Division 4 Season 1

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Points totals with a round dropped:
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  2. CastrosfriendChe

    CastrosfriendChe Rookie

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    I enjoyed the last race. My driving wasn't great, but only had one major mistake and it just shouldn't have occurred. Somewhere in the first half of the race my right thumb was starting to ache (controller and I'm still stuck with my old ways of x-accel and square-brake) so on the back straight decided to give the thumb a quick rest and shifted to a trigger button. Somehow managed to fail when it came time to switch back to the x button as the right hander approached...gone/sand/doh. Not even sure how much time can be lost in the sand/gravel but it felt like a good 20 seconds.
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  3. DekGT5mad

    DekGT5mad Derek Nickels

    PSN ID
    You should get a DFGT,you can score them second hand for $50 odd!;)
  4. CastrosfriendChe

    CastrosfriendChe Rookie

    PSN ID
    Good idea :)
    I caught myself once looking at the higher end of wheels etc and thought, 'it will be mine, oh yes...it will be mine.' then went away thinking sure, probably in 2018. Never actually looked at the lower end of the market...till now ;)
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  5. DoogleDave

    DoogleDave Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Can't say I've been lucky enough to use a high-end wheel/pedal setup but I can confirm that the DFGT wheel is damn fine value for money....and WAAAAYYYYYY better than using the DS3 controller.
    So much more immersive and it brings the game to life.
    Having the higher-end wheel/pedals would be icing on the cake, but the DFGT (IMHO) takes the game to the next level.
    DekGT5mad, Stumbles and JonoStan96 like this.
  6. GTDutch

    GTDutch Rookie

    PSN ID
    Bugger. Was really looking forward to tonite no matter what happened with the race result but my endurance round curse struck again and could just not get The ps3 talking properly to the modem. Was super super slow and managed to get a message to dbn about it but the 15 min he gave was not enough. Ended up being I believe the cable connection to my house network bus so I stabbed it with a screwdriver till I got it working, but not quick enough. Just was not my nite.
    We'll done drz again, deserved champ, but I was really hoping to pull out a miracle tonite, I just got a reverse miracle instead.
    DekGT5mad and emmo46 like this.
  7. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

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    Bad luck Dutchy. Was hoping you could pull off a good result, this was definitely a room to watch this round. Next season man!!
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  8. DekGT5mad

    DekGT5mad Derek Nickels

    PSN ID
    Wow,can't believe i actually managed a clean sweep:p considering i had 3 spins:( and put it in the sand and the wall when i pitted:mad:.Top race,had a ball coming back through to the front twice,but was a bit lucky that Molch had a freeze up,although i had taken 8secs out of him in the 2 laps before he stopped,so it might have been interesting,although i had to ease up the last 3 laps and manage the gap to emmo to make it home on fuel. Top season guys,looking forward to the next one:)
    stucar17 likes this.
  9. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Well looks like luck (or others bad luck) has helped me secure my rookie season at ROOZ. I think that if all had been present each week that I would definitely not be on top of the table. Thank you all for the close , clean racing.
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  10. DoogleDave

    DoogleDave Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Congrats Hatfield for the championship and to Dek for taking out last night's race.
    It looks like the final round was a bit of bad luck for many in Div 4 last night. Dutch in not being able to start and Molch for a dodgy PS3 freeze.

    All in all I was fairly happy with my race last night. The first couple of laps saw some great close racing up with the front pack and it was only when I saw Dek spun out on the wall at Griffins Bend I tried to thread the needle and slip by but must have just clipped the rear of his car which dropped me right to the back of the pack. I tried pushing hard to regain time but everyone seemed to have similar or better pace than me and over the course of the next 8-10 laps I slowly chipped away but didn't make any major gains (or enough to matter).
    Eventually a few people made some mistakes and I was able to pass them by, making up a position or two. I figured if I kept driving as hard as I could and could stay on track there was a chance of someone making a mistake and I could capitalise on it, which happened.

    Haze and I had a great battle for several laps where he would catch right up on me and then I'd manage to get away a little, only for him to catch me again. Similar happened with Dek a bit later in the race until I was the one who made the mistake and Dek passed by. That was the last I saw of him. Emmo was ahead of me and we must have been running similar times as I pushed as hard as I dared but just couldn't make any gains on him, but didn't seem to be losing time.
    I think it was lap 34 I decided to pit and noticed Emmo had chosen the same time to pit as well. I chose to add 12 litres of fuel, hoping that would just get me across the line without running out and that seemed to work well. Unfortunately for Molch his night was spoilt when his PS3 froze on him , which meant I moved from 4th up to 3rd, which is where I finished - which made it three 3rd places in a row for me.

