GT Sport Season 1 Division 4

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. TheMugsy

    TheMugsy Rookie

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    Unfortunately my brain doesn't do well with distraction so for the sake of my lap times, I'll refrain from joining the chat....
  2. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

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  3. incey

    incey World Champion

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    I just went to nbn with internode. I went for the 5-12mbs speed with unlimited d/l because i didn't think we'd get much faster than that on fibre to the node. We have no home phone and the plan is 69.99. i get a consistent 10 or 11 mbs download speed and find that is enough for what we do.
    Tristan Jones likes this.
  4. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I'm with the node. But went max speed 100/40, without a landline and ended up saving money. Is it overkill, sure. But at least i don't have to be concerned with not being able to do something. Consistent speed of 90+ down / 35+ up.
    Tristan Jones and AroGantz like this.
  5. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    I'm with you mate, take as much as you can get.
  6. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    And i also agree here. With a longer race such as this one, any time slower than 2s slower than the race leaders will almost mean that you will get lapped. I might opt out of the chat myself to focus on getting lapped. I've done ok so far this season but it is something that i would like to achieve this season. This race will put this to the test.
  7. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

    PSN ID
    Hey buddy
    I’m with Internode and pay 69.95 for 50mg and get 39-40 dl and 15mg up.
    That is an FTTN connection too. Don’t do yourself a disservice.
  8. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

    PSN ID
    I should be good for today's race, I should be able to get off work 15 minutes early unless something bad happens so should be ready for the start.
  9. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Well, that was a race!
    Once again well done to @NAACS, @CAB77 and @epic on the podium.
    It was a clean race for us this week, with no notable issues.
    Qual - Managed 5th. Wasn't on good form for this but happy none the less.
    Race - Had a real crap start and the same with the first few laps. By the end of lap 2 I was 10th or 11th. Once I found my pace and was hitting low 1.58 high 1.57's I began to make up some places.
    By this stage people were beginning to pit. I managed to sneak back into 5th and keep it for a few laps as I hadn't pitted yet and was hoping to hold of for a couple more, but had to pit about lap 20. Dropped to 7th behind @greg, but took them again on the 2nd pit. I pushed hard to extend / not have to pit again, but I couldn't make it. I missed an opportunity to lean earlier and only pit once. Jumped in quickly for fuel, no tires and only lost 5th position. However I miscalculated the amount of fuel needed and had to trim to 6 to make it to the line. Greg took me with 2 corners to go and I crossed the line with 0.1 laps of fuel left
    Greg and Glen, thank you for the race and keeping it interesting.
    pat65, Ozglenn, Tristan Jones and 2 others like this.
  10. CAB77

    CAB77 Team Driver Gold Member

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    What a race!! Had an Epic battle with @TheMugsy all race. First stint got past going in the hairpin on the back straight. I felt you broke to early and I just went straight up the inside. I saw @pat65 get by as well. I couldn't get many clean laps together and Pat was showing some real good pace in the first stint. Once Epic got past pat it wasn't long before he went by me as well. I pitted on lap 17 taking only enough fuel for 16 laps.

    This gave me the jump on Epic for the next stint. Pat looked like he had made some mistakes and had dropped back a bit from us. After my last fuel and tyres stop I was in 2nd only 4 seconds behind @NAACS and had about 4 seconds on Epic. Epic closed right up and with 2 laps to go there was nothing between Epic and I and Naacs had pulled a lead again. The last corner epic was all over my back bar so I sat my car in the middle of the straight to make Epic go the long way. Finished about half a car length in front of him. Great battle and not what I expected after 45 laps of this track. I was happy with my race no major mistakes and only little errors here and there. Fastest lap was a 1.56.5 which is what I managed during the week as well. I feel Epic was faster than me but the little mistakes and his pit stops being longer than mine help me stay in front.

    Well done to Pat on the fastest lap of the race taking that point away from Naacs. Thanks to the guys in my chat room it was a bit of fun last night and made the race all the more enjoyable. Nobody was up to blocking Naacs for me tho lol. Lapped traffic was excellent for me. Top job on the first 2 corners of the race as well to everyone.

    Looking forward to next week. How much will Naacs win by this time ;) Sorry Naccs

    not sorry
    pat65, Ozglenn, Tristan Jones and 2 others like this.
  11. Tristan Jones

    Tristan Jones Team Driver Gold Member

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    Awesome race last night!

    I managed to just beat 2 mins flat a few times in practise through the week, so was happy to get a 1:59.2 and lots of 1:59.5 during practise on the night, great way to get a good feeling at the start of a race. With the few qualifying laps, i made early mistakes on most laps and let those behind me get a hot lap, and ended up with a 2:00 or 2:02 being my best lap.

