PS4/5 ACC Endurance Championship Driver Briefing

Discussion in 'APLOZ Past Seasons' started by JJ_Penguin, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Hi All
    Welcome to 1st PS4/5 ACC Endurance Championship.

    For the new Members please take a moment to read through the FULL Raceonoz Regulations

    For everyone have a read of the tips/tricks/fixes for pertinent information regarding entering the server, race starts and pitstops.

    Please read through the following information. Individual track briefings will be as short as possible.

    Contact and Redressing
    ACC is unforgiving and contact will result in an accident. The usual Rubbin’-is-Racin’ doesn’t apply for ACC. Contact should be avoided at all costs. If you knock another driver off track, don’t drive past them if you have caused the contact. Give the spot back, and then continue your race. The 2 most common mistakes in contact are rear end contact where you 'punt' someone off, or if you get in too hot, and make contact on the side as they take their normal line.

    Protests and Stewards
    If something happens in the race that you feel is unfair or rough driving that affects you or is against the spirit of the league, please save your replay and let us know through the stewards group. Don’t crack the :):):):)s and blow up. The reason for the stewards group is to apply penalties in cases where drivers have done the wrong thing.

    For ACC we have Cornford, Rolz and Hatfield as the Stewards Group. I will act as a post box only. If you wish to submit a protest send me a PM and I will forward to the Stewards Group then post the outcome to the forum. It is up to you to record the replay and highlights to provide evidence for a protest.

    In the event of a Server dropout, the server will be restarted with the following procedure:
    • Server Jedi (JJ_Penguin & TBA) will setup the server to have 5min prac & Race with remaining time + 3mins
      5min practice is to give people time to re-enter the server. LEAVING PITLANE IS PROHIBITED.
    • The race will start as usual, the extra 3 mins will allow for drivers to form up and perform a rolling start as per Sunday Night League rules.
    • If an individual disconnects from the Server during Qualifying, you will be able to re-enter. You will NOT be able to enter the server Once the race starts. If you disconnect on lap 1 then the Server will be restarted.
    Race Time & Weather
    Weather will be based on Real World forecast for race day, within reason and within the parameters allowable in ACC. Forecast will be taken from

    Mandatory Pitstop: 2
    Pit Window: None
    Race refuelling: Yes
    Mandatory Tyre: No
    Mandatory Fuel: Yes

    Blue Flags
    The Following rule is from the Rooz Rulebook and will be administered in ACC. Breaches will incur penalties if deemed necessary by stewards.

    (ix) If you are being lapped do not attempt to race the passing car. Blue flag rules apply. Meaning you must concede track position to drivers on the lead lap within a reasonable time frame. If you are battling for position with another driver some concession can be made, but at your next available opportunity (such as before the braking zone on a straight), you should concede track position. A rule of thumb for a reasonable time frame is within four corners, unless you can pull away (out of slip stream range) during this time due to fresher tyres for example.

    A Lapped car has 4 corners from the 1st blue flag to yield to he lapping car. Blue flags beyond the 4th corner may incur penalties on a case by case basis. If a lapped gains back their lap by overtaking a car on the lead lap then they have 1 lap to break blue flag or they will be required to give the position back.

    In instances where a lapped car and car in the lead lap are in close proximity, the car on the lead lap takes priority regardless of the situation.

    Penguin (")>

    Do Not Post in this Thread
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
    garyw61 and Hoppy (benny11169) like this.
  2. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Endurance Championship - Round 1 - Suzuka - 23/01/21

    Server will open at 6:00pm ADST (SYDNEY Time)
    Server 1 - Rooz ACC PRO Server - Password: RoozPro - Captain: JJ_Penguin
    Server 2 - Rooz ACC AM Server - Password: RoozAm - Captain: TBA

    Event Details

    Prac - 60 mins - ingame time 10am - multiplier x 2
    Qual - 15mins - ingame time 11am - multiplier x 2
    Race - 123 mins - ingame time 8am - multiplier x 2


    Lap 1

    Tyre will be stone cold for the majority of the first lap. Extra caution is need for the braking zone for Turn 1, Degner and the Hairpin. Give plenty of room and 'stay in your lane' through Snake and Dunlop. Its a 45 minute race so you can't win it on lap 1 but you can lose it for yourself or someone else.

