Division 1 - Season 6

Discussion in 'PCLOZ Past Seasons' started by stucar17, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. SuiCid3

    SuiCid3 Professional

    PSN ID
    Looks like 3rd place is hotly contested in all 3 divisions :thumbsup:
  2. Slambobagan

    Slambobagan Professional Super ROOZ

    Thought I'd stuffed my chances for 3rd missing 2 rounds put looks like I m still in with a chance,
    Bloody beau misses 3 rounds and still gets 2nd
    stucar17 likes this.
  3. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Had a heap of guys in our race run the other night have the HOT TYRE GLITCH, where after their stop, even though they didnt change tyres, the temps after half a lap went through the roof.

    We all agreed that we heard the pressures change at the stop, even though we didnt change tires.

    I would suggest that you DELETE your pit strat and set up a new one. When we did that, it was fine again. Only takes 2 mins.

    As there are a few who dont get on the forum very often, cen everyone PLEASE mention this to all drivers if in a prac room.

    I will also ask room hosts to check on the night that everyone has this sorted.

    Thanks stu
  4. Woffu

    Woffu New Recruit

    PSN ID
    I'm not gunna make it tonight sorry guys still stuck at work.
  5. Slambobagan

    Slambobagan Professional Super ROOZ

    Well done quikas for the championship.
    And Cheers for the season guys had a good turnout every round had a lot of fun.
    Awesome work behind the scenes stu, you the man.
    Looking forward to the next one as long as it's a proper car with doors and a roof :whistling::thumbsup:
    CTRacing and AOCleaner74 like this.
  6. AOCleaner74

    AOCleaner74 Professional Gold Member

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    Yes well done Quick. Would have been good for Beau to have been here the last few rounds, I really think it would have been a close fought few races.
    CTRacing and Beau_Albert like this.
  7. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

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    iRacing: Beau Albert
    Yeah, i would of loved to but sadly i just had other commitments which didn't allow me too.
    Yep. Thats definitely what happened.
    But nah, i'm glad i didn't win this Championship. Would've felt like a twat to not have completed much more than half of the races and then just not shown up because i'd of been the champion. I'm unsure of the third/fourth place drivers in the title race, but to me they deserve to be Second and Third instead. Well done to quickas on the Championship. You certainly were Quick as and proved that you could take the fight to anyone :thumbsup:
    JonoStan96 and CTRacing like this.
  8. CTRacing

    CTRacing Rookie

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    Thanks all
    Was great to race with great people. Had a good time
    SPL Racing likes this.
  9. jasondull1986

    jasondull1986 Professional

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    Tough finale to a tough season well done to the div winners and cheers to mods for putting another great series together. Hopefully we can repeat the cars ability for good racing next season and looking forward to another challenge.
  10. SPL Racing

    SPL Racing Professional Gold Member

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    Congrats to @CTRacing on your maiden ROOZ championship, it didn't take long! I just wanted to thank @stucar17 and the mods for putting together another great season of racing and to all the guys for some great close clean racing. Probably one of the toughest seasons I have experienced in my time here in a car that I couldn't quite come to grips with, but still no less fun.

    It was great to see the numbers remaining steady week after week with over 10 drivers every week instead of the dwindling numbers we have seen in Div 1 over past seasons.

    I was way off pace in quali last night and couldn't find my groove so I started on the back row again and just managed to slip through the carnage at turn 2 to slip up a few positions. I decided to pit early and got the jump on a Kart and Cagme, I came out just in front of AO in 6th but a slip up at the chicane let him slip through. With Jason, Kart and Cagme 14 seconds back I just cruised around trying to save tyres and not make any mistakes.

    Whilst I enjoyed driving this car I really couldn't get the most out of it and I look forward to being a little more competitive next season.
    CTRacing and AOCleaner74 like this.
  11. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  12. RHINO11

    RHINO11 Team Driver

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    Sorry if anyone got caught up by the carnage caused at turn 2, just before the entry my pause menu came up and I couldn't shut it quick enough to avoid going into the back of quick and spinning in front of the field. Next thing I knew someone had sent me in to a spectacular barrel roll. Less than 2 laps and over 5 impromptu exits to the playstation screen later I retired...not sure if I remained in the room until the end of the race or not because I didn't return to my PS4 until well over an hour later by which time it had turned off.

