GT Sport Season 11 Division 5 - Sponsored by PAGNIAN

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    League rules and regs :
    Good Racecraft guide :
    Protest procedure :
    How to qualify :
    Season 11 Prize :

    Start Date : Meet n Greet 12/4, Round 1 19/4
    Car : Renault Sport R.S.01 ‘16 (Gr.X) (100% hp/kg)
    Tuning: Prohibited
    Tyre Wear : 8x
    Tyre Regs : Racing Mediums
    Fuel Depletion : 2x (0x during qualifying)
    Initial Fuel : Default
    Qualifying regs : 5 mins (once 5mins is past, finish the lap you are on)
    Start Time : Qualifying 8:20 AEST Race Start 8:30 AEST
    Room Host : @Kieran_B33
    Back Up Host : @Aza2672
    Room Captain/s : @Kieran_B33 @Aza2672
    Room Party Host (not mandatory): @Aza2672

    Track list (event date)
    Meet and Greet: 12/4

    Round 1: Dragon Trail - Seaside - 27 Laps - 08:00 Fine - 19/4
    Round 2: Monza - 25 Laps - 17:00 Sunny - 26/4
    Round 3: Kyoto Driving Park - Yamagiwa - 29 Laps - 09:30 Cloudy - 3/5 (Renault Sport Heritage Livery Round)
    Round 4: Barcelona-Catalunya - 51 Laps - 16:30 Sunny - 10/5 (Endurance Round)
    Round 5: Mount Panorama - 2x11 Laps - Race1 15:30 Sunny & Race2 16:30 - 17/5 (Sprint Round)
    Round 6: Red Bull Ring - 31 Laps - 10:45 Cloudy - 24/5
    Round 7: Interlagos - 29 Laps - 13:45 Fine - 31/5

    (One drop round is available)

    Room Settings:
    Room Mode: Practice/Race
    Room Name: RaceOnOz S# Div# R#
    Race Type: Race for Real
    Start Type: Rolling Start
    Grid Order: Fastest First (Set by Host can be used in the event a restart is required)(Grid Based on Previous Race Results for sprint race 2)
    Boost: Off
    Slipstream Strength: Real
    Visible Damage: Off
    Mechanical Damage: Light
    Grip Red. on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real
    Race Finish Delay: 180 sec
    Ghosting During Race: Weak
    Shortcut Penalty: None
    Wall Collision Penalty: None
    Wall Collision Detection: Default
    Side Contact Penalty: Off
    Correct Vehicle Course After Wall Collision: Off
    Replace Cars When they Leave the Track: Off
    Flag Rules: On
    Blue Flag Ghosting: Off
    Countersteering Assistance: Prohibited
    Active Stability Management (ASM): Prohibited
    Driving Line Assist: No Limit (but no cones)
    Traction Control: No Limit
    ABS: No Limit
    Auto-Drive: Prohibited

    Drivers (TBC)
    1. SAR @scottb721
    2. PNL Privateer @fezza
    3. SAR @Aza2672
    4. BHR @Kieran_B33
    5. PNL @ControllaGod
    6. BHR Privateer @webnomad
    7. GRT @Slartybar
    8. ICR @robin edwards
    9. GRT @Tony4Fingerz
    10. ICR @JohnnyRodger
    11. ICR @john
    12. BHR @Tristan Jones
    13. GRT @Hellspawn1982818
    14. BHR @Blunty075
    15. ICR @Jimmygrimble69
    16. BHR @Bj88 (psn: BANNANA_HAMMOCKx)
    17. @Peersy (reserve)
    18. @chaos75 (reserve)
    19. SAR @anne (gone to pcars2)
    20. ICR @arnold watson (gone to pcars2)
    21. SAR @Rebort (gone to pcars2)
    22. SAR @bowie (psn: sighmehpffff) (out for season)
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  2. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Division placing updated in OP
    Please let me know if you feel misplaced via PM
  3. Rebort

    Rebort Team Driver Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Being new to GT Sport racing (have been playing in Pcars league) what options do I need to add to the stock car purchased? Eg weight reduction or power level or do these have to stay at level 1?