    Check that you have selected a fresh set of tyres before the session begins, especially if you are loading a setup. Make sure that a fresh set is also selected for your pitstop. This season requires 2 mandatory pitstops for fuel, tyres optional.

    Race Start - Single file race start
    Start procedure as follows:
    - Perform short formation lap as usual.
    - Once in-game green light is given, the leader will continue on at a constant pace. ie 100Kph
    - Drivers are to fall into single file line.
    - No one is allowed to pit on this formation lap.
    - Race will start when the leader crosses the start/finish line at end of lap 1. Leader cannot accelerate until this point.
    - Drivers that receive drive through penalties are allowed to drive ahead and complete the penalty, but they must start from pitlane and cannot go until the field has gone passed.
    - If anyone is forced to start from the pits then they can leave and take their qualifying position in the order.

    Pit Exit
    Drivers must NOT cross the pit exit line when re-entering the track.

    Track Limits
    There are a couple of critical points that may catch people out, especially in qualifying. It is easy to carry too much speed and run wide at Degner, Spoon, 130R and Casio Triangle. Extra care is needed if you following another car.

    Replays & Protests
    Drivers must assign a button for 'Save Replay'. The game only records 3 - 4 mins. If you are involved in an incident, saving the replay will be critical for any protests. Press the Save Replay Button 30 - 40 secs after the incident to ensure the moment is recorded.

    Party Chat

    Party Chat will be setup for both Servers. I suggest joining the chat for practice, then you can choose to leave or start your own, that is up to you. But try to join the server chat at the end of the race. Personally, I prefer to have chat off during races.

    Good Luck

    Do Not Post in this Thread
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2021
    Max Gassit, DeanK, garyw61 and 3 others like this.
  3. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Round 1 Preview
  4. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Hey guys, HUGE kudos to JJ and his helpers for getting this series to where it is in a relatively short period of time.
    Fantastic to see so much interest, and also great to see so many new drivers in the series.
    Shame about the AM server last night, but any of us that have been around for a while know that this stuff is expected from time to time with Australia's fantastic internet ! As frustrating as it can be, please be as patient as you can and hang in there !

    Just wanted to remind all drivers, new and old, of what is expected of our races here at ROOZ.
    ACC is a real step up from PCARS2 and GTSport. There is little margin for error, so please try your best not to be the bloke who crashes on lap 1, or divebombs in desperation. With tuning and damage on, things can get old real fast if there are drivers spending time tuning and practicing only to be hit recklessly through the race, ruining there night.

    For our new drivers there are a few things that ROOZ has tried to build its foundations on, regardless of the platform.
    - Clean driving. Yes its a race, but dont rear end someone and drive off ! If someone takes a spot from you, give it up and live to fight again later in the race. My pet hate is losing new drivers after they have been nailed in their first few races.
    - Use the correct channels if you have an issue with another driver / incident. If something does happen, dont blow up in the room, go through the stewards group and provide evidence of any incident.
    - Show respect ! Really easy to lose the respect of the field if your driving is super aggressive or reckless. If you make a mistake, own it and do the right thing by giving the spot back.
    - If you are streaming on your own channel, please refrain from bagging other drivers in our community. This will not be tolerated. If your ROOZ stream is in the public domain, then ROOZ has the right to act on anything that we deem to go against the standard we are trying to set for our community.
    - Mic use. Please try to read the room when using your mics. If you are in a chat with a group you know well, and know where the boundaries are, then all good. If you have new members in please try to keep chat in order and decent. Have been incidents where room chats have been broadcast through houses and it wasnt a great look for ROOZ :eek:. Anyone who abuses anyone in the room will be dealt with.

    If any of our new drivers want or need more info, you can contact one of the mod team who im sure will be able to help you out.

