GTS S9 - Fastest Laps & Race Times

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Matthyus, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Each of us has our own reasons and ambitions for signing up to do a season. I love racing, always have. I am not as fast as I would like to be, maybe my age has a little to do with that but I have to admit I could never be a top driver like keeden, I wish I knew the secret behind the inputs to the wheel and pedals that would gel with the algorithms behind this game.
    I think we all race because we enjoy it and the attraction of close and fair racing draws us here. That draw is heightened if there is a possibility of a win or podium. I have been very fortunate to win a few championships albeit in the bottom divisions. I believe I won those through hard graft rather than any talent. When I know I have a chance I will do all the practice my mind and body and time will allow so that I will put my best foot forward. Even when I am pitted against superior drivers (which is mostly) I will do my best because I am an eternal optimist hoping I will be rewarded for effort. To have a win in div 2 last Sunday was the greatest achievement I have attained at ROOZ, surpassing any other win or championship and makes all the work worthwhile.
    I understand though when people sign up expecting good results only to have poor early races. They get disenchanted and go off to find something more rewarding to do, I see it every season. I also understand that people aren't as keen as I am to do the hard work for the results. It is for this reason that generally 1/3 of the signups are gone before the half way mark of the season and by the end we are generally down to less that half of the entrants.
    What we can do about that is beyond me, it is just human nature.

    @apex2691 's idea
    "Possibly a 5 round season will retain numbers.
    1 Spare week before could used for a "lightning Championship" before season. Say 3x15 min races at 3 of the most different season tracks. If there was a "Lightning Championship" with reward it might sort speed out for some of the hurdles above.
    could have some merit. It will help us to sort the field if there is a genuine reward for showing your true pace in a preliminary event.
  2. Noxrai

    Noxrai Professional Gold Member

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    Good points.
    Im just gonna toss some ideas about on how to improve attendance.
    Maybe we can send discount codes to div winners and podium places. Maybe to the people that attend 6 out the 7 races? I know we have a big prize draw similar to this but something smaller like the codes mentioned could maybe be more feasible sending multiple out per season?
    Could ask/use a variety of our sponsers.
    Or maybe discount codes or a giveaway from the merchandise store. I know I would love me a sweet Raceonoz tshirt.

    I'm going to add my feelings to the merging of divs as I've had a bit of time to think about it. I'm going to ruffle some feathers here. We've done it before. And it's worked pretty good I think. I come here to race, and I don't care which division that driver may come from. I get my enjoyment for the thrill of the chase, the terror of being chased and that awesome hard but fair racing action. But that's just me. I have no chance at the championship. Maybe my stance would change if I new I had a shot at winning div 2. I know some of you want a fair fight with only your divisional compatriots. I can understand that. You want no other driver be it a lower or or higher div to get in the way.
    Real life gt3 series such as the Blancpain make their different divisions drive together. (Silver, pro, am). I do understand that 3/4 of the way through the season changes things though. It's a tough call. Could we incentivise it? Maybe.
    What if for every driver a lower div ends up in front of a higher div driver they earn an extra championship point?
    I feel if you are fast enough to be gunning for a championship, you're probably fast enough to beat a few guys in a div above you. Have a great race and you may come away with an even better points hall. Just an idea.

    I must admit, div 1 has looked to be incredibly competitive this season. Everyone seems to be fighting tooth and nail for every position. We need more of this, and less lonesome races at the back.

    Maybe the next gt game can have grid sizes of 40 and we can all race together from the get go. Now that would be a sight to see!
  3. Buster_Danis

    Buster_Danis Team Driver

    I’m guessing I may not be alone in saying maybe part of the reason the numbers do dwindle during a season is:

    A. Sundays/ weekends, don’t always suit everyone, all the time (me included!).
    For me, working in hospitality, Sunday is my actually my “Saturday”, the only day I have available, where I might like to get together with friends n family for a barbie or arvo session. So of course, there’s a toss up over taking the awesome racing with rooz seriously, (as I do, which means being the boring one at the party & yes, my mates & I like a shandy or 2) ;) or flip side, skipping a race or 2 to party on, which can possibly lead to giving up on a season all together!:(
    Is there maybe a week night that we can all agree on that suits everyone more? Just a thought of course. (Has this question been raised in the past, & what was the consensus?)
    B. Not enough time to race with the struggles of everyday life, family, work etc.
    An idea would be:
    Less seasons per year, but more rounds per season maybe, say 10 even. Then each round being every second week.
    This could give people a bit more free time for practice & preparation (testing/strategy etc.), & hopefully build anticipation & enthusiasm.
    (Don’t get me wrong, although I’ve not been very competitive of late, My enthusiasm is very high!)
    I know if I had a little more time between each round id have the best of both worlds:thumbsup:

    I know this is digressing from the original conversation of faster guys in their divisions, (to which, imo, I say pay your dues in your given division, your time will come!) but yes it’s a shame that numbers do wane during a season, & I’m just throwing my 2 cents worth in to stimulate (i love that word for some reason?:p) conversation/ discussion on the issue. Cheers!:thumbsup:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
    incey, T F Eccles, Max Gassit and 4 others like this.
  4. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

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    I'll jump in here - I don't have a lot to say though, and certainly no ideas for future seasons, this being my first one and all.

    I'm loving the racing. Yes, some of the races I have blitzed ahead of the pack, but that doesn't mean I'm 'that' much faster than all (Consistent laps, not coming off, and managing tyre/fuel helps). With CAGME and Sooby-Scott in my div, there has been some intense close racing - and that is exactly why I signed up. I was sick of racing in the Daily races against people that use you as a corner guide, I wanted to race with like minded people, with like minded race ethics. I had no idea of my skill level against anyone here, and for me, in my first season to be in Div 4 - it worked well for me. Also with me though, I do practice throughout the week when I can for an hour or so, and often I'm jumping on with div 1/2/3 drivers - and I push to keep up with them, watch their laps, adjust my style, and go from there (And I would like to thank all the guys that took the time to give me tips and hints when racing these nights!). For me, when you're racing those people that are quicker than you, it tends to push me harder, and in the end I get better lap times, better lines through the track and also better race craft.

