Season 10 - Division 1- Powered by TURTLE BEACH

Discussion in 'GTLOZ Past Seasons' started by Hatfield, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. B-Spec Bob

    B-Spec Bob Team Driver

    PSN ID
    Seen the replay too, can confirm @apex2691:
    1. Binned it last sector on final lap when he cut a corner too much, put 4 wheels onto the grass and subsequently lost the rear end on SS tyres worn down to 4-3-3-3;
    2. Continued on and rear ended @Bryan_F at the 3rd last corner, causing both to go off track;
    3. Called everyone in the room 'pucking fricks' in the end of race lobby and demanded @BMWF30328 appologise for costing him 3rd place (lapping incident occurred 4 laps prior. The following lap, bmw was deliberately forced off track by apex after unlapping himself on much fresher tyres).
    Fun fact, it was best mate @lets_party-1611 who was applying the pressure before apex's mistake.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
  2. its-benny-racer

    its-benny-racer Professional Gold Member

  3. BMWF30328

    BMWF30328 Rookie

    I have watched the replay of the laps and incidents that apex questioned me on several times - from both cars. On lap 33 after pitting I ran wide but did not come back on track and impede apex. I did give him some minor touches during lap 33 but on each occasion you can see and hear me get off the throttle to address. If mic's were allowed you would also have heard me say sorry for those bumps. I was braking and accelerating at my normal points so certainly not meaning to have contact but guessing your tyres were shot so you were braking earlier. I did back off a little after those few taps after as the replay shows. On lap 39 I came off with apex 3 corners behind. I got wheel spin when rejoining and whilst I did not take the apex, I did actually go closer to the apex of the second last corner than I thought - so sorry Apex - I meant to give you more room. However, on lap 40, after I overtook you under brakes mid lap, you clearly drove me off into the grass coming out of that corner. I don't think that was a fair thing to do but I get you were stressed and thought I may have had some vendetta against you. Apex I have had lots and lots of people bump me gently or even firmly - impacting my race. I don't think anyone ever means it. ROOZ takes huge efforts to ensure clean racing and if they find I did race unfairly they will deal with the issue. It is not for me to say anything about how you spoke. I too lost it last season during qualifying - but I felt very embarrassed afterwards and I certainly think twice now before saying anything to anyone else on here about their driving..
  4. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    Don't worry Beemer, you're still a superstar in my eyes :D
  5. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

    PSN ID
    Wow well done to every one tonight that navigated there way through 42 laps of ascari .. wish we could do it again so I could get my tyre choice a little better at the start..any ways this has been my first incident of that terrible ps3 gremlinwtf called lag ..I apologize man because we had an incident down back straight that was out of the twilight..I apologize if I thought u were in the wrong . what wowa race and sorry to everyone also at the start brybryanyand etc if my lag was the issue ..I will do my best to get it back to a good working order
    Hatfield and JonoStan96 like this.
  6. Apex_64

    Apex_64 Professional

    PSN ID

    I apologise for my language but not the content. I did not lable any individual besides Bmw, the phrase you quoted Bob was directed “clearly” at the club not “all individuals" in the room .
    I did not know it was Lets Party behind me and was bewildered how bryan rose from the dead as I had passed him easily and put a gap between us and had been extending that gap, until encountering Bmw, I even extended the gap each time after Bmw interfered with me.
    I didnt know it was Lets Party behind me because he never showed on my top 8 list. Was it a fun fact Bob that Party was the one pressuring me? Possibly your enjoyment exposes your bias?
    I lost it because of my own over driving under pressure yes, but i knew (or thought bryan as he was 4th on my list) who was behind me had me covered and I needed to speed up, still very bewildered how bryan had done his recovery though, which actually he hadn’t.
    I would never have been in that pressure situation at the end if not for,
    1st incident lap 32 when Bmw had come off track (where it seems he visits quite often) and re entered on the driving line (minor but cost me as I hesitate, watch replay),
    Lap 33, Bmw rams me (what is he doing he is a lap down I am thinking!) this ram was as I was balancing and about to hit gas exiting the first left after chicane (major time loss) then cuts my line from right corner before cutting until exit onto long straight (Another 1 to 2 seconds) . Bmw then moves ahead no longer 1 LAP BEHIND ME BUT STILL LAST. (I think again why did he do it, he is a lap down), but atleast i am still very safe in 3rd.
    Lap 39 before continual right into straight where speed is built up, Bmw obviously had been off track again sauntered back on track at his second attempt directly on a very tight driving line. With worn tyres on lap 39, I spot him as i exit the left before the continual right, I have to slow, go off track to avoid Bmw, and I lost another 3-4 seconds.
    I have messages from many more than one in the race who have said I was impeded from finishing third.
    Watch replay and actually see how much time BMw 1 lap down cost me in the race, driving with unfair tactics.
    Delusion and ridicule is rife here, l qoute a post, directed at myself and Lets party. How are slower drivers than me (anonymous) setting faster times? Ummm reality answer, because they are faster.
  7. B-Spec Bob

