Division 2 - Season 6

Discussion in 'PCLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. CobMcCool

    CobMcCool Professional Gold Member

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    I've got an in game screenshot that has blindman 6th, v8 7th, and Gary 8th, but I don't know how to get it from ps4 to here.
  2. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Guys, i have to make a comment on what appears to be a growing trend in our community, and to be honest, it worries me.

    Over the last month we have collated the PRE-EXISTING rules that our community had run by over the last 5 or 6 years. We had run by these rules in 13 seasons of GT5, 12 seasons of GT6 and now 6 seasons of PCARS and AC.

    That collation included making a few adjustments, as well as implementing the stewards group. This was supposed to make things easier for everyone to understand, and easier for us, as a community, and mod team, to get things sorted quickly and efficiently.

    It was NEVER intended to become a way for people to make petty protests, taking up the time of guys on the stewards group.

    Rules are rules, i get it......but i have to say i have never protested against someone for a trivial matter, that has NO EFFECT on the race result of me or those i am racing against.

    This community has thrived over the last few years, driven by a large number of people looking for the same thing.....clean and competitive racing. The majority of us didn't get involved to look through hours of footage to see if someone 'might' have exceeded track limits a couple of times, 30 seconds up the road !

    Its this simple guys.....Everyone is expected to race clean. Being 'racers' we all know what is expected of us on the track.

    The rules are there for all to see, in their 'newly collated' glory ! Are they perfect...nope, but show me a race series in the world where after an incident the organizers and racers all get in for a group hug.

    I am going to make this request once only.
    Before you protest, and ultimately take up the time of people who have other real life commitments, PLEASE ASK YOURSELF, is my protest for a genuine "RACE CHANGING" incident or is it being pedantic, for something that has no bearing on any driver or race results ?

    As a mod team, we can't win. On the one hand we are accused of bias, and not being 'professional' enough. On the other hand, we are accused of being too heavy handed in dishing out penalties for 'a game'.

    I will uphold your right to protest BAD DRIVING every day of the week. As i have always said, every driver here has the right to drive knowing that those around them will do the best they can to race cleanly. I will also uphold the mod team's right to make decisions in the best interest of the community, without bias or favour.

    This is what we (ROOZ) strive for, and we will continue to do so.

    Please take a deep breath and reflect on what you want out of ROOZ, and more importantly, how can you contribute to a great community. If your contribution is 'just' to race in the way you are expected then that's ok.......If you want to do more, then even better.

    If you don't want to work with the systems used for a combined 30+ seasons and 5 years, then drivers are more than welcome to find what they want elsewhere.

    With so many drivers and sponsors we must be doing something right.

    Now get on with it.
    stilesy, t_b_williams, George and 4 others like this.
  3. Killercarlcox69

    Killercarlcox69 Professional

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  4. v8power383

    v8power383 Professional

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    v8power383 Turn Left Racing
    Race Results
    @Hatfield please note P6, P7, P8 are not correct
    6th - Garyw61
    8th - v8power383

    Qualifing Results
    Fastest Laps
    garyw61 likes this.
  5. Blindman

    Blindman Team Driver

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    Yer cob my screen shot is the same but the finishing order as we crossed the line isaa V8 said in earlier post Gary , me then v8 ! Race re cap managed to claim pole with a 44 lap which was great in these conditions. Started to slowly pull a gap then decided to pit on lap 5 with a handy lead came out of the pits and thought I would keep it clean and put my head down about 1/2 way through the lap I realized COB had been down to my pit crew and slipped them a few BUCKS to put wets back on my car ! Bloody hell another pit stop required pit that lap an finally get medium tyres . Dead last ! So head down and foot to the floor trying to make as many spots as possible to try and catch the guys in front slow past a couple of cars and caught Gary and v8 with TB a little further up the road with about 2 laps to go I battled hard to make a couple of spots to cross the line behind Gary and with v8 behind me . Great win COB and to sp and stozza for the podium . BLINDMAN racceya later :cool:
    George and garyw61 like this.
  6. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Shout out to @ShootSho7t who has stuck it out, after being placed higher than he should have.

