Gran Turismo 7 Regulation Settings Discussion

Discussion in 'Gran Turismo Sunday Night' started by Viperzed, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    About time to get the ball rolling for some discussions around tires, settings, wear etc. Anything to do with formatting and the running of Sunday League can be discussed here. There are a couple key points I'd like to bring up that can be mulled over:

    - Should Brake Balance be allowed on? Leaning toward allowing it from here on in
    - The BRZ is good on it's tires, I'm thinking of keeping 4x Tire wear but will test in due time
    - Fuel will be set so that making it to the end without filling up will be a hassle
    - Mandatory Fuel/Tire Stops?
    - No wear element?
    - Tires available?
    - Any changes to quali or race format? More sprints, more enduros etc
    - Is 45 minutes still optimum? Could up the standard round to an hour, enduro to 2 hour etc, sprint round change
    - 8pm Sydney time quali start okay for all?
    - General Feedback

    I really do wanna hear from everyone in every div about these points as I'm sure you all have something to add to the conversation. I'm all about trying to build this league back to being head and shoulders above anything else in Aus (Although we Roozers already know that it is!).
    KoAStR, Hatfield, Noodles87 and 2 others like this.
  2. T-GT_Racing

    T-GT_Racing Rookie Gold Member

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    I think Brake Balance would be a welcome addition. If fuel consumption is increased, I don't think a mandatory pit would be necessary, but could be a round by round thing maybe?

    I may only speak for myself, but I'd prefer either go back to everyone using the same tyre type or make both softs and mediums mandatory or softs and hards mandatory (last week's Watkins Glen Race C was great due to the same mandatory compounds).

    I like the current race structure with one enduro and one sprint each season, though I would happy for races to span an hour rather than 45 mins.

    8pm still good for me.

    General Feedback - I don't know how much work it would be, but I'd love a "Manufacturer's Cup" style season similar to the GTWS where we each choose a manufacturer that has both a Gr3 and Gr4 car and we have alternating Gr3 and Gr4 races. I understand if this would be too difficult to properly manage though.
  3. leeboy910

    leeboy910 Professional Gold Member

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    Yes to brake balance. Been wanting it for ages!

    I'd be happy to see each race made longer and ditch the enduro.
    60 min standard races whilst retaining a sprint round. Would it be worth shortening the sprint races and having three instead of two for something different?

    For season 52 and beyond, a little more adventure in terms of the car and track choices too!
    Might be fun to do a lucky dip round as well. Put all the circuits that are not part of the calendar into a barrel and pick one out, say an hour before the race. Keep everyone on their toes!
    Noodles87 and T-GT_Racing like this.
  4. CaptainRisky21

    CaptainRisky21 World Champion Gold Member

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    Definite yes to brake balance, been gone far too long.

    Personally, I've made my stance on tyre/fuel regs in terms of Sunday league quite well known, I personally believe that the 45 minute races provide little to no strategy options at all. The Spa enduro this season was brilliant, with @Noodles87 pulling off a blinder and stunning the field, but the mixture of rain and the length of the race meant that there were easily three strategies employed (in div 1) that at any stage looked to be race winners. The same could not be said for every other race, where any tyre other than the softs was suicide, which when coupled with relatively high tyre wear, completely separated the field based on hardware. In a grid full of TGT's and DD Pro's, it was significantly harder to keep pace with the top guys while also not setting the tires alight, which made turning up on a Sunday a chore.

    Personally I'd like the tyre wear kept to a minimum, HOWEVER a potential move to 1hr races would be interesting. I still don't think attempting to force strategy through inflated wear rates works at all (as evidenced by the single strategy div 1 field despite all compounds being available), but slightly longer races might help.

    Other than that, I think that Rooz is in a healthy spot right now, and it's only looking better by the day. Onto Season 51!
  5. Rangeraus

    Rangeraus Team Driver Gold Member

    I think RaceOnOz GT League is still doing well after 12+ years, 50 seasons and into its 4th GT title, but a few thoughts/suggestions:

    Brake Balance
    This should always be enabled from here on IMO, I believe this setting will only apply to cars that have a BB controller as standard anyway.

    Format - a few points
    Sprint races
    I'm not a huge fan of reverse grid sprint races (yes I know). I would rather two sprint races with 5 minute qualifying session for each, with each race being different time/weather - but that's just me.