    B-Spec Bob Team Driver

    PSN ID
  8. JonoStan96

    JonoStan96 Legend Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    JonoStan96 (J.Stankowski)
    I think it's time to play dodgeball... :)
    seth123 likes this.
  9. Crunch

    Crunch Professional

    PSN ID
    Qualifying: Last (who cares which position specifically; last is last)

    I had zero practice again, as per every race this entire season except Sierra but that didn't go ahead so I've technically had zero races with any practice. I thought my lap was decent in the circumstances.

    Race: Last (who cares which position specifically; last is last)

    In the space of six corners, I went from last to 4th position. Among the doom and gloom, if anyone wants to see something really sweet, watch my car off the grid for half a minute. It's worth it, I swear.

    Naturally, I started plummeting after that just because I didn't have the intimate knowledge needed if you want to do well in a division 1 race.

    Stuffed up my tyres because I did no pre-race research and thought I could go 20 laps with a full tank of fuel.
    I remember having some decent battles, but I can barely remember them or who they were with because there were so many changes of position. I'd have a better time remembering if I was up the front. I had a good race though with only two real driving errors the entire race.


    Finally, without sounding pretentious, I think this is a nice time to draw attention to my quote recorded in my signature:

    'Make sure you actually are able to put in an amazing performance before trying to fix the etiquette of other drivers.' - Crunch, 26.5.14

    Just to encapsulate some points surrounding this quote:
    1. Some people take league racing very seriously. Some people take league racing not so serious and take it really chilled out. There's always a problem when these different types of drivers are in the same race. These are two competing origins of entertainment and fun when it comes to league racing. When taken as absolutes, these traits do not cross over much.
    2. If you practice, potentially for hours on end, there is nothing worse than having your race compromised by someone who is less prepared (NB: not in relation to pace or skill). The more you practice before a race, the higher the sense of entitlement you feel relative to other drivers.
    3. It flows from point 2 that people who practice expect others to conform to an expected standard of racing etiquette, without which, races devolve into a mud slinging contest instead of a test of proper speed.
    4. Conversely, those who are not able to pull off an amazing performance have no right of anger, as they are contributing to a lower expected standard of racing etiquette by simply turning up.

    So basically, I'm saying that Division1 is expected to be the highest quality standard, and this most certainly attracts the fastest and most dedicated drivers.


    I also don't want the above to be construed as 'sticking up' for anybody either. I just think this is a useful reminder for everyone. You can only control your own performances and behaviour. A single person diverting from the expected minimum standard of...



    and Skill

    ...creates friction to differing degrees. This applies to me equally. I need to raise my game if I'm to demonstrate how much I value a place in Div1.


    incey, REVO_Bryan and Hatfield like this.
  10. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Race and lap times anybody??
  11. its-benny-racer

    its-benny-racer Professional Gold Member

    It's an unfortunate reality that with much thinner numbers, the difference in pace between the front and back of Div 1 is broad, nothing we can do about that unless we only want 5 or 6 people showing up.

    But, as soon as someone starts abusing another member, the issue immediately stops being about what happened on the track, and starts being about the RaceOnOz club, it's integrity and reputation.

    To me it's about always respecting the club, caring more about ROOZ than I do about my own race. That doesn't mean that I don't want to get good results, it means that if and when I do get good results, it will be representing an organisation that has a proud reputation among online racing communities.
  12. BMWF30328