    After qualifying 10th (?) or so, I got off to a good start, i fell into 6th after a few laps passing people on the side of the road - though after seeing they had a second or 2 on me in practise I figured wouldn't be too long before they took the positions back, even if i didn't help the process by mistakes! I actually held 6th for longer than I expected, one by one seeing everyone catch up, getting a little hopeful as they made little mistakes giving me a bit of breathing room in front, but then once passing me gaining a second most laps. Made me consider just slowing down to let them pass, but I felt there was some good racing in there!

    There was a point around lap 5 or 6 that I wondered how I came out in front of a pack, i think @Matthyus was almost within striking distance but ended up much further back? Another one for me to look at the replay.

    Once I caught @AroGantz I took a few laps to pass him, even knocked a little time off my laps while following. He must have overtaken me during a pit stop, I ended up having to overtake him again, this time he let off to let me scream pass, I was on a roll that lap!

    @Macca87AUS had me worried for a while when I saw him getting very close to me, but I guess I was a pit ahead of him, he jumped back to 30 seconds behind me again, though was still catching me!

    Kudos to @Jcp and his etiquette, who almost spun me but then backed off, letting me regain my composure and speed. He was lapping quicker than me most laps, but I was just nosing ahead at times. When he got very close on the trail braking right hand bend, I saw he braked later, and figured he would go inside. I tried to stay wide and give him room, but he tapped me enough to kick my back out - I'll have to have a look at the reply, maybe I was at fault as well/ entirely? However, as he backed off, the awesome response of motion steering (no wheel yet! one day, but after a 4k screen & PS Pro i think) allowed me to correct and stay on track. Apologies if I was at fault, props to you either way @Jcp . After that, he did overtake me eventually, and once past quickly lost me! Just as I was starting to stop the gap increasing (when he was 7s in front), I almost spun out of the second corner, held it but lost 7 seconds off my lap time - and he was gone.

    Apologies to @TheMugsy for confusion when getting lapped, I didn't notice you catching up, but looked up and saw you in the middle of my mirror and I almost knee jerk jumped off the track to let you past. When I controlled myself not to do that, I tried to move off line through the fast esses, turns out that makes me really slow, and you went off track avoiding least the boys got a great laugh in the party chat when i yelled out "just take me!" or whatever it is i said in the moment, much to my embarressment! Due to this, I was now hyperaware of lapping traffic, and tried to stay nice and predictable. @NAACS and @CAB77 certainly didn't seem to waste any time getting by! @pat65 on the other hand looked like he wanted a race? Caught up slowly, maybe at the end of tyres? I ended up letting off throttle to let him pass, though he looped it after that, and I passed his ghost. He had almost caught up again in another lap or 3, but by the end of the race I was still just ahead of him.

    I took tyres on both my stops, though I guess I must have hit something (else punishment from the racing gods for something?) while refueling and only took 3/4 of a tank, perhaps being too trigger ready to start? Was brainstorming strategy with myself to consider what to do, as I had planned to stop at 18/36, saving time by not filling full of fuel on last stop, with the option of using other maps to stretch a tank out if the race called for it, in practise I got 36 laps on map 6 but lost about 2-3 seconds per lap. Turns out it didn't effect me much, I still didn't need to fill quite full when I stopped at lap 30, it just took the 1 stop option off the table.

    I cracked 1:58 during the race too, amazing what a bit of pressure does for performance! Aside from minor mistakes that added a few seconds to lap times, I stayed (major) incident free for the whole race, feels great to be able to get that kind of consistancy for that many laps. More than willing to spend the time to get those extra seconds out of a lap when racing is this fun, just need to find/ create the time left after working/ having 2 kids and a partner.
    pat65, Ozglenn, Jcp and 1 other person like this.
  12. Tristan Jones

    Tristan Jones Team Driver Gold Member

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    We are 6 months away from end of a contract, so went with internode to save the hassle of changing/ get something hooked up soon rather than later. Good to see speeds matching plan! We just signed up for silver, so hopefully we see 8-25mbps as advertised...

    We get 0.5 to 6 mbps currently, I wonder if our area (Lismore, northern nsw) would be capable of 100mpbs?? We have an exchange a few km away on the next street, time to quiz some neighbours I think, see what they are doing! I'm sure they would let us upgrade a plan, but need to convince the missus of the $...