    Endurance races
    I missed Spa which had changing weather so this may not apply. Enduros can be fun, but a lot of them are/were a bit of a foregone conclusion 20-30 minutes into a 90-minute race, but I suppose it just depends how the race pans out. I think changing (or at least random) time/weather should always be used to give these a bit more variation.

    Race length - normal rounds
    I don't think that we'd achieve anything in a 60-minute race that we could not achieve in a 45-minute race. The setting that cannot be controlled is the pit stop transit times, which often pushes people to a strategy of conservation with the least amount of stops possible. That becomes less of an issue with longer races, but then we'd adding an inconvenience for the sake of strategy variation, which may not eventuate anyway (more on this later)

    Currently with maybe an hour of practice pre-race to figure out pace/strategy, then qualifying, then a small break, maybe a reset, then a 45-minute race, that's already 2 hours on a Sunday night, which would increase for everyone with longer races. Not a dealbreaker, but to me it's a bit more inconvenient for everyone. I think if the idea is introducing more strategy options, then these should be handled by settings/multipliers and not by increasing the length of 20 races a year.

    Format change
    As far as having multiple sprint races in a season - should we reserve this for the final GT7 season when it happens? We did this for the final season of both GT6 and Sport, I don't think sunday league seasons otherwise need it... but that's just my opinion.

    Otherwise, I'm fine with 5x 45-minute races, 1x sprint and 1x enduro... the league has made it 12+ years and 50 seasons so while improvements should always be evaluated on their own merits, I don't think there is a need to re-invent the wheel re: format.

    Tyres/Mandatory stops
    I think making RS/RM mandatory required during a race would work. The RH tyre is pretty useless so no point enabling it if the other two are available.
    Since we have the option of doing it, I think mandatory pit stops should be tried for this season, maybe a different number for varying rounds, even if we don't mandate tyre compounds to use. You could have a race that's otherwise flat-out, with mandatory stops introduced for strategy purposes if needed.

    I know we've tried this a few times and it hasn't really worked but it would be great to have someone broadcast/stream races. Unfortunately I don't have the solution here because while I am happy to contribute, I'm not really keen to do this personally.

    Prize for division winners
    It's nice to have prizes or mementos to recognise the things we achieve in this hobby we all share.
    My suggestion - Great photos can be taken in GT7. One can be taken, it can then be saved, printed and framed (doesn't need to be expensive, nor a big photo), maybe with a title including Season/Division/Driver. It's small but it is better than nothing, and much more personalised than a trophy or a certificate. Open to other suggestions. This could be subsidised with Rooz Gold Membership which is inexpensive.

    That's all I can think of for now, otherwise looking forward to the next season/s!
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2023
  6. Noodles87

    Noodles87 Team Driver

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    I should probably get into more detail compared to my pervious post.

    Yes to Brake Balance

    Reading from the post above, I really like the idea of 1hr races. Though it's probably best to reduce tyre wear to something like x2 with softs & mediums mandatory.

    Races being broadcasted live would be awesome.

    Start time should remain the same

    Prizes for each division winner would be a nice touch.
  7. T-GT_Racing

    T-GT_Racing Rookie Gold Member

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    I'm not sure how this could be done, but I do a pretty good Ray Warren
    Viperzed likes this.
  8. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Rangeraus and T-GT_Racing like this.
  9. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I think it's safe to say Brake Balance will be allowed in this season. It's been a long time coming for such a helpful tool!

    I believe the plan is to run a lower tire wear season, with Softs and Mediums mandatory at each round, bar the sprint round. We will be implementing a rule where if it rains at all, the tire rule will be null and void.

    We may look at the idea of 1hr races but perhaps by trialling it once this season. I'm not overly keen on boosting the entire season up to an hour each.

    I'm considering doing a tweaked sprint setup with 2x Reverse grids, 3x 20 min races. I think that would spice things up a bit.

    Next season we will return to the traditional community vote for all cars and tracks, meaning ANY combos are possible.

    In future the correlation in races will be to aim for our races woth dynamic weather to be enduros or standard rounds at the worst. Sprint rounds having weather is a bit overkill and a missed opportunity if you ask me. People don't seem all that keen on forcing a weather round so I'm happy to leave it fully random.

    Broadcasting is something we've considered time and time again, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to try sway some people over, but it would be difficult without simply sticking with our classic "SuperB Team" approach. If you haven't watched the SuperB team, I urge you all to go to my Youtube channel and find my old Div 1 replays lol.