    BMWF30328 Rookie

    Apex, I take exception to you saying I rammed you. What confuses me the most about your comments is what sort of logic you are applying to believe I had some desire to "ram" you or "interfere" with "your" race. It was everyone's race, Ramming you slows me down too and interfering with you serves no purpose when I am not racing with you for position...The real racing world is littered with scenario's where cars on different strategies actually do unlap themselves when they have a faster car under them - and my car was clearly faster at the time of these incidents. I was not on the racing line out of the turn 2 hairpin (on lap 33) and I saw and heard no throttle lift when watching the replays in your car several times). If you watch the race from my car you will see me braking consistently and fractionally later than you because I was not expecting you to brake as early as you car has the same limits as yours. From my car you will also see the delayed throttle application each time I "rammed you" to ensure I did not disadvantage you after the contact. Again, in the real racing world rear bumper contact happens under braking, mid-corner or out of corners. As you yourself admitted, you had gone off track yourself by over driving - but iI don't understand how you can't extend that same logic to others in the race who may also go off track. My GT6 ID is not "perfect driver" for a reason. I am no fan of this seasons car and this is one of the reasons - it is not a precise instrument and certainly no "track" car, so making immediate, precise inputs to avoid others is not easy. I apologised on this forum for being closer to the apex on lap 39 than I thought - but apart from that, I did nothing wrong accept try to make my different strategy work by driving as hard and fairly as I could. i hold no ill will towards you but I hope you can watch the replay a few times and perhaps consider other perspectives besides the one you currently have on what happened and why.
  13. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    race results?
  14. KoAStR

    KoAStR Like a bowss Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Ok anything further on disputes please take it to a private conversation.
    Add a mod to the convo if you wish.
  15. REVO_Bryan

    REVO_Bryan Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    I'm not going to lie, in nearly two years of league racing here, I've never felt as depressed as I did after the race last night.
    seth123 and JonoStan96 like this.
  16. lets_party-1611

    lets_party-1611 Rookie

    PSN ID
    good morning div 1 racers , last night was a night to forgot im sure ... reading over these last few pages of posts there are some very smart and talented people that care very much for others and are courteous polite well mannered and are extremely considerate to all other rooz drivers and members of raceonoz when we all communicate on this forum and during race lobbies and the one thing that brings us all together is that we want to go racing because we all love it so much and get so much enjoyment from it ... im very new to online racing so don't know all the flaws and faults that gt6 has that need to be fixed..from what I have noticed so far that it is so bad that how u all have stayed with it and still got a great bunch of men and incredible people who started the series and turn up day after day year after year and have us all come together and go racing..all of u have seen the glithes and the issues with the game with online racing and it is a credit too u that u continue on every week are are able to look past the faults in the game and continue on and enjoy racing each other ..I again apoligise for my connection problems as it seemed fine in qualifying but once the race had begun the evil problems started.. apoligises to wtx man and motorsport in any way we had any issues in the race we are all good here and in no way was there any racing issues ..what happened down the back straight if u watch the replay is the weirdest thing I have ever seen on the game that every one has had a good sleep and time to reflect on last nights race I hope that we as adults and men and also an amazing bunch of guys can all come together and make peace with one and other and move forward to the next round and understand that at the heat of battle on the track that we do silly things at the time that we wish we could take back but yes we are only human and we all make mistakes but also too we are playing a racing game connected through the internet to race 12 other racers all around Australia at the same time how awesome is that u could never do that years ago now u can that future can only get better online racing and this series as problems will get fixed and connection issues , lag and etc will get better , but we still must all come together as a group and be kind and considerate of each of on and off the track in racing and in speaking to one and other because yes at the end of the day its just a video game and people think im crazy for how much time I spend on it and ask me what am I doing with my life and some days I think I need help and should get out and enjoy the world but u know what I love racing and competition and online racing and I will continue to look forward to some great racing and new games ...please guys div 1 u have 2 amazing guys who put there life into this series and don't even race in our div that have had to hear about our room last night and issues...lets now come together for our next round and put in an upstanding effort in and bring this div 1 back to its name and why we are in it each other respect on and off the track ..lets really have our best round to show why we all love every sunday and want to race..sorry every one for the long message it just makes me sad when I see whats happened and to the owners of raceonoz of what work and effort they have put into it for not 1 dollar and years into the club this is how we are towards one and other on and off the track..
  17. warrior2167

    warrior2167 Professional Super ROOZ

    PSN ID
    Pole: Bob (2:09.420)
    11th natman Lap 30 (2:11.488)
    12th holdenman Lap 8 (2:12.898)
    emmo46 likes this.
  18. X-WTF_MAN-X

    X-WTF_MAN-X Team Driver

    PSN ID
    no worries mate, lag is lag, sometimes you just cant help it, I also owe an apology to @holdenman05 sorry for the contact we had mate, was entirely my fault, out braked myself into second to last turn and went off the track, not realising how fast I was going I thought I could get back on track but stay off line so I wouldn't come back on in front of you but I unfortunately came back on right in front of you and there was nowhere you could go and you hit me and went off, im deeply sorry again mate :(
  19. Hatfield

    Hatfield GT7 League & Teams Championship Organiser Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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  20. emmo46

    emmo46 Steward Team Raceonoz Gold Member Super ROOZ

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    Yeah, I gathered that from the various discussions.
    Crunch likes this.