    Sorry for the newb questions.
  4. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    keep it at 100% each.

    You will only be able to change the Brake Bias
  5. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Welcome all to Season 11!
    Each week there will be a briefing for that Sunday's race, and it is important you read it and understand it.

    This Sunday is the Meet n Greet (MnG), which we use mainly to test the connections and compatibility of/between all drivers in each division.

    This season, we have quite a few new drivers signing up to ROOZ or trying GT Sport after regular seasons in Project Cars 2 so we should have a 5 min qualifying session and follow that up with short races on each season track using the 'fastest first based on previous race results' option.

    It would also help to have 2-3 room captains per division checking settings prior to every qualifying session throughout the season, so if you have been around for a few seasons, and could help with the room organisation, please post in your division thread so I can add you to those OP's

    I will create a PM for all room hosts/captains etc soon.

    Finally, PLEASE ensure that you complete the Meet n Greet in your specified division. Unless you have approval from @Matthyus , @emmo46 or myself to race in a different division on the night of MnG, Room Captains are instructed to kick those drivers from your room. (They are fine to spectate, but only if they are unable to race in their own division)
  6. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I need some hands up please guys for Room host, backup host, party host, and 2-3 room captains
  7. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 3 is now:
    Renault Sport Heritage Livery Round
    Aza2672 and Kieran_B33 like this.
  8. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  9. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  10. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Aza2672 likes this.
  11. john

    john New Recruit

    PSN ID
    cheers thanks for the add
    Aza2672 and Matthyus like this.
  12. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Aza2672 likes this.
  13. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Aza2672, JJ_Penguin and Kieran_B33 like this.
  14. robin edwards

    robin edwards Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Welcome new guys and returning roozers keen this season good too see large fields for this season hope to be part of action not keeping back row warm
    Aza2672 and Easyprey007 like this.
  15. Watto64

    Watto64 Rookie

    Hey fellas, just want to ask the question about the starting type. At the meet & greet, each race was started with a rolling start.
    Is this the normal thing or do we have grid starts?
    Reason I ask is that if you’re in the mid pack or further back, you’re potentially 10 seconds behind the pole man before turn 1.
    Personally, I like grid starts because you can make a good one or you can f##k it up.
  16. Kieran_B33

    Kieran_B33 Professional

    PSN ID
    Rolling starts are what we are supposed to be doing, but after tonights M&G others have expressed the same concern too
  17. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

    PSN ID
    Personally I'm not overly bothered with the rolling start... Prefer that to someone spinning out at the start, potentially ruining races... especially with these cars and their immense torque.... But hey, I'll go with whatever is chosen
  18. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  19. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
  20. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Round 1: Dragon Trail - Seaside - 27 Laps - 08:00 Fine - 19/4

    WELCOME to Season 11!!
    As always please take 2 mins to read the following so you have an understanding of what is expected on race night......If you have any questions, or want clarification on any of the rules or regulations please ask!

    ROOM OPEN : Most room captains will 'try' to have rooms open by about 7:50 AEST. Please be on time, or let the room captain or div thread if you may be late. If all agree, the room may wait for you, Within reason. Please remember we have drivers from NZ, and later starts mean a much later night for them.
    QUALIFYING : 8:20 AEST for 5 mins. With the x0 fuel in qualifying, we will be using qualifying mode so if drivers are late, qualifying can start later eg 8:25. If drivers have informed that they will be later and room captains agree to wait for them, qualifying can be completed in practice mode, then results saved and fuel rate changed back to x2 then grid set by host. If a driver joins while qualifying mode is active, room captains will need to grab a quick photo of qualifying results, cancel the race and then set grid by host.
    In practice mode, once 5 mins has been reached, finish the lap you are on and park up off track.

