DIVISION 1 - OLD (Season 3)

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by carn_the_pies, Apr 6, 2011.

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  1. nasanu

    nasanu New Recruit

    The PS3 buttons are pressure sensitive like the PS2 pads were right? If so then there is no reason at all for pad users to play with TCS. Even if they aren't, there is always the triggers. Since they use your fingers they are very much more accurate at controlling pressure than a big clumsy foot designed for walking on. I used the pad fine in GT4 easily balancing the throttle by pressure applied to the buttons. GT5 is quite a lot easier than GT4 was.

    Sure some people by sheer chance might have a lot of experience in that track and that car prior to race. However by having a fixed car and track you are ASSURING that some people have done 100's of laps while others have done almost none. I'd rather have a chance of it being unbalanced than making very sure it is unbalanced.
  2. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    What a load of BS! The moderators are "assuring" nothing, it's entirely up to the participants.

    With a fixed car and track everyone has equal opportunity to get some practice in over the preceding week, regardless of previous experience which will ALWAYS vary. This is my first GT that I've owned so I don't know half these tracks at all, where some have played since GT1 and already have the upper hand. We all have varying commitments limiting how much time we can spend praciticing, and we all enter this competition (especially in the premier Div 1) knowing there will be varying levels of experience and expecting we'll have to put some practice in to stay on the pace.

    If you thought otherwise, or choose not to practice and still think you should still be equally rewarded for not doing so, then you're a fool. It's that simple.
  3. Paulie

    Paulie New Recruit

    I only had around 2-3hrs tops over 3 sessions' worth of practice, although I do know my Grand Valley Speedway pretty well already- but generally I know all my tracks well enough (except SS7, only drove their once, crashed a lot :lol:).
  4. beau261

    beau261 Beau

    PSN ID
    @Nasanu, Are you under the impression that you were beaten by a TCS user? Oh and.... just to rub it in a little...my brake bias for the race was 5/7 and i adjusted it to 4/7 halfway through. lol.
  5. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Case in point - I also only put in about 2-3hrs practice also, but have very limited prior track knowledge.
    Although Paulie and I had the same practice time, Paulies previous experience was abundantly clear during quali and race time with Paulie 1 - 2 seconds faster than me.
    Nothing would have been different if this was a surprise format. Relatively, we would have still had the same experience.

    Had I dedicated more practice time to this race, which a predetermined race format allows me to do, perhaps I could have competed more closely with Paulie.
  6. Paulie

    Paulie New Recruit

    Or maybe I'm just faster. :lol: J/K, but I suppose as the season drags on we'll find out, because even though I know Eiger it's always been a bogey track for me, I'm always a bit slow there.
  7. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    quite likley, but my point is at least with a known format I have the opportunity to improve my standing. With a blind race format, if you're simply faster then the race outcome is pretty much predetermined.
  8. carn_the_pies

    carn_the_pies Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    some impressive performances in div 1.
    didnt think you would put too much into it paulie but reward for hard work,
    nasanu also very impressive to come in and knock off OA and koastr..
    OA your last league race and super GT have been huge, much better consistency.
  9. OuttaAngst

    OuttaAngst Rookie

    Cheers pies, nasanu drove a clean race for third, well done to him. Koastr and I threw away a podium chance with a single mistake each, plan not to do that next time. Shows how tight it is.

    If you are not improving then you are doing something wrong!
    Congrats on your (first?) win pies!!!
  10. carn_the_pies

    carn_the_pies Moderator Team Raceonoz

    PSN ID
    2nd bud, i got one in season 1 albeit in a 5 man field..
    feels damn good
  11. Bonus 888

    Bonus 888 Rookie

    Just my 2 bob on random races! I take a while to learn a track and car for it, some pick it up quickly and with this random format I think you will have more problems, crashes and rear enders, as a result more arguments. Keep it as it is and someone can set up a random one if they wish but i won't be doing it cos i don't want to get in anybodies road. I better go practice now haven't done any for the GT race yet but got Wednesday off so can do some then.
    Congrats Pies on your win living up to the pies name, and thanks for that message, Go Blues we get you next time just got to pay the umpires more than you guys next time.
  12. nasanu

    nasanu New Recruit

    Wow everyone gets so touchy when you discuss anything around here. Why cant anything get discussed without people getting so upset? It is as if the status quo is the bible and you are personally insulted if your see your beliefs being questioned. :? Hell I am not even questioning anything, just talking about possible alternatives.

    Anyway it IS assured that if you leave it up to participants to set their own level of practice then people will come into an event at different levels. How can you believe that everyone will exactly match each others practice? Either you believe that will magically happen, or I am correct and you need to correct your 'load of BS' statement.

    To clarify for you, I am simply putting up for discussion ways to cut down on the time needed to compete in a series like this. But from your statements and those of others it seems that people see large investments of time as being positive and deserving of reward. If that is the case you want to make then do so, but try not to get so emotional.

    And to beau, look I don't care that you use TCS. If it is allowed then it is allowed, end of story. But why try to deny it? I saw you using it all through qualifying (the list of names tells all you know, TCS=5) and it was obvious you had it on at the start. You even said so yourself in chat after the race which makes subsequent denial quite confusing.