    Real credit to you mate....
    George, v8power383, garyw61 and 6 others like this.
  7. Killercarlcox69

    Killercarlcox69 Professional

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  8. SuiCid3

    SuiCid3 Professional

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    A lot of race craft can be learnt racing with guys that are faster than you.
    Anthonyb and RHINO11 like this.
  9. v8power383

    v8power383 Professional

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    v8power383 Turn Left Racing
    Can we make room for him in div 3?
    Anthonyb likes this.
  10. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

    Only had 10 last week at spa.
    v8power383 likes this.
  11. dj2ca

    dj2ca Professional Gold Member

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    Yeah. As host I keep track of who's in and out. We've had a few people pull out of the season so at full capacity we only have 14 drivers. We could easily slot him in with us.
    Anthonyb and v8power383 like this.
  12. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    @ShootSho7t wbat do you think ?
    Given how patient you have been this season, if you want to move to a room with closer speed we will
    Accommodate it.
    Anthonyb and dj2ca like this.
  13. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

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    L O N G W E E K E N D maybe??????????????
    Anthonyb likes this.
  14. Anthonyb

    Anthonyb World Champion Gold Member

    Yeah we had 11 but a couple of dsc only have 14 if everyone can make it so we have room.
    But it wasn't a long weekend in the states that matter
  15. NAACS

    NAACS Professional

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    Yeah it was. SA the only state.
    garyw61 and Anthonyb like this.
  16. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    R6 : 19th March - IMOLA ENDURO - 44 LAPS -
    24 Hr Cycle - Race start 10am - 7/6/17

    TIme progression X15
    Damage - OFF (so drivers dont lose their headlights for the night stint if they have an incident)
    Weather slots
    1. Clear
    2. Light Cloud
    3. Fog
    4. Clear
    Wear - Real
    Fuel - Slow
    Compulsory pit stop - YES

    Ok guys, 44 laps of imola for the enduro will be a tough gig. Did a race distance last night so some general info for all
    - Fuel. you should NOT have to put fuel in. I finished with over 9L last night which is 4.5 laps worth.
    - Tyres. I stopped at 22 laps and changed tires, my worst was at 80%. Make of that what you will :ninja:
    - Time change - It gets dark around lap 13 or 14 and was dark till about lap 35, so its 50/50 or close to. I found only a few laps (at dusk and dawn) that i lost a few of my brake markers on the road. Middle of the night was fine, but i would suggest you do some night runs to not only get used to the dark, but also the lower grip with the lower track temp.

    TRACK LIMITS : As per our rules and regs drivers must keep 2 wheels on the ripple strips or white lines at all times. We all make a mistake or 2, but if you are caught "continually and obviously" running outside the track limits to gain advantage you will be penalized by the stewards group. There are track cut penalties here everywhere ! NOTABLY at turns 2,3,4,5 and 6. The Exit of 9 where the car gets light and you can run wide, and turn 12. There are also substantial run off areas before you get pinged. BE WARNED....IF YOU CONTINUALLY EXCEED TRACK LIMITS EXPECT A PENALTY.
    NOTE : The main corner of note will be 15, the exit of the Variante chicane..Drivers ARE PERMITTED to run over the green (syn grass) part of the exit. Be warned though, there is a penalty there if you go too wide.

    CONTACT : CONTACT IS TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES. If you make contact with the car in front, and gain an advantage you MUST REDRESS and give the place back. Failure to do so could result in a penalty from the stewards group. Obviously, this is a higher chance in the dark at the chicanes.

    PASSING : Is plenty of spots to pass here, when a car pulls along side you are EXPECTED to give racing room. Contact in being aggressive trying to defend will be looked at, better to give room and continue the fight.