    RACE START TIME : 8:25-30 AEST (once qualifying has finished)

    LAG ISSUES / ROOM RESTARTS : This is up to the room host/captains. If there is a Disconnection (or cars stuck on grid) at race start, it is sporting to try to get them back in, which may mean a new room to be set up. I always look at 1 or 2 starts if required due to DSC, but as it gets later everyone needs to be aware of getting things going. Please be as reasonable as you can with this....
    SIGHT ISSUES: Ensure that you can see everyone on track. Before qualifying, exit to lobby and spend 30 seconds in spectate mode, scroll through the list of drivers on track and make sure that you can see their car. If you can't see somebody (and they are confirmed as being on track), exit the lobby, re-join, and check again.

    ROLLING START : If a driver has a connection issue, their car has the possibility of not following the rolling start procedure and instead turning in a tight circle/into the wall and holding up drivers behind. In the instance this occurs, a restart MUST happen. If this isn't resolved after a restart, the affected driver can try once more starting rear of the grid. That way if the issue remains, they will hold no one up and can exit track.

    TURN 1 LAP 1 : With rolling start, we have more room going into T1, but you should still be cautious not to dive into someone. If your unassisted tap causes someone to spin, you need to redress.

    TRACK LIMITS : As we are running with 'track limit penalties" OFF, we will run with our usual Raceonoz track limit regulations. This means you MUST have at least 2 wheels on the ripple strip OR white line that defines the track limit. If you do make a mistake and have to run outside the limits, be aware that you are not allowed to gain any advantage.
    This car doesn't agree with all the curves, so we are pretty safe here from limit extensions causing advantage.

    CONTACT : Is to be avoided at all times..... If you rear end someone and gain an advantage, YOU ARE EXPECTED to give the spot back. Side by side 'rubbing' is racing, within reason, but all drivers are expected to give racing room.
    If you bump someone and they end up off track or teleport back to the corner entry, you must wait for them to rejoin and get back up to speed.
    Show each other RESPECT! It is difficult enough to drive the car at the limit on your own, without someone squeezing you within a millimeter of the grass.
    So be patient and show respect to your fellow drivers.

    TYRES : Racing Mediums

    Drivers MUST make an attempt to use the pit entry / exit lines. HOWEVER, the entry line is allowed to be cut, up to the point it becomes wider and striped. This will allow drivers to run their normal speed/line out of T19 and then move over to enter the pits
    PIT EXIT :
    Please use the pit exit lane and be aware of cars approaching on the straight.

    BLUE FLAGS : Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    STEWARDS GROUP AND RACE PROTESTS : This season the stewards will be will be @Hatfield @JonoStan96 @Viperzed & @emmo46. If you have reason to protest, please SAVE YOUR REPLAY, and then let us know via a PM.
    DO NOT BLOW UP IN THE FORUM OR IN THE ROOM CHAT. There have been multiple incidents where the replays from drivers have been different, so its true that sometimes things are not as black and white as they may seem. You have until MIDNIGHT, Monday night to register your protest via PM. We will ask for video evidence from both drivers or room captain to make any decision.

    SAVE YOUR REPLAY : If the room host can ask all drivers to save their replay would be good before exiting the room.....once they exit out and the option goes, it cant be retrieved!

    PARTY CHAT : With the new party chat feature able to hold up to 16 participants, each division will have an open party chat for those that wish to use it. We recommend this especially to new drivers as they may ask questions about how the night is run or to clarify anything they are not confident on.

    PARKING UP : If you are unable to continue to race, please enter the pits and leave your game paused without selecting tyres (or no tyres) so that your car stays parked in the pits. Parking up off track activates yellow flags in the sector, and even though penalties are off, we have reports of penalties occurring for passes happening near the parked car.

    FINAL NOTE: Could all drivers please confirm their attendance for this Sunday by 'liking' this post in your division. If you are unable to attend, please post in reply as much in your division. This way we can figure out our reserves or if the room can start early in advance.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020