    Season 01 was a huge learning curve for me and I think I've shown some improvement since the first round. Certainly looking forward to season 02 and hopefully I can keep up the podium finishes.... :)
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  11. Molch

    Molch Rookie

    PSN ID
    With the crazy lightning in my area I was pretty worried going in to the race. However after lap 20 or so outside had cleared and I was feeling safe again. So I was pretty upset about my PS3 freeze last night when it happened but i guess thats part of it all so time to move on. The racing was great and I felt pressure right until the end of my race as if any mistake would have someone close enough to draft up on me in no time. The first 10 or so laps were great fun with Emmo, Dek, Doogle and I in the front pushing each other hard looking for gaps to pass in. I think Dek spun at griffins bend which is where doogle also got taken out. Then it was Emmo and I for a bit. After passing Emmo. I kept the petal down pushing harder and harder the while race. Keeping mostly consistent until around lap 17 when i had a spin comming out of the dipper. I think around this point the gap was around 7 seconds so I pushed hard again. Keeping very consitent through the 20's had me a huge lead as I lapped Castrol as he pitted around lap 28. I decided it was a good time to pit at lap 29. The game seemed to recommend 12 litres but as I have never pitted before and didnt know if it was safe I pumped it up to 50 litres and raced out of pit. Having a lead of around 12 seconds at this point and I was starting to wonder if the other guys actually had to pit. A couple of laps later and the lead was out to a 35 sec lead and feeling very confident of a victory. Then bam Lap 35/39 down the end of the chase my car freezes in position. The PS button was all that would work as I watched the screen in horror. Took a photo anyway so Ill post it in a sec.
    Just want to say well done to everyone that raced all season, was alot of fun and very well organised by the team here at ROOZ. Soo happy that I stumbled across this place just as I got GT6 :).
    Anon666 and Stumbles like this.
  12. Molch

    Molch Rookie

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  13. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

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    Heartbreak! So cooling issue? Do you have an old fatty or a newer PS3??
  14. Molch

    Molch Rookie

    PSN ID
    yeah older fatty ps3. In practicing my sound was going really weird like popping and eventually cut out all together. It was really humid around here
  15. Anon666

    Anon666 Destitute Gentleman Driver Team Raceonoz Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I've had to retire the old fatty recently. Don't think it handles the newer games that well. It was having problems with GTA as well. Some of the guys have rigged up extra fans, etc. Might be worth doing some digging around. Any suggestions from the rest of you??
    Molch likes this.
  16. GTDutch

    GTDutch Rookie

    PSN ID
    Damn, i thought i had some bad luck but that is much much worse. Sounds like it was a pretty good enduro was had by many as these things do tend to be a lonely affair after a while. But i do hope bathurst gets on the list for next season.
    Molch likes this.
  17. SerenityInSpeed

    SerenityInSpeed Rookie

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    So there goes another great season of racing. Congrats to Dbn for last night, and everyone for a hard fought, but well raced S1 championship.
    I had a decent race except for a couple of offs at The Esses and The Chase. Maybe could have finished higher without those. I had some great tussles with Doogle and Homebrew too. Good clean racing. This race reminded me of how much i miss pitstops (damn you PD! Sort it out!). Happy with 4th place even though it was by default (unlucky Molch).
    In all though, it's been a season of better consistency and pace from me. Looking forward to next season.
    DekGT5mad likes this.
  18. Molch

    Molch Rookie

    PSN ID
    Yeah think Ill be trying the same. Its currently fitted into the rig in my avatar so going to build in a fan system to keep cool air flowing around the ps3 as much as possible. Mk2 will also include a ethernet over power because I got a couple of dropouts over wifi but since going to wired I've got only one. Also hopefully getting turtle beach xp sevens for my birthday on april 4th so will mean i can actually pump the sound and get into it some more next season.
    Anon666 likes this.
  19. Molch

    Molch Rookie

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    Big congrats to hatfield for the divisional champ. Hopefully you and Emmo go show the rest of the teams in the season 1 Race of Champions that the Div 4 guys are a force to be reckoned with ;)
    SerenityInSpeed and DoogleDave like this.
  20. DoogleDave

    DoogleDave Team Driver

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    I'll help show them as well (as Econobox team winner got me a ticket into ROC)....but I'll bring my assault on the field from the back of the pack :)
    DekGT5mad, Molch and Anon666 like this.