    Enjoy the season
    Cheers Stu
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2021
    ckj33, Bounty05, jamie_t and 6 others like this.
  5. incey

    incey World Champion

    PSN ID
    would there be a warning in PM if someone was unknowingly running afoul of the expected standard?
  6. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Possibly, however i find it hard to believe that anyone who was live streaming would be unknowingly doing so.
  7. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Endurance Championship - Round 2 - Bathurst - 20/02/21
    Server will open at 6:00pm ADST (SYDNEY Time)
    Server 1 - Rooz ACC PRO Server - Password: RoozPro - Captain: JJ_Penguin
    Server 2 - Rooz ACC AM Server - Password: RoozAm - Captain: TBA

    Event Details
    Prac - 60 mins - ingame time 6am - multiplier x 2
    Qual - 15mins - ingame time 11am - multiplier x 2
    Race - 123 mins - ingame time 6am - multiplier x 6


    Lap 1
    Tyre will be cold for the majority of the first lap. Extra caution is need for the braking zone for Hell Corner & Quarry Bend. I suggest trying to be single file heading into The Cutting. We don't and Ambrose/Murphy incidents with full damage and no one wants to Whincup into the wall at the cutting!

    Check that you have selected a fresh set of tyres before the session begins, especially if you are loading a setup. Make sure that a fresh set is also selected for your pitstop. This season requires 2 mandatory pitstops for fuel, tyres optional.

    Race Start - Single file race start
    Start procedure as follows:
    - Perform short formation lap as usual.
    - Once in-game green light is given, the leader will continue on at a constant pace. ie 100Kph
    - Drivers are to fall into single file line.
    - No one is allowed to pit on this formation lap.
    - Race will start when the leader crosses the start/finish line at end of lap 1. Leader cannot accelerate until this point.
    - Drivers that receive drive through penalties are allowed to drive ahead and complete the penalty, but they must start from pitlane and cannot go until the field has gone passed.
    - If anyone is forced to start from the pits then they can leave and take their qualifying position in the order.
    - Cars must catch up to leaders 3 corners before the line, if a driver is experiencing mechanical issues eg. pedals are broken they must let the field go by.
    - There is to be weaving, excessive acceleration or braking after the last corner.

    Pit Exit - this rule has been modified
    Drivers will be allowed to cut the Pit exit line. It is their responsibility to ensure they do NOT impede other drivers. If a driver cuts the pit exit line and their is a collision or incident the penalties will be applied.

    Track Limits
    Beware of the walls around Bathurst. Hitting the wall is a track limit breach!

    Replays & Protests
    Drivers must assign a button for 'Save Replay'. The game only records 3 - 4 mins. If you are involved in an incident, saving the replay will be critical for any protests. Press the Save Replay Button 30 - 40 secs after the incident to ensure the moment is recorded.

    Party Chat

    Party Chat will be setup for both Servers. I suggest joining the chat for practice, then you can choose to leave or start your own, that is up to you. But try to join the server chat at the end of the race. Personally, I prefer to have chat off during races.

    Blue Flags

    The Following rule is from the Rooz Rulebook and will be administered in ACC. Breaches will incur penalties if deemed necessary by stewards.

    (ix) If you are being lapped do not attempt to race the passing car. Blue flag rules apply. Meaning you must concede track position to drivers on the lead lap within a reasonable time frame. If you are battling for position with another driver some concession can be made, but at your next available opportunity (such as before the braking zone on a straight), you should concede track position. A rule of thumb for a reasonable time frame is within four corners, unless you can pull away (out of slip stream range) during this time due to fresher tyres for example.

    A Lapped car has 4 corners from the 1st blue flag to yield to he lapping car. Blue flags beyond the 4th corner may incur penalties on a case by case basis. If a lapped gains back their lap by overtaking a car on the lead lap then they have 1 lap to break blue flag or they will be required to give the position back.

    In instances where a lapped car and car in the lead lap are in close proximity, the car on the lead lap takes priority regardless of the situation.

    Good Luck
  8. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Registration for the Round 2 Pro Server is now available on Discord
  9. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Reminder to everyone that the registration for Pro server on Saturday is on discord
    Hoppy (benny11169) likes this.
  10. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Endurance Championship - Round 3 - Imola - PRO - 10/04/21
    This driver briefing is for the PRO race only! Am details will come out next week.