    My Dad (lives 5km away) said he was talking to one of the technicians who were on his street a few weeks ago, said they are now putting a box/ node in for every 4 houses, instead of one per street, anyone else heard this?
    pat65 likes this.
  13. Jcp

    Jcp Rookie Gold Member

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    Yeah awesome race last. Sorry to @Ozglenn for the bumping you wide on lap 1. I 3 big off's at the back hairpin costing about 10sec each time from getting stuck in the sand. Great battle with @Tristan Jones for quite a few laps. I think I slid into the side of you through that sweeper and bumped you wide. I backed out of the throttle to let you back past. I felt faster in some spots but slower in others and really wanted to get past cleanly. Good racing.
    I got a best lap of 1:57xx and plenty of consistent 1:58s.
    I thought the 45 laps went pretty quickly.
    pat65, Ozglenn and Tristan Jones like this.
  14. Kieran_B33

    Kieran_B33 Professional

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    That was a very good race well done to podium
    Qualifying: I qualified 8th with a 1:59.0 was not happy as I knew I could get into the 58s and I even set a low 57 in the race so this was disappointing however it was my fault as i went off at the last corner of my first lap which of course also ruined my 2nd lap :mad: so my 3rd lap was my only good lap.
    Race: I started ok held my position until turn 5 where I got on the power too early on exit and spun and put me to the back. I started to make my way back through the field managing to get past @Matthyus & @Green Terror after they seemingly had a tangle between t1 and t2 I also got past the 3 green cars of @AroGantz @Macca87AUS and @Jcp (who had an off). I was then in 7th behind @Tristan Jones he was very hard to pass and certainly held his position well even though I had the slight advantage on pace, finally managed to pass him down the home straight after a very good exit by myself in the last corner and an error by Jonesy going into T1 which was lucky because my car really struggled in 6th gear. After that I had the div 4 aliens :alien: ahead of me with Ozglenn in 5th about 10secs, I was catching him in stages but little mistakes would let him reestablish his double digit seconds lead. Pit stops came and I stopped on 16 accidentally put tyres on, I was only planning to put them on in my last stop, came out behind @Matthyus but eventually got back past when he stopped. 2nd stint was odd could never really put together a good string of laps and kept on losing time to @Matthyus and not really gaining any on @Ozglenn. Stopped on lap 30 put a full tank and kept the same set of tyres, @Matthyus got back past and this time stayed ahead after his stop however as he mentioned he under fuelled which I knew from looking at the standings on how much he put in, managed to catch him after he went into fuel conservation and passed him along the back straight. Crossed the line to take another 6th place. :cool:
    pat65, Ozglenn and Tristan Jones like this.
  15. Cyberstig1

    Cyberstig1 Rookie

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    WD @NAACS . If u keep this up u will be off to Div 3 next season!!

    Whilst in the background "Bahaha - naccs is in Div 4!!!!!!!!!" can be heard echoing away in the distance.
    pat65, Kieran_B33 and CAB77 like this.
  16. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Div 2 me thinks.
    Cyberstig1 and pat65 like this.
  17. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Does anyone have results, race times and lap times???
  18. Kieran_B33

    Kieran_B33 Professional

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    @pat65 normally grabs them
  19. Tristan Jones

    Tristan Jones Team Driver Gold Member

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    Again props man, thanks for hanging back, i only just held it together as it was! Makes the clean pass you eventually did even better. I held hopes of getting you back for a few laps, but after coming out of turn 2 too hot I lost 7 seconds and started working on increasing the gap to @Macca87AUS behind me. Which didn't really work either lol.

    How could I forget that battle! That was great fun, I could certainly tell certain corners we had on each other! Felt great to be able to pull away from someone with an overall pace better than mine. I undercooked that last corner so often, so I got a surprise to see you go from behind to almost alongside me when I got on throttle early enough to need the full width of the track. Add that to seeing your later braking point on turn 1 a few laps in a row, and trying to leave room for you to go down the inside...i pushed too far and almost hit the wall, well done on the pass.
    pat65 likes this.
  20. AroGantz

    AroGantz Team Driver

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    My race was doomed from the start, got home from work with 10 minutes to spare before qualifying, got in one practice lap and then a woeful 2:04 to start last on the grid, from there I was doing ok to stick with the pack while others were making mistakes but following close throws all my markers out and mistakes creep in (have to work on that). I was still in touch until lap 7 or 8 when I put a wheel on the grass before turn 4 and looped it, from then on it was a string of errors from trying to push too hard to make up time which left me a minute down and just circulating to make up numbers.
    The big bonus is I stopped worrying about who was behind me and just raced which is a big improvement, now I just need to work out how to stick with the ones in front :D Being in the chat room was good as it provided some light hearted entertainment, thanks Jonesy, and made it easier to give the fast runners in the room space.

    All in all it was a good learning experience and I'm looking forward to next Sunday to hopefully run a bit better.
    pat65 and Tristan Jones like this.