    TURN 1 LAP 1 : Dont need to be a rocket scientist to know that you cant win the race in the first corner, but you sure as hell can lose it for yourself and / or ruin another drivers races by either being too aggressive OR too defensive into T1. Stay in your lane till the grid shakes out by turns 6 and 7. Use your brains here lads and give room to those around you. Back half of the grid need to brake a little earlier and not cause chaos with kamikazee passes.

    COMPULSORY PITSTOP : All drivers must make a compulsory pitstop. Pit lane is open from LAP 1. All drivers will have to make sure their pit strat is sorted from last week's wet round, and make the decision of wanting to take tires or not . We have found in the past that having multiple strategies can cause issues, so i would recommend you delete all except for the sierra one (even default).

    PIT ENTRY / EXIT : Both are straightforward, however DO NOT swerve across the front of other cars on entry. Drivers should remain right on the exit of turn 19 (rivaza) for a clean entry into pit lane.
    On EXIT, drivers should be aware of fast drivers approaching. The exit line is tricky, as following all the way almost runs you off the road. Please stay as far right as possible into T1 if there is traffic approaching, once through the first chicane then all should be good to resume racing.

    BLUE FLAGS : Please observe blue flags, and move out of the way of faster cars if you are being lapped. With the 2 classes there is slightly more chance of blue flags coming into play, so you should be aware of the leaders coming up on you, and move out of the way as soon as possible. Best to get off the race line, and with a small lift let them go, so you can continue the fight with those in your class. Failure to observe blue flags WILL result in a penalty

    STEWARDS GROUP AND RACE PROTESTS : This season we will be using the new stewards group for racing infringements and protests. Many thanks to the guys who have put their hands up to volunteer. The specific Stewards group thread will have all the info in it, regarding rules and regs, and the protest procedure. Please read it and understand how it works...we are still to link in the collated rules and regs.........You have until 12PM monday night to submit a protest, and 12PM Tuesday night for your evidence to be submitted.

    SAVE YOUR REPLAY ! : Please remember to save your replay after the race. If you want to protest anything, we can only act on the info we have in front of us, failure to do so will not enable us to view things from your game perspective, and with some of the issues we have seen, this could have a massive influence on how the stewards group will view and rule on any incident.
    George and Jim_aka_The_Man like this.
  17. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  18. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Guys, just a very quick reply to my above post....been an interesting few days, with quite a few replies and PMs with a range of views expressed. I am sure you are all sick of hearing from me, but in light of a few discussions i have had after posting i wanted to make a couple of very quick comments.

    1. As stated originally, my post WAS NOT directed at anyone in particular. I have had 3 members think it was directed at them, and can i again say that it was a 'general' comment to all drivers.
    2. My post WAS NOT intended to offend or upset anyone. If it did, i apologise.
    3. While i stand by my comments, in hindsight, i could have perhaps have worded a little differently to make my point, which was, that the time of the stewards group is voluntary, and they were (over the opening 5 rounds) seeming to be dealing with quite a few protests that perhaps didn't need to be made.
    4. I will say again, that everyone has the right to protest an incident that they feel has affected the race result.
    5. As a mod, i personally don't want to see anyone leave our community. If you have a concern, question or want to discuss something PLEASE send me, or someone on the mod team, a PM so we can discuss in a rational way to come to a solution.

    The stewards group for this season has been an interesting exercise, and it has reinforced to me that regardless of the decision made from them, or ultimately, from the appeals group, there is generally 1 person not happy !
    All i can ask is that drivers respect their decision (even if you dont agree with it). The difficulty of judging some of the incidents has been evidenced by the difference of opinion even in the stewards group ! It's Not an easy job.

    We are a large group of people now, different ages, abilities and personalities.
    I think sometimes that gets a little lost with the red mist of race nights.

    Again, we want ALL members to have a great experience here, if you feel the need to discuss something please don't hesitate to PM me so we can sort things out for the betterment of everyone. We may not agree, but at least we can have the conversation.

    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
    George, t_b_williams, garyw61 and 2 others like this.
  19. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  20. t_b_williams

    t_b_williams Tim Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Starting to get the thread up now.
    v8power383 likes this.