    I would like to see it gone in future seasons because at the highest level I see no need for it. Plus with tyre wear, TCS protects the tyres and also helps quite a bit when they are very warn. If we have a race in the rain the same applies.
  13. beau261

    beau261 Beau

    PSN ID
    Lmao, No, sorry i do NOT use tcs (because it is a disadvantage) and YES i did have it on at the start, accidentally, and i only realized this when i adjusted my brake bias at the start, so i turned it off. In case you have not noticed, every time you enter a new online lobby and use a "recommended" car you must turn your tcs off in the driving settings menu.

    I am finding this all very comical....that is you trying to justify me being faster then you. You have just came up from division two, and all of a sudden you think you should be winning races.

    Even if i was using tcs, seeing as though it is actually a performance disadvantage, this must make you even worse then i first thought.
  14. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID

    You opened it for discussion, and it's being discussed. Nothing you have said previously has been taken or responded to in a personal context.

    You made some bold accussational statements that I thought were wildly incorrect. So I called you on it accordingly... bluntly. Blunt and factual does not equal emotional.

    But following your latest retort I no longer see this as a discussion as you have totally rejected alternative opinions and simply reiterated your earlier comments for a second time. Good luck with your future 'discussions'.
  15. nasanu

    nasanu New Recruit

    I really don't care beau. Feel free to send all the abuse you want to my PM box, and keep saying I am so crap compared to you. It is getting a little strange though. Why are you so obsessed with me? You start saying I don't know how to drive out of nowhere (even though I am on your friends list and not from this league, if your memory was better you would remember racing me and losing in that isolated night of SGT racing months ago), then you start assuming I am referring to you whenever I mention TCS (it was not just you using it and if you search my posts here and on whirlpool you will note I have always been against it). And now with all the insults on here and via PM?... What is this all about?

    EDIT: And once and for all, I am NOT trying to make out I am faster than you. Right now as it stands you are clearly faster than I am, that is what I believe. Happy? God.. I feel I have to write this even though my words should be clear to all who have a general grasp of English. Insecure people...
  16. nasanu

    nasanu New Recruit

    I never made accusations, that was your interpretation of what I wrote only. I wrote that the rules assured an imbalance. I never said anything about the mods intending this to be the case. I think the mods do a great job.

    From my logical perspective it is obvious that left to their own devices people will do different things. Give people a week to practice and some will use that week fully, others will not. That is a statement of fact as I see it. How can you possibly prove that what I said is wildly inaccurate? The only possible alternate opinion is that people will all do the very same thing. What other alternate opinion could there be? Unless you can tell me about another alternate opinion that I have not thought of then I am very much correct in rejecting it. How could I not be?

    And for the record, how is (even if indirectly) calling someone a fool not a personal and emotional response? You did that.
  17. Paulie

    Paulie New Recruit

    So........ what's for dinner?

    Oh right, the discussion, well........ to be honest isn't getting reward from practice what league racing is half about? But in seriousness you need, what, one hour to get fairly adept at a single car/track combo? If you want to chase a few extra tenths after that then great, it's only going to help you during qualifying (even then you need to be able to string that lap together for quali, something I failed to do this round to the tune of 3 tenths), not during a race, where it all comes down to your own consistency and racecraft. I know if it wasn't for a bit of racecraft I'd have binned it a number of times, and would never have caught Beau.
  18. lunz

    lunz New Recruit

    everyone needs to chill a bit...its a game. Maybe its because Div 1 is srs bsnss...

    People who choose to do more laps do more laps, its simple as that. If you want to do good or better, then dedicate more time to the game and maybe you'll do so. Some of the time, people are just better drivers or are more consistent. Sometimes its natural talent.

    If the tracks/cars were random, the drivers with the natural talent would obviously do better. Also, depending how much of the actual game you've played, you may have knowledge of the track from that also. Complete random does not assure a random result. With the tracks set, its up to the individuals who want to do well to put in the time to reap the rewards, and even then they aren't assured a result due to the above mentioned factors. By setting the tracks, you actually make it fairer, so people who realise they don't know the track will practice more (if they desire) and thus have a better chance of doing better, but they are still not assured a good result.

    nasanu's points are valid, however the reasoning behind them is somewhat flawed and maybe a bit frustration driven.

    For the record, I use TCS on DS3 because the triggers and buttons still don't give me the throttle control I'd like, no matter whether they are a little bit analogue, with only a bit of movement the throttle goes full on. The option is there for the people who want to use it. Do you use DS3 or wheel?
  19. beau261

    beau261 Beau

    PSN ID
    I really wouldn't call that abuse. I was simply telling you what i think of you "Privately". In 1 sentence. Because i see no need for me to use such language in the public forum. ;) Out of respect for the other users and the image of this forum. What was so hard about you replying via PM, do you feel the need to broadcast things publicly just for the sake of an argument?
    I never said you don't know how to drive!, Where did you get this from ? i'm seriously thinking you are delusional.
    I never assumed you were referring to me until "you accused me" of using tcs. Once again the word delusional comes to mind.
    You have a bit of an issue with taking peoples comments way out of context. And you seem to be making allot of assumptions.

    Obsessed with you.....please
  20. tekNique

    tekNique Rookie

    Its more about skill anyway imo, I could practice for days but never match Pauline or Beaus times. For me I just usually do 20 laps or so to get familar with the track.
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