    Server will open at 6:00pm ADST (SYDNEY Time)
    Server 1 - Rooz ACC PRO Server - Password: RoozPro - Captain: JJ_Penguin


    Server Setting
    Cloud: 0.4
    Rain: 0
    Randomness: 3

    Event Details
    In-game Day: 2 Prac & Quali, Day 3 Race
    Prac - 60 mins - in-game time 10:00 - multiplier x 0
    Qual - 15mins - in-game time 10:00 - multiplier x 0
    Race - 120 mins - in-game time 4:00 - multiplier x 10

    Lap 1

    Care needs to be taken into the first chicane. There is the potential for mayhem on Lap 1.

    Check that you have selected a fresh set of tyres before the session begins, especially if you are loading a setup. Make sure that a fresh set is also selected for your pitstop. This season requires 2 mandatory pitstops for fuel, tyres optional.

    Race Start - Single file race start
    Start procedure as follows:
    - Perform short formation lap as usual.
    - Once in-game green light is given, the leader will continue on at a constant pace. ie 100Kph
    - Drivers are to fall into single file line.
    - No one is allowed to pit on this formation lap.
    - Race will start when the leader crosses the start/finish line at end of lap 1. Leader cannot accelerate until this point.
    - Drivers that receive drive through penalties are allowed to drive ahead and complete the penalty, but they must start from pitlane and cannot go until the field has gone passed.
    - If anyone is forced to start from the pits then they can leave and take their qualifying position in the order.
    - There is to be no weaving or excessive acceleration/braking after the last corner.
    - The leader must slow to 100-120Kmh on Clearways Straight so that the field bunches up. The Leader cannot accelerate until after they have crossed the start/finish line as indicated on the map.
    - Cars must maintain approximately 100Kmh and cannot not accelerate until the car in front accelerates. There will be no overlap before the start/finish line.

    Pit Exit - this rule has been modified
    Drivers will be allowed to cut the Pit exit line. It is their responsibility to ensure they do NOT impede other drivers. If a driver cuts the pit exit line and their is a collision or incident the penalties will be applied.

    Track Limits
    I love the corner names around here!
    Be careful on the outside of Villenueve, Piratella, Acqua Minerale and Rivazza for track limits.

    Replays & Protests
    Drivers must assign a button for 'Save Replay'. The game only records 3 - 4 mins. If you are involved in an incident, saving the replay will be critical for any protests. Press the Save Replay Button 30 - 40 secs after the incident to ensure the moment is recorded.

    Party Chat

    Party Chat will be setup for both Servers. I suggest joining the chat for practice, then you can choose to leave or start your own, that is up to you. But try to join the server chat at the end of the race. Personally, I prefer to have chat off during races.

    Blue Flags

    The Following rule is from the Rooz Rulebook and will be administered in ACC. Breaches will incur penalties if deemed necessary by stewards.

    (ix) If you are being lapped do not attempt to race the passing car. Blue flag rules apply. Meaning you must concede track position to drivers on the lead lap within a reasonable time frame. If you are battling for position with another driver some concession can be made, but at your next available opportunity (such as before the braking zone on a straight), you should concede track position. A rule of thumb for a reasonable time frame is within four corners, unless you can pull away (out of slip stream range) during this time due to fresher tyres for example.

    A Lapped car has 4 corners from the 1st blue flag to yield to he lapping car. Blue flags beyond the 4th corner may incur penalties on a case by case basis. If a lapped gains back their lap by overtaking a car on the lead lap then they have 1 lap to break blue flag or they will be required to give the position back.

    In instances where a lapped car and car in the lead lap are in close proximity, the car on the lead lap takes priority regardless of the situation.

    Good Luck
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
    Aza2672 and andrelli like this.
  11. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    The above race has been postponed until the 10/04/21.
  12. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    Endurance Championship - Round 3 - Imola - AM - 27/03/21

    Server will open at 6:00pm ADST (SYDNEY Time)
    Server 1 - Rooz ACC PRO Server - Password: RoozPro - Captain: JJ_Penguin


    Server Setting
    Ambient Temp: 20
    Cloud: 0.4
    Rain: 0
    Randomness: 3

    Event Details
    In-game Day: 2 Prac & Quali, Day 3 Race
    Prac - 60 mins - in-game time 12:00 - multiplier x 2
    Qual - 15mins - in-game time 15:00 - multiplier x 2
    Race - 120 mins - in-game time 8:00 - multiplier x 5

    Lap 1

    Care needs to be taken into the first chicane. There is the potential for mayhem on Lap 1.