    Prizes are something I could discuss with the mod team, I think having something a little more sentimental like a photo, is better than a trophy imo, good call.

    8pm Sydney time will be the norm for all divs, unless they all agree to start earlier/later (like I've seen all divs do in the past with no issues!)

    Open for more discussion of course, Love hearing what ideas you all have!!
    T-GT_Racing and Noodles87 like this.
  10. T-GT_Racing

    T-GT_Racing Rookie Gold Member

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    Chuuuurn it up Fatman!
    Rangeraus likes this.
  11. fezza

    fezza Team Driver Gold Member

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    What I miss is one guaranteed wet race, and one night race in addition to the guaranteed sprint and enduro.
  12. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    We often scratch the night itch by running through a full night cycle in many races, It is to the joy, and disgust of many lol. As for guaranteed wet, we haven't run one now since the Jag season, it's something I'm open to returning to, just takes away the random element. For example in Div 1 at the final round at Suzuka, we had rain clouds come over our radar in the middle of the race that had us all thinking outside the box with strategy, was a fantastic spin even though it didn't eventuate, Mandating weather means people are able to practice fully to when the rain would come, take that as a good OR bad thing, but if the idea got enough traction (ironic), I'd be very happy to bring it back.
    T-GT_Racing likes this.
  13. fezza

    fezza Team Driver Gold Member

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    people can and do practice regardless of weather, plus gt7 wet weather is pretty forgiving in that you can do at least a lap on drys before needing inters. In GT7 can you have wet weather but with random intensity and timing?
  14. T-GT_Racing

    T-GT_Racing Rookie Gold Member

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    I have to say, I like the randomness of it.
  15. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Yes but no, There's no option to guarantee wet weather but have the intensity and timing random. It has to be at a set time and intensity if you wish to guarantee it
  16. fezza

    fezza Team Driver Gold Member

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    Then it can be forced random by host using a random number generator when setting up the quali lobby :) host might know the details but if they try to change to inters in anticipation everyone will know what's coming. Or host can let everyone know what he's picked, drivers will do the predictable thing regardless, which is to change to inters or wet at the sight of rain. Similar to what the rain radar tells us slightly in advance of what's coming.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2023
  17. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Very true, I'm not overly fond of only one person knowing exactly when the rains will come, and how heavy they may be, but it's an option for sure. With enough interest, I'd be happy to implement it.
  18. T F Eccles

    T F Eccles Professional Gold Member

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    My first thoughts on this.

    Brake bias yes. And if and when GT7 allows it, a return to 100/100 power weight etc.

    8PM start has been good, happy to keep that as is. We should trial a 1 hour to see how it goes.

    Sprint rounds have always been vexing for me, I have a hate/love relationship with them. I have been looking at a points model for them that rewards position gained/lost in the reverse grid race but it's a work in progress.

    Tyre wear - it is what it is, though I do agree that higher wear rates amplify user hardware variance. For quali I think we should use either 1x for fuel and tyres, or no fuel, 1 x tyres. My reasoning is that even with tyre wear off, the game still models tyre temps and that affects grip. KirethKart did a YouTUbe vid on it using the telemetry to compare his lap to the top lap in that Olympic event. He showed how the fastest driver was able to maintain tyre temps even with the wear off and that gave him an advantage.

    Fuel - I like races where there won't be enough fuel for a no-stop and where if your careful you can use when you stop to your advantage. That or start the race on say half a tank or similar.
    Ozglenn likes this.
  19. Viperzed

    Viperzed GT7 League Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Thanks for the heads up on the tire simulation, it's not something I'd put a whole lot of thought towards but makes sense and is consistent with a lot of things I've been told prior. It's something we'll definitely play with this season. Fuel too will be roughly to what you said there, we normally try to get it to that point but missed the mark a bit last season.
  20. Ozglenn

    Ozglenn Team Driver Gold Member

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    Defiantly Brake bias ...and I agree with T F Eccles that we should run 100/100 power weight, the Swift was good but when I tested it it with it at 100/100 it was so much better. As for rain I think we should leave it random and no one should know what is going to happen, high tire wear hurts some people because of the gear they run and that is not right, it should be the same for everybody and fuel being tight is good it makes think about your usage.
    T-GT_Racing likes this.