    Now for me, winning is purely just for my own satisfaction, I didn't even know anything about prizes here haha. I just figured I'm in NZ, I wouldn't be getting any prizes!

    I'm happy to move forward with whatever is decided for next season - all I know is that I will definitely be here. I love racing with you guys, I love the banter, love the team camaraderie (GO PNL) - I especially love the close racing and respect most of us have for one another. We're all here to have fun, I know I do (even when I don't win)
    incey, Apex_64, T F Eccles and 8 others like this.
  5. Mightymurph51

    Mightymurph51 Rookie

    I've been in a few leagues over the past 10 years and most have been a weekday, however the ones that have been on a weekend have been reasonably succussful regarding turn outs. I can totally relate to the Hospo job @Buster_Danis Sunday is my "Friday" From what i find though is if you have breaks inbetween rounds it kills the momentum. Maybe thats just down to who's in it, but i've been in leagues where we took time off for xmas/NY or even just a week off for a mid season break and the grid quatered to halved. (Not shutting you down at all, just my 2c worth)
    incey, Apex_64, Max Gassit and 2 others like this.
  6. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I've just had a look at the possible dates next season
    School Holidays finish the Australia Day Long Weekend which is Sunday 26/1 (This could be meet n greet)
    The following Sundays until April school holidays are:
    2/2 S10 R1
    9/2 S10 R2
    16/2 S10 R3
    23/2 S10 R4
    1/3 S10 R5
    8/3 S11 R1
    15/3 S11 R2
    22/3 S11 R3
    29/3 S11 R4
    5/4 S11 R5
    12/4 is Easter Long Weekend and start of school holidays

    That would allow of 2 back to back seasons of 5 rounds each

    If I had an entry thread for S10/11 for drivers to indicate if they were in for 1 or both seasons, and @Matthyus was able to sort out divisions without the break between Seasons, this might be a possibility.
    Car and regs would change for each season
    Teams would remain the same from the pre-season draft for both seasons.

  7. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    I'm quite happy with the current arrangement but if this suits others then I am happy to go with it. Some of the gripes I hear are that the scoring system for the sprint round is confusing and that the enduros are too long. I don't have a problem with either of these issues but it may please others to change it. Maybe just five 1 hour races per season.
  8. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Actually, If I were selfish I would suggest 5 enduros at St Criox A II.
  9. Xtr3meNZer

    Xtr3meNZer Professional Gold Member

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    Hahaha 5 Enduros! Wouldn't that be a laugh.
    As I said, I'm easy as to what ever is decided. I'll be here for both either way
    Easyprey007 likes this.
  10. Noxrai

    Noxrai Professional Gold Member

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    Apex_64, emmo46 and Buster_Danis like this.
  11. Ozglenn

    Ozglenn Team Driver Gold Member

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    I think the biggest problem is when new drivers join they are not placed in the right division it has been happening since season one ......I am not picking on the system or the organisers it what we have but I think we need to try and fix it ......
    Apex_64 likes this.
  12. Easyprey007

    Easyprey007 Professional

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    I have always wanted to do ring enduros
    5 weeks
    Set up like Bathurst Div. Stagged start.
    Red Bull Ring Dry
    Nürburgring Nordschleife
    Nürburgring GP
    Red Bull Ring Wet
    Nürburgring 24h.
    Buster_Danis likes this.
  13. Buster_Danis

    Buster_Danis Team Driver

    Love it, but can we replace RBR-wet with Laguna Seca instead? (hoping it'll be released soon!)
  14. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Laguna Seca is out today.
    Buster_Danis likes this.
  15. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Actually I was in the lead before the half way mark so normal length would still be OK.
    Buster_Danis likes this.
  16. Matthyus

    Matthyus GTLOZ Results Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    TBH, it doesn't fix the issue of new or racers who gel with car track placement.
    As almost all long term racers here have mentioned, it has always been this way.
    I do believe that perhaps we do drop the amount of races down, but we all pre-qualify for the race, just like the test season.
    The only reason the test season fell over was the mid week qualification, which doesn't work. Qual on the Sunday, the following Sunday do the race. Less races, but at least everyone should be racing with people who are of the same pace.
    I've not had a chance to look at a calendar to see if it fits, but I believe that this would resolve the long standing issue of some racers being in the wrong room.
    incey and Buster_Danis like this.
  17. Buster_Danis

    Buster_Danis Team Driver

    I think a lot of this misplacing may be due to self infliction on the individual's part. When setting a time in the sign up qualifying car, people maybe sending in a sandbagging lap for an advantage, or even a mega lap that is hard to replicate consistently, which will certainly put you in the wrong division. I'm a little guilty of the latter myself. When i signed up back just before season 2 (Grp 4 Mustang), I probably tried that qualli lap over 10 or 15 times until my ego was happy with it. Of course it got me in to division 2, but i soon realized that if i'd been honest with myself, i'd actually have been more competitive in div 3. stuck with it as a learning curve & the right div found me, but it shows why some can be out of their depth, or a little lonely at the front.
  18. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Still potential to sand bag.
  19. Buster_Danis

    Buster_Danis Team Driver

    ....or everyone just pre-qualify for each new season even?
  20. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    When I prequalify I generally do about 5 or six laps, by then I have gotten close to my best time. It can take me another 30 or laps to improve that marginally.