    Well done quick and everyone one else who grabbed a podium this race and for the season. I will be replacing my wheel before season 2 so I can have a crack at quick next season ;) :)
    Oh and I think it was AO I nearly cleaned up on lap 1 or 2 at the hairpin...one minute I was braking and turning the next I was staring at a share menu
    CTRacing and JonoStan96 like this.
  13. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    v8power383 and CTRacing like this.
  14. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Another season done and dusted......Well done guys on what was an enjoyable 7 rounds.
    I really enjoyed the sierra, was a great little car !

    THANK YOU to everyone who has rocked up every week keeping the grid numbers above 10 for every round....Has not been many seasons where that has happened. I think it speaks volumes for the quality of the driving (overall).

    My race last night was against @AOCleaner74 and @Slambobagan for 3rd in the championship, and i think i have been pipped at the post by slambo for 3rd....Oh well, if someone mentioned that i could finish 4th at season's end i would sent them to have their head read !

    Last night qual was a tight affair, with the cars from 3rd to 8th split by just 0.24 of a second....unbelievable, given i was lining up 4th in a quality field.....I had been having issues (like rhino) where the pit menu would pop up out of nowhere and i would run off the road. Just before i activated the race room, i pulled the wheel rim off and hit it with some contact cleaner, screwed her back on and hoped it would clear itself....seemed to work thankfully.

    Race start i was swamped into 1, but held a wide line so i was on the inside for 2, and it seemed to work, up until i saw rhino sideways on the exit......i managed to miss him by a bees doodle, and settled into 3rd, with @COME_AND_GET_ME7 fighting hard to keep the pack behind...It worked well for me as the gap grew out to about 4 seconds, then some early pitters, or fighting or something saw me out to 6 seconds to @mikeruntbike. I pitted on about lap 14 (i think) and was back to 4th for a while knowing that mike had to stop, @CTRacing would be miles ahead after stopping on lap 2, and slambo was about 8 secs up the road when i came in....

    Mike pitted, and i was again about 6 secs up the road in 4th, so the only ? was how far slambo would be in front once he stopped......bugger me he came out just in front in Turn 1, and it was on for 2nd.....if i had of known his pit crew put fuel in i would have had a bigger crack, but given teh drop round points it may not have made any difference....

    3 completely unexpected podiums this season so i am happy with that, and more importantly some great racing and battles over the 7 rounds. Well done to @CTRacing and @Slambobagan for the final spots on the podium for the championship, @Beau_Albert shame you couldnt stick it out, but 2nd i think isnt to be sneezed at given the obvious pace you had for the first few rounds.

    We will get the car sorted for season 7 in the next few days, and then start to sort the regs for what we hope will be another solid group of races.....

    Get your entry in ASAP so we can start to sort the divs
    Discussion thread here

    Thanks guys, hoping we get big grids again next season...Stu
  15. stucar17

    stucar17 Moderator Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Ok guys....our official thank you and congratulations post !

    Well done to @CTRacing on the D1 championship. Well deserved and you can only race those on the track around you !
    @Beau_Albert , 2nd after only half a season reinforced your pace and all the best in iracing.
    @Slambobagan , great pace as always mate, looking forward to seeing you take it to CTR next season at the front !

    To everyone else, thanks for a great season, lots of guys had some really solid results and showed great pace at certain times. Really hope we can have another great season 7 with big grids and great racing. With only 7 or 8 protests in total over all three divs for the whole season, i would like to think that the respect shown to other drivers was high, so thanks for that.

    Thanks to everyone who helped test, setup and run the season. To the room hosts and room captains thanks for keeping it smooth.

    BIg thanks to @jasondull1986 and @v8power383 for the collation of race results and fastest laps.

    Of course to @Hatfield for the great job he does with the tables.

    Thanks also to the stewards group who, lets be honest, had a pretty thankless job in looking at and ruling on protests. This was always a bit of an experiment, and we are discussing in the mod group at the moment at what we could probably do to make things easier and clearer for everyone involved.

    Hope to see you all for the new season, if you could register you interest ASAP so we can start to get the divs sorted would be a great help with the last minute juggle we always seem to get.

    Entry thread

    Season and car discussion thread

    Stu and Ads
  16. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  17. Beau_Albert

    Beau_Albert World Champion

    PSN ID
    iRacing: Beau Albert
    Pretty cool to see that if you won the race overall, you took all 27 points as well! Not sure i've seen that happen before
    Anthonyb likes this.