    Check that you have selected a fresh set of tyres before the session begins, especially if you are loading a setup. Make sure that a fresh set is also selected for your pitstop. This season requires 2 mandatory pitstops for fuel, tyres optional.

    Race Start - Single file race start
    Start procedure as follows:
    - Perform short formation lap as usual.
    - Once in-game green light is given, the leader will continue on at a constant pace. ie 100Kph
    - Drivers are to fall into single file line.
    - No one is allowed to pit on this formation lap.
    - Race will start when the leader crosses the start/finish line at end of lap 1. Leader cannot accelerate until this point.
    - Drivers that receive drive through penalties are allowed to drive ahead and complete the penalty, but they must start from pitlane and cannot go until the field has gone passed.
    - If anyone is forced to start from the pits then they can leave and take their qualifying position in the order.
    - There is to be no weaving or excessive acceleration/braking after the last corner.
    - The leader must slow to 70 - 80 Kmh from the last corner so that the field bunches up. The Leader cannot accelerate until after they have crossed the control line as indicated on the map. If the leader does accelerate before the control line eg out of the last corner, then the next car takes control of the field and can't accelerate until they have crossed the control line.
    - Staggered start is allowed but there is to be no overlap with the car in front and you cannot accelerate before that car.
    - Start infringements will be looked at on a case by case basis.

    Pit Exit
    Drivers will be allowed to cut the Pit exit line. It is their responsibility to ensure they do NOT impede other drivers. If a driver cuts the pit exit line and their is a collision or incident the penalties will be applied.

    Track Limits
    Be careful on the outside of Villenueve, Piratella, Acqua Minerale and Rivazza for track limits.

    Replays & Protests
    Drivers must assign a button for 'Save Replay'. The game only records 3 - 4 mins. If you are involved in an incident, saving the replay will be critical for any protests. Press the Save Replay Button 30 - 40 secs after the incident to ensure the moment is recorded.

    Party Chat

    Party Chat will be setup for both Servers. I suggest joining the chat for practice, then you can choose to leave or start your own, that is up to you. But try to join the server chat at the end of the race. Personally, I prefer to have chat off during races.

    Blue Flags

    The Following rule is from the Rooz Rulebook and will be administered in ACC. Breaches will incur penalties if deemed necessary by stewards.

    (ix) If you are being lapped do not attempt to race the passing car. Blue flag rules apply. Meaning you must concede track position to drivers on the lead lap within a reasonable time frame. If you are battling for position with another driver some concession can be made, but at your next available opportunity (such as before the braking zone on a straight), you should concede track position. A rule of thumb for a reasonable time frame is within four corners, unless you can pull away (out of slip stream range) during this time due to fresher tyres for example.

    A Lapped car has 4 corners from the 1st blue flag to yield to he lapping car. Blue flags beyond the 4th corner may incur penalties on a case by case basis. If a lapped gains back their lap by overtaking a car on the lead lap then they have 1 lap to break blue flag or they will be required to give the position back.

    In instances where a lapped car and car in the lead lap are in close proximity, the car on the lead lap takes priority regardless of the situation.

    Good Luck
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
  13. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Can’t wait!
  14. Max Gassit

    Max Gassit Team Driver

    PSN ID
    I was under the impression that the Imola race was rescheduled for the 17th of April.... Is that the case or did I miss something?
  15. JJ_Penguin

    JJ_Penguin Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member

    That is correct
    Max Gassit likes this.
  16. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    My race POV: Had a lot of fun, making my way up to a nett 4th from 14th on the grid, before usual pit lane curse struck once again
  17. Bruise19

    Bruise19 New Recruit

    PSN ID
    Bad luck mate, was looking forward to battling you for fourth over the last few minutes.