen to save your event settings. (Room privacy settings cannot be changed from "Club Members Only"). Please refer to the "How to Create a Room 1-3" pages of the "Online Races" section of this manual for more details on room settings.
    A list of saved event settings is displayed under the "Create New" button on the right side of the "Manage Event Settings" screen. These event settings can be called up, adjusted, and then saved once again.
  12. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    So according to that, I have to create the events, then everyone can enter. This will be easy to create the events using the race calendar, and we only run 7 rounds so we come in under 10, then you guys just select the rooms once you enter the event, will try and have a play tonight, get some guys on to try and run one event with several rooms as a trial of a Sunday night. We would need everyone in the club though if we were going to try and run Sundays via this.
    Ad2mny and Beau_Albert like this.

    COME_AND_GET_ME7 Professional

    The new community features also allow you to capture some awesome images like these with minimal effort:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
    Mister_Bond_747 likes this.
  14. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    So basically we only need the official ROOZ club, and then clubs for each Team in the teams championship if they want to have private practice sessions.

    Is it easy enough to change the owner of the club? (what if you are unavailable?) (what if Captain of a team changes)

    COME_AND_GET_ME7 Professional

    I don't think you can change the owner of the club. But its easy enough to make a new one. Basically we just gotta hope clevo isn't going anywhere. Alternatively the official ROOZ club could be made from a new PSN which all Mods could have access to as you can update everything from the browser version if you have the email and password of the owners account.
    garyw61, Hatfield and Clevohead like this.
  16. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    That could be the go, I was hoping you could add admin to the club, but no dice as of yet. Like I said we need to have a play with it.
  17. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Good idea! But for the Teams championship clubs, considering the small number of members, it's probably easier just to recreate each time there is a Captain change.
    COME_AND_GET_ME7 and Clevohead like this.
  18. garyw61

    garyw61 Gary Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Just give us all your password Clevo :p
    Ad2mny and Clevohead like this.
  19. Clevohead

    Clevohead Taswegian Ambassador Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    I won't be doing that Gary, but I will be creating a new psn account for Rooz, with moderator access, then I will delete the current RACEONOZ OFFICIAL Club and create a new one under the Rooz Mod PSN. So watch this space.

    COME_AND_GET_ME7 Professional

    @Clevohead be sure to send all the newbies a message to sign up to raceonoz.com and the ID of the new club before deleting it as theres currently 54 members only 19 of which are friends and I'm friends with 80% of the active ROOZ members.
    Footlong_warrior likes this.